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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Ooh, great stuff there. I've always fancied watching the feud in its entirety but wasn't really up for 60 hours of full shows.



here is feud in all its gory enjoy.


DISC # 1

01. Mad Man Pondo & Necro Butcher vs. Matt Turner & Anthony Franco (19/02/2005 - CHIKARA)

02. Necro Buttcher vs. Samoa Joe (11/06/2005 - IWA-MS)

03. Chris Hero Promo (10/12/2005 - CZW)

04. Necro Butcher vs. Samoa Joe (12/01/2006 - IWA-MS)

DISC # 2

01. Bryan Danielson invades CZW (14/01/2006 - CZW)

02. Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Hero (14/01/2006 - ROH)

03. Chris Hero & Necro Butcher invade ROH (27/01/2006 - ROH)

04. Jim Cornette Promo (27/01/2006 - ROH)

05. Jim Cornette Promo (28/01/2006 - ROH)

06. CP Munk & Colt Cabunny vs. Matt Turner & Anthony Franco (24/02/2006)

DISC # 3

01. John Zandig Promo (11/03/2006 - CZW)

02. Blackout Promo (11/03/2006 - CZW)

03. Chris Hero Promo (11/03/2006 - CZW)

04. Generation Next vs. Blackout (11/03/2006 - CZW)

05. BJ Whitmer calls out Necro Butcher (11/03/2006 - ROH)

06. CZW takes over ROH show (11/03/2006 - ROH)

07. Chris Hero vs. Adam Pearce (11/03/2006 - ROH)

DISC # 4

01. Chris Hero Promo (30/03/2006 - ROH)

02. Jim Cornette Promo (31/03/2006 - ROH)

03. Necro Butcher / Adam Pearce (31/03/2006 - ROH)

04. CZW invades ROH (01/04/2006 - ROH)

05. Necro Butcher & Super Dragon vs. Kevin Steen & BJ Whitmer (15/04/2006 - CZW)

06. The Debate (22/04/2006 - ROH)

07. Samoa Joe & Adam Pearce & BJ Whitmer vs. Chris Hero & Necro Butcher & Super Dragon (22/04/2006 - ROH)

DISC # 5

01. Anything Goes Match: Adam Pearce & BJ Whitmer & Colt Cabana & Ace Steel vs. Super Dragon & Claudio Castagnoli & Necro Butcher & Nate Webb (28/04/2006 - ROH)

02. Jim Cornette Promo (28/04/2006 - ROH)

03. Samoa Joe vs. Claudio Castagnoli (29/04/2006 - ROH)

04. BJ Whitmer vs. Super Dragon (29/04/2006 - ROH)

05. Adam Pearce & BJ Whitmer vs. Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli (12/05/2006 - ROH)

DISC # 6

01. John Zandig Promo (13/05/2006 - CZW)

02. Generation Next Promo (13/05/2006 - CZW)

03. Claudio Castagnoli Promo (13/05/2006 - CZW)

04. Christopher Daniels Promo (13/05/2006 - CZW)

05. BJ Whitmer Promo (13/05/2006 - CZW)

06. Austin Aries vs. B-Boy vs. Jigsaw (13/05/2006 - CZW)

07. Roderick Strong vs. Jay Lethal vs. Claudio Castagnoli (13/05/2006 - CZW)

08. Matt Sydal vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Sabian (13/05/2006 - CZW)

09. Christopher Daniels vs. Derek Frazier vs. Ruckus (13/05/2006 - CZW)

DISC # 7

01. Austin Aries vs. B-Boy (13/05/2006 - CZW)

02. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Roderick Strong (13/05/2006 - CZW)

03. Matt Sydal vs. Sabian (13/05/2006 - CZW)

04. Christopher Daniels vs. Ruckus (13/05/2006 - CZW)

05. Julius Smokes Promo (13/05/2006 - ROH)

06. Samoa Joe vs. Necro Butcher (13/05/2006 - ROH)

DISC # 8

01. Message Sent (17/06/2006 - ROH)

02. Adam Pearce vs. Claudio Castagnoli (17/06/2006 - ROH)

03. Homicide vs. Chris Hero (17/06/2006 - ROH)

04. Adam Pearce vs. Necro Butcher (23/06/2006 - ROH)

05. BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce & Ace Steel vs. Necro Butcher & Claudio Castagnoli & Nate Webb (24/06/2006 - ROH)

