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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Been blasting my way through the first two series of Breaking Bad. It's certainly living up to the hype it's given, very good so far. Just been introduced to a character called Saul Goodman. Well, he's quickly become my favourite thing on TV! Proper GTA-style character.

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Been blasting my way through the first two series of Breaking Bad. It's certainly living up to the hype it's given, very good so far. Just been introduced to a character called Saul Goodman. Well, he's quickly become my favourite thing on TV! Proper GTA-style character.


Only got into Breaking Bad this year but it really is one of the finest things I have ever seen on television. And yes, Saul Goodman is fantastic. Not sure if it's official but there was talk of him getting a spin-off show called Better Call Saul when Breaking Bad finishes up later this year.

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Yeah I just saw that pop up while I was, errr, looking for a pic for my sig. Based on what I've seen so far I'd definitely watch it, with the same writers they can surely come up with some brilliant criminals for him to represent.

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Don't think so, I remember reading the ratings were really low and they weren't interested in any more. It's available on Netflix and the usual places though.


Unless you've seen something I haven't and to be fair this link is almost a month old I read that it's actually doing ok and they were trying to get series 3-5.


Parks and Rec news at the bottom

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Don't think so, I remember reading the ratings were really low and they weren't interested in any more. It's available on Netflix and the usual places though.


Unless you've seen something I haven't and to be fair this link is almost a month old I read that it's actually doing ok and they were trying to get series 3-5.


Parks and Rec news at the bottom


Thanks for that link, fingers are now crossed that they'll keep it on.

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Just couldn't get into Parks and Rec, watched the first half dozen episodes and have now cancelled the series record.It was... ok. And there's just so many other things to watch that are great.

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Parks is great, you should go back to it, it takes a bit of time for the characters to develop, I'm on Season 4 now, April and Ron are the stars by far, of which, did I mention I saw a Ron Swanson lookalikey in the pub -

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Anyone catch The Returned last night? I thought it was an absolutely brilliant opening episode...very creepy, wonderfully shot and acted, shocking in parts with a liberal smattering of Mogwai on the soundtrack. Felt like a moodier, darker (literally, it

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Anyone catch The Returned last night? I thought it was an absolutely brilliant opening episode...very creepy, wonderfully shot and acted, shocking in parts with a liberal smattering of Mogwai on the soundtrack. Felt like a moodier, darker (literally, it

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