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Chest Rockwell

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About Chest Rockwell

  • Birthday 10/24/1983

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  1. I got an electric mincer. So obviously I made three and a half kilos of sausages... I don't find time to make them as often as I'd like to (this is the first time this year) so this new device is really going to speed up the workflow and hopefully mean I get to make them more often.
  2. You reckon? I think he's like Hogan, he's always working when he steps out of his house.
  3. Yeah, first thing I thought as soon as I saw it. Of course he did.
  4. I know we all love Seinfeld the show but let's be honest.. His stand up has never been that great, he can't act, he's not really done anything particularly good since Seinfeld, and that went downhill after Larry left. Why should anyone really care what he thinks?
  5. I'm not proud of it or anything, but for the first time ever I just couldn't be arsed to vote today. Fed up with the whole thing. I think a lot of people are going to be in the same boat. And a shit turnout definitely doesn't favour Labour.
  6. Not a fan of Kimmel but Gosling is great and that was one hell of a promo bit. Credit where it's due; great stuff!
  7. I would have thought generally they would only be on stage for 10-25 minutes each, so you probably don't need many really. I I assumed it was some kind of whatever the opposite of a super group is, and they'd all be on stage together performing each others' songs
  8. Single use vapes need to be banned yesterday. So fucking wasteful. I don't have particularly strong views on vaping otherwise.
  9. The tweet is an accurate and direct quote. The additional context doesn't help, as he doesn't present any actual alternative proposal that satisfies his platitudes about 'treating everyone with respect' because he is a spineless wimp.
  10. Aren't they an Irish group? What's the deal with all the union jacks?
  11. I know it's not the point of your post but the idea of them co opting this and twisting the narrative around it is yet another thing that really gets me angry...
  12. Brother Ali has a new album out. I'm enjoying it so far; first listen now... (There's a track with aesop rock on it @SuperBacon )
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