DISC # 9

01. Adam Pearce Promo (15/07/2006 - ROH)

02. Jim Cornette Promo (15/07/2006 - ROH)

03. Ace Steele Promo (15/07/2006 - ROH)

04. Cage Of Death: Samoa Joe & Adam Pearce & BJ Whitmer & Ace Steel & Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Hero & Necro Butcher & Nate Webb & Claudio Castagnoli & Eddie Kingston (15/07/2006 - ROH)

DISC # 10

01. No Rope Barbed Wire Match: BJ Whitmer vs. Necro Butcher (28/07/2006 - ROH)

02. Chris Hero’s Live Journal (04/07/2006)



hope this helps out




Edited by wooly
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The original plan (as of WrestleMania XV) was to do Austin vs Big Show as the main event of WrestleMania 2000. Anyone know when that was taken off the table?

Must have been the Raw after that "St. Valentine's Massacre" PPV in 1999 when Show debuted.


Didn't Show do a complete, clean as a whistle job to Austin there?

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Would you suggest I carry on watching into 2000 or watch another year? I know we had some great moments like the hardcore 24/7 rule and Rock leading on to his road to Wrestlemania, Steve Austin returning and Tazz among others or should I move onto 1997? Im in two minds whether to jump back to 1997 and relive the Austin/Bret feud right from the start but then I would probably have to watch from October 1996 time but being in the middle of HBK's Title run maybe I should just start from 1996.

What would you suggest?


I would suggest 1997, a fantastic year full of contrast. I have pondered whether it's worth starting in 1995 and see where the seeds of attitude were planted, especially as Raw was only an hour long back then.

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The original plan (as of WrestleMania XV) was to do Austin vs Big Show as the main event of WrestleMania 2000. Anyone know when that was taken off the table?

Must have been the Raw after that "St. Valentine's Massacre" PPV in 1999 when Show debuted.


Didn't Show do a complete, clean as a whistle job to Austin there?


That match was on the Raw 6 days before WM15, after a one or two week build iirc.


The night after St. Valentine's Day Massacre Big Show interfered in the Mankind vs Rock match, chokeslamming Foley which eventually led to their match at WM15.

The shitty stipulation where the winner became the referee/enforcer for the main event was then added in the proceeding weeks.

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Been making my way through the Invasion episodes of Raw and Smackdown. During the whole DDP/Taker stalker angle, before it was revealed to be DDP, there was a segment where Taker was waiting for Shane in the car park. A WCW limo pulls up, Taker goes to see whose in it, and says something to the effect of "What are you doing here? You'll have to wait 'till another day to be famous", and the limo pulls away. Was it ever revealed who was in the limo? Its a pretty irrelevant angle, but it's intruiged me.

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Was The Rock always pencilled in to win the Royal Rumble 2000 match? Has anyone spoken to what the original plans were had Steve Austin not required neck surgery up to Wrestlemania?


I was always under the impression they were going to do Rock/Austin again with Austin turning heel on Rock but cause of the injury they held it off for a year.



Would you suggest I carry on watching into 2000 or watch another year? I know we had some great moments like the hardcore 24/7 rule and Rock leading on to his road to Wrestlemania, Steve Austin returning and Tazz among others or should I move onto 1997? Im in two minds whether to jump back to 1997 and relive the Austin/Bret feud right from the start but then I would probably have to watch from October 1996 time but being in the middle of HBK's Title run maybe I should just start from 1996.


What would you suggest?


I'd watch 2000, from about 2 weeks before the Rumble until Summerslam is the best WWF (or any company in my opinion) period ever, loads of fresh midcarders, Triple H and Rock having one of the great title feuds, Trish polishing a table, it had everything


Funny you should say about '99 going downhill after Summerslam, I've always found WWF/E goes a bit stale in the autumn

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There's still good stuff in the latter half of 99. It picks up at the end of the year with the McMahon/HHH fued and of course the Bossman/Big Show's Daddy fued. And you get the Terri Invitational Tournament (TIT oh ha fucking ha WWF).

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For any UFC fans, who was the bloke who came out to Toy Soldiers by Eminem? Haven't watched much UFC and remember this bloke but can't remember his name at all.


Paul Buentello, I think.




Better known for probably the most cringeworthy, dying on it's arse, post-fight catchphrase in MMA history;



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