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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Wasn't it the same story with Razor Ramon - Hall's outright copying Scarface, and Vince thinks it's so creative and the best thing since sliced bread. Imagine he didn't "get it" - I'd like to think Hall would have got a run, but I don't think he'd have attained the same status.

Hall was down to do a soldier gimmick until he started the Scarface impression, wasn't he?


What did everyone think of Paul Burchill's run in WWE? I thought the Pirate gimmick was decent for what it was and whoever came up with the incest idea with Katie Lea(Probably Vince) was exceptionally stupid.

Well the incest idea never actually made it to TV anyway. But it was more interesting than anything he actually did, apart from the pirate thing.


Defo could have done more with him.

Not really. He was terrible. Like Vamp says, he was lucky that he got that (very short) pirate run. He had nothing else to offer.

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I've heard him say that McMahon was very interested in him doing a military gimmick because his dad was army, and it was the Scarface impression that got him out of it.

Yep thats true. I remember laughing that Vince used the wrestler's father's profession as a jumping off point for their character. An almost guaranteed recipe for shite.

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Did we do Review-A-Mania last year? I have a feeling it was attempted but too soon after the Rumble one to really float. Doing it in plenty of time for a good run up at WM-30 would be great, and I'd imagine 29 people would throw their names in and be happy with whatever show they got, good or bad. Shit idea, or not? The Rumble thread really was topper.

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  • Awards Moderator
Did we do Review-A-Mania last year? I have a feeling it was attempted but too soon after the Rumble one to really float. Doing it in plenty of time for a good run up at WM-30 would be great, and I'd imagine 29 people would throw their names in and be happy with whatever show they got, good or bad. Shit idea, or not? The Rumble thread really was topper.


I may be making this up, but I think the idea of reviewing an entire three/four hour show was potentially a bit much for some people; or, possibly, a bit difficult to find if you don't have the DVD/do torrents. I don't know whether alternatives like picking the main event or anything like that was suggested instead. I think it'd be a great idea, I liked the review threads.


Last year we had the Rumble thread, which really, really was topper. I started a Triple H one in response to Bret Hart saying he'd never had a great match, we got some great reviews out of that, like ShortOrderCook's WrestleMania XXVII Undertaker vs. Triple H.


Then there was one for the Streak, but I don't think that one got very far... I'd welcome a 'Mania-themed one, provided I have access to the full show if that's what I'll be reviewing!


The Rumble Reviews thread is my pick for Thread of the Year.

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I was thinking of doing one for Survivors Series, based just on Survivors matches as I thought the format might lend itself as well to that as it did the Rumbles and not have people having to review 3-4 hour long shows which might be a bit of a chore and a slog to read. But I didn't because I wouldn't have been able to dedicate the time to it and I wasn't arsed about the Series in general.


Be good to do something like that for the big 3 ZERO though, I want loads of shit getting me in the right mood for it. I reckon do it in the same vein as the WrestleMania magazines that used to come out. They talked about the whole show, but only really the stand out matches in depth. Like the title match and the match that was the show stealer or had some real significance. I loved those badboys, spending the Saturday before WrestleMania X7 reading one had my balls tingling for the big dance a right gooden.

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  • Awards Moderator
I was thinking of doing one for Survivors Series, based just on Survivors matches as I thought the format might lend itself as well to that as it did the Rumbles and not have people having to review 3-4 hour long shows which might be a bit of a chore and a slog to read. But I didn't because I wouldn't have been able to dedicate the time to it and I wasn't arsed about the Series in general.


Be good to do something like that for the big 3 ZERO though, I want loads of shit getting me in the right mood for it. I reckon do it in the same vein as the WrestleMania magazines that used to come out. They talked about the whole show, but only really the stand out matches in depth. Like the title match and the match that was the show stealer or had some real significance. I loved those badboys, spending the Saturday before WrestleMania X7 reading one had my balls tingling for the big dance a right gooden.


I like that idea. I had the equivalent magazine for X-8 and it did a spectacular job. Kept to two pages per 'Mania as well, so you got the flavour of the thing without it going into masses of detail, with the full results as a sidebar. I think that could work, if reviewers have the willpower to resist going on at length about each aspect of the show.

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I've always loved the angle were

. Before it all kicked off, Vader was "indefinately suspended" by Monsoon. What was the storyline reason as to how he got himself back in the WWF? Cheers!


P.S. Check out ref Jack Doan taking that powerbomb. Doesn't move in the slightest. I'm sure I read he was legit seriously injured from it. Was that true? Cheers again!

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I've always loved the angle were
. Before it all kicked off, Vader was "indefinately suspended" by Monsoon. What was the storyline reason as to how he got himself back in the WWF? Cheers!


P.S. Check out ref Jack Doan taking that powerbomb. Doesn't move in the slightest. I'm sure I read he was legit seriously injured from it. Was that true? Cheers again!


Clarence Mason, Jim Cornette's storyline lawyer who would later go on to steal Owen hart and The British Bulldog from him. I believe the storyline excuse was something along the lines of Monsoon instigated the situation, by putting his hands on Vader first.

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