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Everything posted by SuperBacon

  1. Of course our boy Geoff has done this, but this lad is riding the superloop today if you're interested. Speaking of Geoff, this might be the loveliest video he's ever made, and made me a bit tearful. I hope he's always OK. I love him.
  2. OK, by some miracle, you've made it as leader of the party (nondescript, keep the other stuff to the relevant threads), you've incredibly passed a background check (they must have missed this place) and now you're ready for the election. But what are the policies on which you will stand, that will help win over the electorate? 1.) UBI I genuinely believe this would solve so many issues within our society (housing, health, value of self, crime) and would be my number 1 policy on which I would run. Would love to see it happen in my lifetime. 2.) All empty houses utilised for the homeless I'd also like to turn the O2 into a massive shelter, which is what we should've done when the "dome" part of it finished. 3.) Private rental sector abolished A maximum of one house ownership under my regime. On the day I win the election, if you rent a place, you automatically own it from then on, social housing renters as well. Maybe in my second term, all homes go back under the ownership of the state. I haven't decided yet. 4.) Arsenal Football Club liquidated Pretty self explanatory really. PunkStep imprisoned as well. 5 years should do it. 5.) Can of Coke to be no more than 20p Fine, Coca Cola can have some profit, but not much. 20p is fine. In time it will run from the taps alongside water. There you go. Policy 4 will no doubt alienate the "Islington elite" but so be it. Landslide victory incoming. Over to you.
  3. Look, if City get 3 corners against us, they score 3. If City get 6 corners against us, they score 6. If City get 9...well you get the point.
  4. #inbreds #nopromotionswithoutme
  5. @ange Put the trumpet player in goal, and Chirpy up front.
  6. I don't particularly like Turners solo stuff, but that first Million Dead album is still fantastic.
  7. Nice! I'll check that out. Nothing really new to report my end. Been listening to The Blackout! album a lot recently. Still think it's one of the most fun rap albums ever.
  8. Would be amazed if no one was seriously injured. Great/horrific.
  9. Couple of cunts at the derby today. "The gaffer can have this one" You pathetic prick. I called PunkStep a snake before the game and told him to fuck off, like a normal human being.
  10. Guarantee you're thinking of Freddie Starr.
  11. I'm off for a lie down and see whether Switzerland still does that assisted suicide thing.
  12. Revisiting one of the most underrated British bands of all time. Proper emo.
  13. The lyrics include: "They tell me your blue skies fade to grey" Prescient.
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