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Arch Stanton

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Everything posted by Arch Stanton

  1. I'm loving hearing your thoughts on it too, @FLips. I wasn't sure how you'd get on with it, as you're somebody that plays games seemingly obsessively and has such a varied taste in them. You seem to enjoy jumping between a tonne of different games at a time, whereas RDR2 just isn't going to let you do that. It wants you to immerse yourself in it fully. I pretty much played no other games for six months when I was fully invested in RDR2. No time to. By the time I stopped playing, I had put in close to 100 hours post-completion of the main story, just pottering around, living in that world. I love the whole world and setting of the game though, love westerns and all the lore and legends around the genre. It made me totally forgiving of any of the faults in the gameplay, not that I believe there are many at all, once you get used to the controls. Interesting your comparison to GTAV though, because my experience of that game is probably similar to your experience of Red Dead so far, in that I've come to the party late and played it after years of everyone has been raving about it, and just not been able to get into it. Almost right at the start of the game there's a driving mission and I just fucking hated the loose driving mechanics and the fact that it's so easy to get lost or crash. I failed that part of the mission repeatedly and I found myself thinking that if the whole game involves driving around like that then I'm just not ever gonna like it.
  2. Looks like a superstar, I'm all for it! Beautiful tan too.
  3. The thing that annoys the fuck out of me is any old football shirts being passed off and priced as 'classic' kits now, even if it's only a season or two old, and no matter how fucking shit a shirt it is, or shit a club it is. The days of picking up decent kits for bargain prices once they were no longer current are gone.
  4. Yeah, I'm now fully sold on watching this show after watching SmackDown. Hot crowds absolutely make shows. Backlash Puerto Rico was absolutely brilliant and the French seem every bit as enthusiastic. I'm fine with the card as it is, I think AJ and Cody will have a banger. Sami and Bronson will be great with that crowd. I'm looking forward to seeing the new Bloodline in an actual match too.
  5. I'd find any of those eras interesting, but voted for WCW 90. That's right in the nostalgia sweet spot for me.
  6. He's so tough to book as a babyface on a roster where all the heels are so much smaller than him, but I agree with @LaGoosh there, I think it would have been great to see him return as a monster heel to go straight after Cody's title. That old school, monster-of-the-month style booking for the babyface champion would have worked great.
  7. Braun is shit. There's no getting past the fact that no matter what he does, he will always look like Joe Wilkinson on Titan Serum.
  8. Sadly I didn't find the time to post my list in time for this, but if I had done, Red Dead Redemption 2 was going to be my number 1. Top work guys!
  9. I've had AEW+ since it launched and subscribe via Amazon on the Firestick. Not sure if it's because I'm also a Prime subscriber or not, but it only comes out at £3.80 a month. It's a bargain for how convenient it is to have all the shows available in one place as soon as they air.
  10. I thought the same thing! HD cameras don't do anyone any favours, but it looks like being the WWE Champion ages you faster than being the Man United manager. It wasn't a bad episode of SmackDown, aside from the daft Draft segments. I thought it was strange that at the opening of the show, Triple H made a point of saying that it was as much about GMs protecting their assets as it was about adding to their rosters, but it made sense when what followed was a totally underwhelming and pointless 'draft' whereby the majority of picks were for wrestlers to stay on the same show they were already on. Don't know why they thought it would make for decent TV that way. The Draft has always been shit and nearly always played out illogically, so it's not like people actually look forward to any of it, is it? I'm all for giving Bron Breakker the Goldberg treatment, but wish they would allow him to showcase more power moves in these squashes. I don't feel he's really winning the crowds over with these instant kills. Solid debut for Carmelo, he instantly looks a credible threat on the main roster following a decent live promo and a back and forth match with the Champ. They presented him as a real coup for SmackDown, so it was probably the only part of the whole draft that was done well.
  11. As I watched it, it came across as though it was deliberate and made sense with the story they told in the match. It might not have come off as well as they wanted and it's a shame that the spot then gets shared on socials in isolation, but it really wasn't that bad at all. Cody had already scored near-falls with the Cody Cutter and the Springboard Disaster Kick, while Carmelo had previously almost won with a really nice looking springboard DDT of his own.
  12. @WyattSheepMask that's really helpful, thanks! Exactly what I needed to know.
  13. My wife took one bite of an Extra Flamin' Hot Wotsit Crunchy and it blew her head off, leaving me with a free run at the whole bag. I loved them, better than the Doritos ones.
  14. Can anybody advise on what the shipping costs are like for getting stuff sent from ProWrestlingTees, and whether you get any customs charges if you're only buying like a shirt or two? With their business model it seems strange not to just have a UK distributor by now. Anyway, the reason I ask is because this Mark Briscoe Redneck Kung-Fu t-shirt is great...
  15. I didn't have a moan? I just called you out on a childish response and you've totally seen your arse over it.
  16. Eh? What's that got to do with my question?
  17. Bit of a childish response to a man having an opinion, isn't it?
  18. Very gracious of you Houchey. Nice to see you taking it well whilst the rest of the ABUs on the forum are rattled. I felt fully embarrassed watching United win that, Coventry would have fully deserved that late winner had it been onside.
  19. They did a tremendous job on the night of hiding the fact that Rollins did that run-in on one leg. It seemed strange that he got put down immediately, but you see now that there was no other way it could have gone.
  20. Had these last night. Very hot! Not unbearable though, I couldn't stop eating them even with the heat. Got a packet of the Wotsits Crunchy ones to go at next.
  21. What are you on about? This has pretty much been the standard PPV price across all wrestling events for about twenty years.
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