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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Anyone watched Family Tree? Christopher Guest-created sitcom starring Chris O'Dowd. Terrible concept (man goes through inherited old box of stuff to try and piece together family history) and it's all quite bad.


Saw a trailer for this last night. Is it a similar sort of tone to Guests other stuff ( Waiting For Guffman and Best In Show)?

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Parks and recreation season 3 confirmed for BBC4


been discussed in this thread often enough so at least it's confirmed. early 2014 till it starts though

It comes out on DVD next Monday. What is the point of waiting until 2014 to show it on TV?

Bit of a daft point. Bit like saying why watch movies on TV when you can buy them? Same answer- because he doesn't want to spend money on paying for them on DVD and instead watch them for free (albeit with a TV license fee).

Edited by PunkStep
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Anyone watch Count Arthur Strong?


It wasn't great but it had some nice moments and I'd watch it again.


I reckon it'll get stronger as the series progressed.


The last radio series of Count Arthur Strong happened to be on when I was driving back from work, and for the first episode or two I was "what the fuck is this?" but it really grows on you. He's a cracking character. By the end of this episode I was laughing out loud so I'm going to stick with it.

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Has anyone watched Rectify? aired in the US between April-May this year and is The Sundance Channel's first original series. Breezed through the whole season (only 6 episodes) in the last week or so, absolutely mesmerizing. Best show i've watched all year and thankfully a second season will air in 2014.

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Just watched the first episode of Luther on Netflix. Pretty enjoyable stuff, Idris Elba is great in it. Heard so much about it so thought I'd see what the fuss is about. Hopefully I can catch up in time to watch the rest of Series 3 on regular telly.

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I got to 'Luther' late & whilst I thought everything came to him a bit easy in the first series Idris Elba kept me watching. The second series was an improvement once all the characters had been established & the current episodes have been decent enough. It's better than most terrestrial fare.

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You have form for hating on Justified, Astro.


I haven't seen any season 4, but 3 was wonderful.


Astro is right, it probably isn't the best, but its not far off.


I'm approaching the end of series 4 now, and whilst it's probably not as good as s2, it's been excellent. The Drew Thompson storyline had a nice twist in it, and we're slowly moving closer and closer to the Kaiser Soze character that's been in the background the whole 4 series, Theo Tonin, the mob boss of Detroit.


The best thing about this season has been all the Boyd Crowder action. He's been the absolute King of Cool.

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Luther is great. It's ridiculous in the same way as Braquo is ridiculous (and The Shield could be at times), but I love it nonetheless. Stringer Bell is one of those actors I could probably watch reading a phone book, I'd probably even sit through a full scene of one of those Family Affairs episodes he was in. That woman who's trying to bring him down is one of the most loathsome characters on TV at the minute too, following in a distinguished line of absolute cunts who work for IA after Forrest Whittaker in The Shield and Vogele in Braquo.

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Has anyone watched Rectify? aired in the US between April-May this year and is The Sundance Channel's first original series. Breezed through the whole season (only 6 episodes) in the last week or so, absolutely mesmerizing. Best show i've watched all year and thankfully a second season will air in 2014.


Indeed, rather good show. It's incredibly slow but as you said has this wonderful feel to it - mesmerizing is a good word to describe it. Everything is rather low key and they mostly err away from the obvious ways the storyline could go. But amazing performances, wonderfully shot and a great deal of depth to it's allusions and themes (the Christ stuff is very well done without being overzealous - I particularly liked the little subplot with the guy who played Dan Dority which seemed to be vaguely linked to the story of the temptation Christ in the desert)

Speaking of Deadwood, it's written (and often directed) by Ray McKinnon who played the reverend in Deadwood. Does seem like he used his connections to get a few actors involved!

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So I have just finished watching all of The Shield, took me about a month i guess to work my way through it.


Bloody good show, with some insane levels of upping the danger for it's central characters. There are loads of those great moments (like you got in The Wire) where you go "well that's fucked then - he has to die now" and yet somehow (and generally quite believably) they get past it and move on to a new danger.


Vic Mackey is one of the best arsehole characters I have ever seen on TV and not in a "Dr House" amusing arsehole way, but in a "this bloke is a total cunt" kind of way. Yet... you love him. Well, I did anyway, maybe that says more about me.


Without any spoilers the last episode is heart-breaking and shocking. Fucking great TV and I'm sad it's over. I want more Walton Goggins in everything!


I did The Wire before that, and I think I am on to Homicide: Life On The Street next.


It's all bloody downhill form The Wire though! Blah.

Edited by Dirty Eddie
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Anyone else watching The Returned on C4? Has been very good so far. It has some very Lost-esque 'mysteries' to make you think about, which is definately a positive. Its probably the first show since Lost where I actually think about certain things/mysteries from the show at random times, even when not watching it. Good stuff.

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Vic Mackey is one of the best arsehole characters I have ever seen on TV and not in a "Dr House" amusing arsehole way, but in a "this bloke is a total cunt" kind of way. Yet... you love him. Well, I did anyway, maybe that says more about me.


I found myself rooting for him the whole time. Yes, hes a total cunt, but its all about bringing down the badguys at any cost. And the way that LA is sort of used as an extra character who corrupts Vic is very well done. You get the feeling that he would have been a by-the-book kind of cop when he was in Boston (which i know isn't ever mentioned in the show, but Michael Chiklis is the most Boston-ised man in the world, even moreso than Mark Walberg), but once he came to LA is changed him. take down the drug-dealers, gang-bangers and child molesters, but if you can SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

steal millions from the Armenian Mob at the same time

, wouldn't you?

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