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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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11 Hours at a UFO Conference in New Jersey. Some interesting theories here. I have to admit the idea of Men In Black presented here terrifies me. I remember coming across a Wikipedia article once that mentioned them, and... Yeah, the idea freaks me out.


Anyway. Anybody see the Daily Mail thing this week about how Google's discovered the Loch Ness Monster?

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I'm fairly certain this is all taken from a movie made during the 70s, it's on Netflix somewhere. The story is identical and those shots/models look really cheap.

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I watched their Paranormal a Week a couple of years ago (it's probably mentioned somewhere in this very thread), and they just wasted the opportunity they had to do something genuinely interesting. They had sceptics on providing the debunking, whilst admitting that they weren't familiar with the incident in question.


I may still have the interview with Janet "Enfield Poltergeist" Hodgeson on the HDD recorder.



Previous post and subsequent ramblings are here:


Edited by Nostalgia Nonce
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  • 3 weeks later...
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I find it very suspicious that this thread was allowed to drop off of the front page.


This is one of the most entertaining, nonsensical things I've read recently. Conspiracy theories about conspiracy theorists. There was supposed to be a 10-30 million participant rally to take down the governing system of the USA yesterday, which obviously only actually attracted in the hundreds, maybe. Turns out that it was a government plot, of course.

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And not only that...


Skeleton of mythical beast Black Shuck possibly found.


The bones of a seven-foot-long, 200lb hound from hell have been discovered in the grounds of an ancient abbey in the Suffolk countryside.


Black Shuck was believed to have roamed the countryside about 500 years ago. Folk-law says the giant creature was the hound of hell, with savage claws and burning eyes.


According to the Daily Mail, the beast's remains have now been found by archaeologists digging at the site of an ancient abbey, located a few miles from where Black Shuck was said to have killed worshippers in 1577.


Black Shuck's most notable attack came at the Holy Trinity church in Blythburgh. During a thunderstorm, the dog came in and killed a man and a boy, leaving scorch marks on the church doors as it fled.


"All down the church in the midst of fire, the hellish monster flew, and, passing onward to the quire, he many people slew," the legend said.


The bones were found in the ruins of Leiston Abbey by archaeologists from Dig Ventures.

The grave it was found in was unmarked and was just 20 inches deep. A spokesman for the Suffolk Paranormal & Cryptozoology Association stated that "at over 7 feet tall and weighing around 14 stones, it's entirely possible that this dog didn't give a fuck".


Pottery fragments from the 1500s were also found at the same level. Experts will now use radio carbon dating to work out the exact age of the remains.

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