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Keith Houchen

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    Rent free in your head
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    Taylor Swift, moral superiority, upvotes.

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  1. I think you’re all forgetting how no fucker had even heard of Dubai, let alone wanted to go there until the Marketing Maestro put his colossal talent and exposure behind it. Revel in his majesty with some of his greatest hits. https://www.planetfootball.com/quick-reads/15-cringeworthy-adverts-starring-michael-owen-asda-walkers-dubai
  2. Keith Houchen


    I think that’s testament to the crew and actors of the series. As you say there’s usually tales of child actor spirals but even with all the child actors in the series, they all came out unscathed, bar DRs brief dalliance with drink. Alan Rickman in particular seemed to have a wonderful relationship with them. I love how Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) says whenever he was in Los Angeles he’d phone up DR and when he picked up, Felton would leave a pause before spitting out a “Potter”. The Boy Who Lived is such a moving documentary filled with such strong bonds of love between friends.
  3. Fucking hell, Chest. You’ve somehow made it sound even worse.
  4. He was bass and backing vocals. You won’t find any in the Song Of The Day thread that’s for sure!
  5. Absolutely astounding! I feel the Hogan one is vindication for Astro after Hogan blocked him again.
  6. Keith Houchen


    Sometimes I wish he wasn’t such an absolute top bloke and lovely guy and tell people to fuck off every time they ask him about her. He must be sick to the back teeth having to field questions about her constantly, and knowing him essentially saying there“No comment except I will still support lgbtq communities” already has shitrags banging on about a war of words with her. Great line there about how he knows Harry Potter will be the first line of his obituary but the rest of that obituary is what he does since. And all awards are shit, with the exception of the UKFF ones, but it’s lovely he’s been nominated for a Tony. A really talented and lovely fella!
  7. Happy International Workers Day, everyone! A day where we celebrate the Labour and trade union movement and all that has been accomplished by organising and collective bargaining. Many political parties around the world were formed on the back of the movement to further the interests of working people against exploitation from bosses, including our own Labour Party! Speaking of which (Full story in the comments)
  8. Good to see they got a new poster done for it.
  9. In fairness it shows him lying about Gaza and what he said as well.
  10. Here’s the full interview for anyone interested. It’s 13 minutes long so it goes into more detail than a tweet.
  11. Cardinals fans can be a bit entitled, as can Angels (although with them in the shadow of their neighbours they’re more like Everton). Houston fans always moan about stuff was never their fault when they cheat and they moan about the umpires so there’s that.
  12. The Jags and Fulham are Big Shads train sets to be fair. They are his vanity project. Well, not Fulham, that was meant to be his “In” to London so he can buy Wembley and move the Jags over. He has proper people running them day to day and I suspect his idiot son will do the same.
  13. Speaking of pieces of shit from the 00s, I remember Chris Moyles saying the same and the hilarious hangers on did a mash up. Comedy Dave laughed.
  14. Today I learned that former England bowler Monty Panesar is standing as a candidate for George Galloways Workers Party. It’s this generations Rustie Lee standing for UKIP.
  15. @FLips Do you have a blog or vlog or whatever else the kids watch these days instead of licking lead paint and getting kicked in the head like we did as kids when it was better before woke etc? Its just your standard of Video Game writing shouldn’t be, and I hope it isn’t, only viewed on here as it should have as many eyes on it as possible.
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