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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Should I have heard anything about Dana Dameson?


I had never seen or heard of her until I watched the 'Glamour, Glitz, & Divas' documentary which compiles clips of various female wrestlers/valets.

In Dana Dameson's case she sits swinging on a chair looking stupid and proudly proclaims she had been training 3 times before her first match.

- "What were some of the things you learned in training?"

- "I learned to do a ... tilty twirl"

- "You mean a tilt-a-whirl?


So here's the info from her RF shoot interview:




RF Video had the chance to sit down with one of the more controversial diva's on the indy scene today for her exclusive RF Video shoot interview. We could only be talking about none other than Dana Dameson. This interview talks about her start in the business to her quick exit from the wrestling world. We talk about all of her ups and downs. Dana talks open about all the wrestling promotions that she has worked for and her various relationships inside the business. This is her first chance to tell her story. We talk about USA Pro, SSCW, JAPW, JCW and various other promotions that she had worked for. You will hear first hand on all of the infamous stories that you heard about on the internet as this time Dana gets to speak her side of the stories which she says is the truth. She talks all about the rumors going around about her relationships and the big confrontation with Homicide. As a added bonus for all of her fans that could not get enough of her at the live events, Dana does the concluding minutes of this inteview in a very revealing way!!!

lol, she doesn't look 18.


Indeed. Maybe Rob thought she was in drag and arranged for an 'interview'.

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Anyone know any (working) sites for downloading entrance music? Preferably Japanese, TNA, Indie and old stuff?


I've tried searching this place, but no luck. I know this has been asked before but all the sites I knew of have now died!


My Create-A-Wrestlers need their real music!!

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Only heard one thing about her and that was Homicide calling her a "fucking cunt" in his In The Ring DVD.


Any idea why he said that?

Dana Dameson Officially Out of the Wrestling Business


In a story that wasted no time hitting the infamous message boards, international superstar, The Notorious 187 Homicide, had an incident with indy diva/valet, Dana Dameson. I originally was not going to report this story, but since there are several versions out there already, here is what happened from an eye witness account.


Dana Dameson, who is not liked by AWA Management, showed up at the AWA show this past Thursday night, on 12/23, around the 7th match at 11:00 PM. AWA Management has had problems with Dana Dameson in the past, and instead of banning her from shows after previous incidents, they allowed her to continue to attend the AWA shows as long as she paid for her ticket. Also at the AWA show in attendance, but not in a wrestling capacity, were Homicide and his student and fellow wrestler, Deranged.


Homicide and Deranged have both had problems with Dana Dameson in the past. Dana and Deranged's heat has been well documented on various hotlines, as well as in Dana's live journal, where Dana has made racist comments about Deranged. From a somewhat inside look at the situation, it seems that Dana has been very mad and jealous that Deranged won't get involved with her romantically, after having relations earlier this year. Dana and Deranged had an incident at a past AWA show, on 7/16, when a girl who Dana assumed was sent by Deranged, attacked Dana outside the AWA arena after an AWA show. After getting hit in the head, Dana called the Union City Police, which caused numerous police officers to come to the AWA building, and bringing AWA unwanted attention. It should be noted that Mike Morgan, the AWA Promoter, had no knowledge of any of these incidents occurring beforehand, and it's a shame that these incidents seem to happen at AWA. Then again, AWA runs more shows than anyone else, increasing the probability of an incident happening there then any other show.


Dana also created problems between herself and Homicide, when it was made public that Dana Dameson said "Valentina had sex with her trainer." This comment, which was not a fact, and simply Dana talking ignorantly, affected Homicide's personal life. Dana did not realize that when she made this comment that it was going to affect Homicide, as Dana was trying to insult Valentina. Why Dana was trying to insult Valentina when Dana has never met Valentina is beyond me. No one knows why Dana decided to make that comment, except that it was just another way for Dana to get cheap internet heat.


Dana has also made several racist comments on hotlines and in her live journal, using the words "nigger" and "spic" frequently. She has since edited her live journal to take some of the racial slurs out. Dana claims she made all the comments in gimmick, but they were never done in a "Skinhead Ivan", "Bison Bravado" or "Rockin' Rebel" way. Dana pretty much lived the gimmick and many believe she's a racist. To compare, Skinhead Ivan, who does a white supremacist gimmick, doesn't have a live journal full of racial slurs like Dana does. Neither does Bison Bravado, who does a toned down racist gimmick in AWA, as well as Rockin Rebel who does a Confederate gimmick. Only Dana Dameson has filled her live journal and public website with racial slurs. That didn't sit well with Homicide nor Deranged, as well as alot of other people, who read Dana's writings. Dana's writings even got so bad here on the DOI, that we even had to stop putting up her columns, and that says alot, because the DOI is known to put up anything on the site, including Eric Simms columns!


