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General Movie (Film for snobs) News Thread


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Akira has received the green light.


Warner Bros has confirmed the live-action adaptation of the classic manga, which has been plagued by problems and delays since its conception.


Tron: Legacy's Garrett Hedlund has been cast in the leading role, with Unknown's Jaume Collet-Serra still attached to direct, according to Variety.


The adaptation, which has been plagued by budgetary issues, previously had a host of high-profile actors rumoured for the lead role, including James Franco, Zac Efron, Keanu Reeves and Robert Pattinson.


Katsuhiro Otomo's manga series, which was famously adapted as an anime in 1988, follows the adventures of biker gang leader Kaneda as he attempts to rescue his friend Tetsuo from the government, which has kidnapped him to study his latent psychic powers.


The original cyber-punk setting of 'Neo-Tokyo' will reportedly be changed to 'New Manhattan' for the remake.



In my opinion Garrett Hedlund is up there with Channing Tatum in the worst actor ever category.

Edited by Jas
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I'm a fair bit excited about this....




Apparantly this is going to take place directly after the original. I just hope it's better than the piece of shit remake they did a few years ago (who the fuck is Thomas Hewitt?), that thing was utter dross. I honestly don't think they can top the first, it's a work of genius but I still be going to see this, more out of curiosity than anything.

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I made a weird sound of excitement at seeing that poster, even though I hate 3D with a passion. 2D version or not, I'll be watching.


Likewise. I fucking love the Texas Chainsaw movies. I'm desperate to get hold of the special edition boxset version of the original that they released in Germany that comes packaged in a chainsaw but I can't find one anywhere.

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