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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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There's more to the story than that, though. It wasn't something that the World Wildlife Fund themselves were particularly fussed about, IIRC, but they had at the time an incredibly ambitious and litigious legal subdivision based in the US that decided to go after the WWF (rasslers) and make a name for themselves.


I remember reading a really in-depth look at the whole case, but for the life of me I can't remember where. Mainstream press though.

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Aye, they can't be that fussed. wwf.com just goes to some kind of search/holding page with a photo of Tamina doing Sheamus' new finisher to Natalya in a lumberjack match. Did the panda WWF ever even use that address to redirect to their site?

Edited by King Pitcos
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The website element of the argument was because the original deal made in 1994 was that the wildlife group wouldn't push the issue any further, but the wrestling group would do everything reasonable to keep its use of the initials to a minimum and wouldn't, for example, expand its international use. Going on to launch the website was seen as pretty much a perfect example of expanding its international use.


The key to the case is that the wildlife group only ever got a court order to say the wrestling group had to stick to the 1994 agreement that it voluntarily made -- the case was never about who "deserved" the initials in the first place.


IIRC, the case actually wound up in the European courts as an argument about legal principles, with the wrestling group saying "you can't hold us to this agreement, it restrains our legal rights to use our trademarks" and the court ruling "well tough shit, you shouldn't have signed it then."

Edited by JNLister
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From what I gather as well, according to RD Reynolds books. even in 2002 if the WWF had offered to pay the wildlife fund a decent donation yearly they would have let the whole thing go. But the WWF was too stubborn to just roll over and do so. No idea on the legitimacy of that story although it is worth noting the World Wildlife Fund wasnt even there main brand name at the time it was something more on the lines of the world wide fund for nature i think.


Quick question in relation to the above on WM 17 and editing out limpbizkit for royalty purposes. Do all WWE wrestler past get payments when a DVD sells with them on it, or is it only those that have agreed terms etc. And do undercard guys today sign anything like royalty waivers etc for the video market. I know they still get them for merch and figures etc

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A bit of a relative question here, but did Mick Foley have any good matches during his TNA run?


I can't remember if he did or not.


Fin Martin and other cunts slag it off but his match with Ric Flair was a hoot. Probably Flair's last great match unless he comes back to WWE and somebody unlocks a bloody miracle. It was a No Holds Barred deal on an Impact. Hard hitting, shitloads of blood, and some good panto thrown in too.

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