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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Like with the Ghostwatch thing, there's an incident I've always really wanted to tackle. It's not well known at all, sadly, so I felt like it was someone's duty to collate together all the scraps and tell the story properly.


On the surface, it's a fake psychic who got pretty far before being busted, but the way it all went down is really interesting, and it gets into cults and some really fucked up places. I'm pretty sure this is by far the most comprehensive take on the whole thing, so it'd be swell if you could take a look, if that takes your fancy. Be warned though, it's super long. Like, obnoxiously long for something just up on a blog. Plenty of pictures though :-/


Fifteen-Minute Messiah -- The James Hydrick Story.

Tremendous read! I didn't recognise him by name but I've read about and watched clips of him previously. Can't think why, maybe through a Cracked.com article? Either way I was fascinated by the short clips I watched (including him being exposed) and searched for more but there wasn't much about. Great to read about the whole history behind it.

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Tremendous read! I didn't recognise him by name but I've read about and watched clips of him previously. Can't think why, maybe through a Cracked.com article? Either way I was fascinated by the short clips I watched (including him being exposed) and searched for more but there wasn't much about. Great to read about the whole history behind it.

His "Turning the pages" trick is included in the 50 Greatest Magic Tricks that gets shown a couple of times each year.

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Tremendous read! I didn't recognise him by name but I've read about and watched clips of him previously. Can't think why, maybe through a Cracked.com article? Either way I was fascinated by the short clips I watched (including him being exposed) and searched for more but there wasn't much about. Great to read about the whole history behind it.

His "Turning the pages" trick is included in the 50 Greatest Magic Tricks that gets shown a couple of times each year.

Could be. Did that touch on the controversy surrounding him?

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Tremendous read! I didn't recognise him by name but I've read about and watched clips of him previously. Can't think why, maybe through a Cracked.com article? Either way I was fascinated by the short clips I watched (including him being exposed) and searched for more but there wasn't much about. Great to read about the whole history behind it.

His "Turning the pages" trick is included in the 50 Greatest Magic Tricks that gets shown a couple of times each year.

Could be. Did that touch on the controversy surrounding him?

No. Just a couple of clips of him performing the trick, and then an interview after he'd been rumbled.

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My old house was a real kids nighmare of a house.


Victorian gate house. 6 bedrooms of old creaky cast iron rads. The place was haunted no doubt about it. The boiler was in the cellar that had 4 different rooms in it. I had the job of turning it on my dog wouldnt even get on the first step down there.


I used to run like a bat out of hell down there and out.


Anyway one night i was woken by the sound of crying coming from outside my bedroom door. I figured it was my older sister and went back to sleep. The next morning being a young scamp i was up early and eating breakfast when mum asked if i has a nightmare as she heard the crying.


You know where this is going dont you, yup my sister thought it was me. The worse thing is all of us swear it was outside our rooms, now we where on 2 different levels.


I hated that house.


GO down the road until you see a large fence that someone tagged. you will see the place though the trees



Edited by quote the raven
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The weirdest thing to happen to me was when I was about 12. Was hanging out with my friend and we went to his house. As we walked in he yells out "ANYONE HERE???" and I felt like I heard this voice, kind of a weak older female voice, say from upstairs "yes, up here". The strange thing being, we knew his mum wasn't in. She was at work, no doubt about that and she was the only female that lived there anyway.


I looked at him and he had a similar "what was that" look on his face. We both ran out of the house at the same time. After we stopped running I jokingly said "why did you run?" and he went "Because of that voice that said 'yes up here'".


The only other thing of note is that my mum used to live on the same street and often said a lot of people had ghostly experiences around that street.

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Like with the Ghostwatch thing, there's an incident I've always really wanted to tackle. It's not well known at all, sadly, so I felt like it was someone's duty to collate together all the scraps and tell the story properly.


Fifteen-Minute Messiah -- The James Hydrick Story.

That was excellent, and for those wanting a bit more, Korem's feature exposing him and subsequent interviews are here.


Part 1


Part 2


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Between the video of Elisa Lam having a one-player game of peanuts in a lift and scratchdj's story I had to sleep with the lamp on last night. Nice one lerds.


My only ostensibly paranormal experience is of the 'I woke up in the dark and...' variety forbade by Astro a few pages back, but in my case I'm certain that I was essentially awake* throughout as the apparition (of a little boy stood in the middle of my bedroom, apparently watching me sleep) persisted after I'd walked from my bed to investigate. When I first spotted him I presumed it was a trick of the light which would dissipate if I got up and walked towards him, but the little bastard turned around and ran into the corner of the room as I approached, which was the point at which I really freaked. I promptly bolted out the door and spent the rest of the night on my flatemate's floor. Blessedly, it was one of those rare nights that I wasn't sleeping bollock-o.


Though I don't think it was a dream that's not to say it wasn't some kind of waking hallucination brought on by my quasi-soporific state - I'm certain it was - but that isn't much less scary; as there's no reason it couldn't happen again some night.


*Broadly defined.

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watched that James Hydrick doc and read the article last night, excellent stuff. When i saw the Randi video i genuinely thought his original TV appearence and the Randi expose was the beginning and end of Hydrick. I didn't realise there was more to the story.


If it wasn't for the later child molestation Hydrick's story really would make a quality movie.

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