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Anarchy Pro Wrestling owner revealed


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Defending himself? Raising to bait? If it wasn't for me, he'd STILL be promoting a show at the Coventry Skydome featuring Joe Legend, Burridge, Iceman, Brent Albright ALL who were NEVER going to be there at a venue that was NEVER booked by a man who pretended to be someone else, who has a history of NOT paying wrestlers. Fucking deception, and that isnt the half of it. How Sprules' verbal shit is allowed on this very forum astounds me.Anyway, that being said, I can announce my new show...MQB promotions presents in association with the FWA, IPW, 1PW, 3CW, LDN, WWE, NOAH, and Mr Whippy....EXTREME OVERLOAD EXPLOSION CRAZY CRAP!!!Promoter Dave Boggons with venture capatlist Clark Kent Swine Jr have teamed up to present the greatest night of wrestling ever. Who needs 1PW, eh?Drew Galloway is going to face Colt Cabana in the main event of EXTREME OVERLOAD EXPLOSION CRAZY CRAP!!! at the opening of the new Wembley on December 17th 2007. Colt had this to say; I'm coming to MQB to kick arse and take names, Drew will rest in peace, 'cos Colt said so. I'm doing this all for the Coltamaniacs." Wow ! Thems fighting words!" MQB has also signed UK star CageTyler, hes great, and English, and he actually responded to my e-mail.....WOW ! tahts makes mes a promoterssss...... oh, um, press release..... AND>> you choose an ECW star you'd like to see ! Wasn't that nice, I voted for Louie Spicolli, I'd love to see him. Madonna's boyfriend~. tickets are priced at only

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And if they did, I'd change the name of the business, so what would they gain?

The point is you can't call yourself " Ltd " or a " Company " unless you are a registered Limited Company .
True, but in defense, he could be waiting for it to be approved, I dont know much about the business side, I employ people to deal with that, but it can take ages for it to be sorted as far as I know.
As far as I know, the paperwork still hasn't been filed. Charles was supposed to be doing it, and has been saying it will be done since November. It's entirely my fault it's not done yet for not pushing it.

While you're here, I'd be really interested in a reply to some points I raised a couple of days ago, seeing as you didn't appear on that radio show:

Anyway, enough talk about the past and present. Time to get positive and look to the future. I know many of you have scoffed at the idea that I

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A few observations:This thread is ridiculously boring. It's not even just because of EWWChris.Sprules man, stop replying. This thread is full of idiots and bandwagon jumpers that clearly aren't reading a word you're saying. I personally don't believe or disbelieve anything you say, because I don't really give a shit. I have an interest in the UK scene and don't want to see it fucked up but that's about it.However everything you say to contradict or disprove anyone gets ignored, so why bother? Like you say, the internet is a very small percent of the audience, and it's mostly a negative audience to have at your shows, so what does it matter?I understand you only want to defend yourself but fuck it, what have you gained here? You could have video evidence of you paying every wrestler, having a big lunch at a table with every "big player" in the uk scene and a short montage of every wrestler in the world shaking your hand and people would still repeat the same old bollocks.Like I say, I don't give a fuck about the things you say, you're obviously just a very deluded person but I can't say you're a bad person. I'd advise against trying to be a wrestling promoter, especially considering your reasons seem to be 'Well, you've got to give it a shot don't you' and little else. There's no money, there's no glory and there certainly isn't any fucking respect, so give yourself a break and fuck off.FINALLY: I'm thinking this could even be the most elaborate work/parody of all time simply because...

I had a finished draft when I wrote that. I then did what all good writers do - I put it to one side for a month and read it again with fresh eyes and hated it, so I started over. Surely it's better to do that then make a tit out of yourself by sending a crappy script to a professional company and getting put in their bad books.

How the FUCK can he have that ethos in film, but have the complete opposite ideas for Wrestling?
It's a real shame this post was ignored. What really baffles me is why so many people on here feel the need to repeat one another in their desperation to condemn Sprules.
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Dunno if anybody else brought it up but,chequemarkbrownhill8107qx8.jpg this doesnt look like it is signed by Kriss Sprules or Andrew Bailey or Charles Buchan

Seriously....stop clutching, FFS. There are 2 or 3 mongs making this thread shit. :(
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