This brings us to Thursday night. Dana Dameson walked into the AWA building, and walked right into the locker room, where Dana is not an invited guest. Look at it this way, if AWA makes Dana pay for every show she goes to, why would they want her in their locker room, especially after bringing cops to the building in the past? Once entering the locker room, Homicide saw Dana, and told Dana, "We need to talk." Dana immediately overreacted and shreiked. Dana went to run away from Homicide, instead of talking her problems out with him. Homicide, who has been insulted as a Puerto Rican from Dana's comments, as well as having his personal life affected because of Dana's comments, went to talk to Dana. Dana tried running out of the locker room and running out of the building, but as she ran, Dana had her jacket ripped accidentally by Homicide. Dana then raced down the stairs, while several people tried calming Homicide down, and trying to prevent Homicide from actually committing a homicide. Dana ran into her car, and out of fear, she sped off, but not before hitting a car and driving off. For someone who has called the cops numerous times, you think Dana wouldn't commit a hit and run offense in front of so many witnessess.


The incident, which was greatly exaggerated by people who didn't see it, was merely a grab at the jacket. Dana wasn't bleeding nor physically hurt at all. But a message was sent. 20 minutes after the incident between Homicide/Dana, 5 cops in 3 police cars came to the building. 2 of the cops were plain clothed. The cops were looking for Homicide, but Homicide already left the building to cool off. Mike Morgan also asked Homicide to leave in case anything happened, which was smart, considering Dana's hypocritical history. The cops, knowing Homicide wasn't there, decided to hit the streets and find him, but instead found Deranged. Dana who has had problems with Deranged in the past, gave the cops Deranged's name, as well as his real name. Deranged was arrested and taken to the Union City Police Department building, where Dana confirmed that he was involved in hitting her, which was a flat out lie. Seeing the incident go down, Dana Dameson was not touched by Deranged at all, and this was a way of Dana trying to extract revenge on Deranged for Deranged not wanting to have sex with her. It should be mentioned that Dana Dameson claims she has a boyfriend, which lets you know what character Dana possesses.


The cops, knowing that Deranged didn't do anything wrong, let Deranged go and told him he would be getting a court date soon. Knowing the situation and the people who witnessed it, nothing will happen to Deranged because he didn't do anything at all, except for having Dana desire his loins. Homicide has not been charged with anything, and most likely won't face any legal action. Remember that the whole incident occurred because Dana trespassed by going into the locker room. She also harrassed Deranged several times and has made many racist comments, then ventured into a heavily Puerto Rican populated area.


It is hard for anyone to defend Dana Dameson in this situation because she brought it upon herself. The thing that makes it even worse is that Dana called the cops, bringing the cops to the AWA arena for the second time this year. AWA puts on good quality shows and is a great place for kids to go to stay off the street. It's a fun environment, and anyone can have a good time from fans to wrestlers, to the young to the old. Don't let this incident make you think of the AWA any less, as the only incidents to occur at AWA is whenever Dana Dameson is involved. Dana is now officially banned from AWA which means there will be no more incidents at AWA shows. If you haven't checked out an AWA show, check one out when you get a chance. For more info on the next AWA show, keep checking the DOI, or at the AWA website at http://www.awanj1.com


Reactions to this incident have been the same throughout the indy scene.


JAPW Booker, Ray Sager, told the DOI that Dana Dameson will not be welcome at future JAPW shows as a fan or as a performer.


Frank Goodman, of USA Pro/UXW, who is the only promotion to have booked Dana Dameson recently, told the DOI that Dana will never be used again. Frank said "Dana was nothing but a disturbance from day one. The first day Dana got into the wrestling business at a USA pro show, she was giving sexual favors to Billy Reil, and wound up breaking up Billy Reil and Becky Bayless because of her whorish actions. Her actions are disgusting. She also gave away USA Pro storylines to Carmine Sabia, and tried making Carmine tell me what to do." Kathleen Goodman, Frank's wife, added, "She even made our son's nose bleed!"


Homicide on the incident, said, "Thank god the bitch is gone. She was nothing but a problem for wrestling."


Several wrestlers have expressed their disgust and hatred for Dana Dameson. While some are friends of Homicide, the general feeling is that Dana crossed the line by calling the police, not only once, but twice. This brings unwanted attention and undeserved problems for Mike Morgan and the AWA. Dana was not well liked to begin with, but this last incident, should be the last time Dana Dameson and wrestling are in the same sentence.


