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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Evan Bourne - Suspended for 30 days on November 1, 2011

Evan Bourne - Suspended for 60 days on January 17, 2012


I'd have released him for getting another one so soon. What, 6 weeks back in action? Taking the piss.

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He should have been sacked after the first one, when he grassed up R-Truth and got him suspended as well. Dick move.


Edit. Fuck, already been said.


I've got nothing other than gossip to substantiate this, but I understand being a grass can be a route to a main event push. In his case he probably played that card to keep his job.

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When Mrs Loki and I were out and about on holiday, we ended up at a funfair, and I ended up telling her how the phrase "mark" came from how carny folk would literally "mark" a gullible public member with a spot of chalkdust or whatever so the other sideshow owners could pick them out and cheat them, basically.


Afterwards, I though "is that true, or did I just completely make that up?" I'm sure I read that on here, can someone like Lister confirm that story?


That's true. There are also stories of tramps leaving a mark on the gatepost of homes where they'd successfully asked for some food so that other tramps knew it was worth a knock.

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  • Paid Members
When Mrs Loki and I were out and about on holiday, we ended up at a funfair, and I ended up telling her how the phrase "mark" came from how carny folk would literally "mark" a gullible public member with a spot of chalkdust or whatever so the other sideshow owners could pick them out and cheat them, basically.


Afterwards, I though "is that true, or did I just completely make that up?" I'm sure I read that on here, can someone like Lister confirm that story?


That's true. There are also stories of tramps leaving a mark on the gatepost of homes where they'd successfully asked for some food so that other tramps knew it was worth a knock.

Magician Ben Earl has just this minute told the exact same chalk story on his show, Ben Earl: Trick Artist on Channel 4.

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When Mrs Loki and I were out and about on holiday, we ended up at a funfair, and I ended up telling her how the phrase "mark" came from how carny folk would literally "mark" a gullible public member with a spot of chalkdust or whatever so the other sideshow owners could pick them out and cheat them, basically.


Afterwards, I though "is that true, or did I just completely make that up?" I'm sure I read that on here, can someone like Lister confirm that story?


That's true. There are also stories of tramps leaving a mark on the gatepost of homes where they'd successfully asked for some food so that other tramps knew it was worth a knock.


Mad Men ran this in an episode from season 1. There were 3 marks they'd leave on the front: one to show honesty, one for good food and another for a liar.

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Does anyone on here remember a Wrestler from the late 80s/90s called Randy Rhodes?


I ask as i remember seeing him at a show in around 91/92 in Ilford promoted by WOW Wrestling(Peacock Gym)


I recall seeing him in the classic jobber role on shows like Primetime ect


I guess thats how they got away with claiming they had WWF stars on the card that night :laugh:


He wrestled a guy that was meant to be Battle Kat


He had a fantastic Blonde mullett and a tash that was grown for porn


The internet is not giving much info but what i can see is that he may have passed away due to Cancer



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ROH were doing PPV, and TNA wanted their talent only on TV/PPV through them, I think that was the crux of it. Same way TNA talent can't appear on other people's DVDs at the moment.


How has TNA suffered though? I can't see Jay Briscoe, Jay Lethal or Matt Hardy setting Impact's ratings on fire. In fact, if TNA wanted them, they'd be there rather than ROH.

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