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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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And the great thing is Keith, you can just start again immediately from the beginning. It has the most rewatchability of any show I know because the writing is so intricate, they're foreshadowing jokes in the 3rd series from the start of the 1st, and also because of the sheer number of jokes / pace of the show there's so much going on that you won't have even noticed the first time around because you were busy laughing.

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must admit, it was someone on here talking of Arrested Development that got me into the show so thanks for that, absolutely love it.


Have to agree with Chest's points as well, really is just a wonderfully produced piece of television.

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Downloading season 1 of Arrested Development now. I'm not sure how many times I can come on here to people raving about it, only to never get round to watching it.

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In the last week I have watched almost a hundred episodes of News Radio (all off the back of someone on here mentioning Stephen Root being in Star Trek). It's a little patchy, sure.. but it's amazing at times. Phil Hartman was so great, all the best stuff in the show is him. Particularly the chemistry between him and Dave. That said, I've passed the point when he died now and Jon Lovitz came in to replace him and I'm still watching, so it's apparently still doing enough right.



..which leads me to the fact that I just saw an advert on telly for a sitcom with Dave and Kevin "Drama" Dillon in it called How to be a Gentleman. It has got terrible reviews, but I've downloaded it, so I'll let y'all know how that goes.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Downloading season 1 of Arrested Development now. I'm not sure how many times I can come on here to people raving about it, only to never get round to watching it.

It was the constant praise it gets on here, especially from Chest, Woy and JLM, that finally got me around to watching it. So glad I did, it really is the best.

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Chest, I gave News Radio a go (found it running endlessly on a Sky channel somewhere), but couldn't get past the first few episodes. I was able to see how once it might have been top shit, but the whole thing just felt too dated and hackneyed by today's standards. Fucking tremendous pilot too, which was why I was so disappointed with the next 6/10 episodes. I'm normally pretty patient with shows but I just thought I'd never get there with this one. Is it worth me trying again?

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It's hard to say, because it's one of those shows I watched a lot of at the time - going back to it is obviously a bit different than starting with a show fresh long after its prime.


It's a pretty standard sitcom format, nothing groundbreaking. Fairly formulaic a lot of the times in the plot devices it uses, and often pretty absurd. But I really like the fact that it's just these few characters, and 99% of the show just takes place in the office - the thing I really enjoy about it is the characters and their chemistry with one another. That's where the humour is for me. Like I said - the dynamic between Dave and Phil is just brilliant.


So yeah - I'm not going to tell you to expect to be blown away by it, but the thing that always comes hardest (especially in US sitcoms) is the characters finding their voice and getting a bit of chemistry, so in that respect it absolutely does get a lot better if you give it some time.


In summary, that "hackneyed and dated by today's standards" is a fair assessment in a lot of ways, but if you can get over that it's a lot better that it first appears and a lot better than many other sitcoms of its time that it would be easy to compare it to.





..which leads me to the fact that I just saw an advert on telly for a sitcom with Dave and Kevin "Drama" Dillon in it called How to be a Gentleman. It has got terrible reviews, but I've downloaded it, so I'll let y'all know how that goes.


Watched an epsiode. It appears to be fairly terrible.. as in, I couldn't even watch the whole episode because it was so formulaic. Dave Foley managed to raise a smile when he was on though, so I'm going to skip ahead to a later episode and see if it gets any better.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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NewsRadio was one of the sitcoms I watched every night on the Paramount Channel I think, and I never liked it as much as the other stuff on there. Did it start on TV here not long after Phil Hartman's death? I don't remember much of it now, other than not liking Dave Foley's face and loving Maura Tierney. Was Joe Rogan's character basically Joey from Friends?

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