Personally seeing this all go down, I think Dana is an idiot. By being white, the racist comments don't affect me, as much as it would if I was a different skin color, but it's ridiculous that Dana says the stuff and then doesn't realize there are consequences for saying it. I can watch Skinhead Ivan or Bison Bravado and be entertained with their jokes and crude humor, but when Dana did it, you can see she was serious. She didn't even want to go to USA Pro shows in Jamaica, saying there were too many blacks and latino's there. She definitely needs counseling in my opinion to get over her fear of people who aren't white.


The one thing that really irks me the most, which alot of people agreed with me on, is that calling the cops is a big no-no. That is just wrong and flat out irresponsible by Dana. Dana committed career suicide with that move. How can any promoter even consider booking her, knowing if something goes wrong, she'll have the cops the show? To make matters worse her boyfriend, who she cheats on by getting into various one night stands with wrestlers, is a cop as well, which makes the likelihood of her calling the police again very high.


When I talked to Dana after the incident, she expressed no interest in returning to wrestling. She was also happy that Deranged was arrested, which is really just an example of her "deranged" mind set.


I did think Dana had potential at one point in her career. At one time she was working for ROH, JAPW, SSCW, JCW and USA PW. The biggest problem for her was that she was never trained nor showed any real interest in getting trained like the other girls out there today. She even had a problem when she tried training with Richie Rotten in his BWO group. After her problem there, she never tried training again, and just managed with no training. Although she attended alot of shows, she never took the wrestling business seriously, nor ever looked at the long term with her actions. Her career was plagued with unprofessionalism, and not too many of her peers respected her.


Like someone told me off the record, "The wrestling business is not for everyone, and certainly not for Dana Dameson. By having Dana Dameson out of the business, it shows that the wrestling business has life to do positive things again."


The Career of Dana Dameson 2003-2004. RIP.


Sean "The MiC" MCCaffrey


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I did think Dana had potential at one point in her career. At one time she was working for ROH, JAPW, SSCW, JCW and USA PW. The biggest problem for her was that she was never trained nor showed any real interest in getting trained like the other girls out there today.


So if she didn't have any training, and she's clearly not there because of her looks - how did she get booked for so many different companies? And what potential must this guy have seen in her? :confused:


Thanks for the info, by the way. :thumbsup:

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An odd one.


how many covers, VHS and DVD, has kane been on for PPV'S,


and if possible what events are they

A quick glance shows these ones:


No Way Out 1998

Judgement Day 1998, 2000, 2007

No Mercy 2002

Unforgiven 2003, 2004

One Night Stand 2008

Edited by tiger_rick
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  • Paid Members
An odd one.


how many covers, VHS and DVD, has kane been on for PPV'S,


and if possible what events are they

A quick glance shows these ones:


No Way Out 1998

Judgement Day 1998, 2000, 2007

No Mercy 2002

Unforgiven 2003, 2004

One Night Stand 2008

Does Royal Rumble 2001 count? He's on there with a load of others, but he's there.

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An odd one.


how many covers, VHS and DVD, has kane been on for PPV'S,


and if possible what events are they

A quick glance shows these ones:


No Way Out 1998

Judgement Day 1998, 2000, 2007

No Mercy 2002

Unforgiven 2003, 2004

One Night Stand 2008


I think you must've got a bit mixed up with the last one. He didn't even appear on the show, let alone the cover. In fact, Kane has never appeared on any of the One Night Stand's (unless he was in the '05 show-closing brawl, which I don't think he was). Though, I can't think was show you must have meant instead...


A question from moi: just watched the Abyss vs. Sting "Last Rite's" match from Destination X. I still maintain it's a really good match. The sight of Sting's blood mixing in with his white facepaint, like a non-sexually-depraved Strawberry Cheesecake, is a fantastic image. Did Sting blade, or was he busted open hardway? If he bled hardway, was he meant to bleed in the match anyway?

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An odd one.


how many covers, VHS and DVD, has kane been on for PPV'S,


and if possible what events are they

A quick glance shows these ones:


No Way Out 1998

Judgement Day 1998, 2000, 2007

No Mercy 2002

Unforgiven 2003, 2004

One Night Stand 2008


I think you must've got a bit mixed up with the last one. He didn't even appear on the show, let alone the cover. In fact, Kane has never appeared on any of the One Night Stand's (unless he was in the '05 show-closing brawl, which I don't think he was). Though, I can't think was show you must have meant instead...


I am pretty sure he fought Mark Henry in a Lumberjack Match on one of the shows.

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