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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I just finished season 1 of Arrow which I decided to watch mostly because of Manu Bennett aka Crixus, it's a typical CW show with models playing every part and they are all wealthy yet so conflicted, it had ok action but I don't see what all the fuss is about.

It's awful. The main guy is the absolute pits, terrible actor. I think I once called him 'Chris O'Donnell with guyliner', but I retract that. He's even worse than Chris O'Donnell.


Bellend Steve loves it, though.


I don't really know if there is "a fuss" about it other than from me. I do love it though, 2 episodes into season 2 and all my love for it is coming back.

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The old bloke and his wife, the gay couple and the posh couple are the stand-out stars of the show. That posh bloke just being constantly hammered is a highlight.


Definitely agree with this. The whole show could just be those three and I'd be happy. I loved when the old couple were reminiscing about their trip to Paris. 'You had your purse robbed.'

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I'm not trying to be inflammatory but to me a programme of ordinary people watching TV sounds like the shittest thing ever.

You'd think, but there's true gems in there.


The posh fellas complete ruining of Downton as some lass was wearing a black dress with long black gloves that made her look like a thalidomide victim was sheer quality.


Hearing their political views and deconstructions of party political broadcasts and news segments is also great.


Watching a fat black bird drinking whatever she's drinking constantly out of a pot noodle pot is also great TV. There's strangely some great characters in it, with some great little moments of genuine comedy.


I loved it when they were watching the Stephen Fry show on gays getting executed in Africa, and the most burly fella on the show started to shed tears, completely breaking his own stereotype. Some lovely moments as I say

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Anybody catch Peaky Blinders? Thought it was great and has serious potential. All up on iplayer at the moment


Yeah loved it! I've only caught eps 1-4 thus far, got the rest to catch up on i-player but amazingly good stuff and subterfuge and criminality. A better version of Ripper Street (which isnt bad either and more focused the other way).

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just think the series certainly needed someone better/stronger than the bloke who plays Rick.


You take that back!


I'd like to, considering how much time I've invested in it after just finishing Season 3.

I don't think Andrew Lincoln's the problem. He's not great, but the reason that The Walking Dead is so bad is the terrible writing.

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