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El Ligero and Bubblegum were paid within a week or two.

What was the date of the show? You've previously said that El Ligero was paid around "new year". I thought the show was earlier than mid-December.
I'VE not previously said they were paid in the New Year, I can't remember the exact date, the show in question was in September '05, it certainly wasn't long after that. Kriss has NEVER handled the money side of things Kriss PUT THE CARDS TOGETHER and that was all Kriss did APART from being the main person to handle the OPWO-related stuff on the internet such as the Press Releases and Forum threads. Kriss was NEVER RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MONEY SIDE OF THINGS, SO KRISS DOES NOT OWE ANY WORKERS OR ANYBODY ELSE ANY MONEY, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT IS MYSELF
http://ukff.com/index.php?s=&showtopic...t&p=1254944http://ukff.com/index.php?s=&showtopic...t&p=1254774In these threads, Kriss very clearly says that El Ligero was paid around new year, which is not within 2 weeks of September. If Kriss is not, and has never been, responsible for the money side of things, why do you do nothing to stop him posting "inaccuracies" on here regarding them and further tainting the reputation of YOUR promotion. Also, whilst looking for the above quote, I stumbled upon this. Just in case you missed it last time, here's some more ideas for you to take on board.http://ukff.com/index.php?s=&showtopic...t&p=1254839

Ronin and BBS somehow were overlooked.

So were Lexx and Imperial Dragon. Remember when Kriss said that if Lexx wanted paying, then it was in her interests to make the effort to contact him? That's not a "whoops, I forgot to pay her". That's a "meh, can't be arsed to pay her". She also confirmed that emails and PMs from herself and Mickey had been ignored.
Lexx, Micky L and Ian are NOT owed any money to the best of my KNOWLEDGE, They agreed to work the show on a "Trial" basis, for FREE, I have said previously if they can prove I said otherwise, MSN conversation for example then I'll happy pay them but they were not in the records for people being paid and I certainly do not .
Why, in the 15 page thread, did Kriss never say this? Why did Lexx never say "It's okay, I agreed to work for free". See the hassle that could have been prevented? See how the "OPWO screw their workers out of money" thing could have been avoided?

What was the date of the show again? How often to people on here remind Kriss that he owes workers money? He's had over a year to sort it out. The fact that he's left it this long again suggests that the intent isn't there.

I'lll say it again, KRISS owes money to nobody, So Kriss has NOT had over a year to sort it out, I have, and I fully intend on seeing to it that Martin gets the money owed to him.
You'll have to speak in Kayefabe. I have no idea who Martin is.Anyhow, so Kriss doesn't owe people money, you do. Fair enough. Why then, when people had spent over a year telling Kriss that workers were owed money, did Kriss never pass this information onto you? Did he seriously not realise, or not give a shit about the damage it was doing to YOUR promotion's reputation? If he was passing this information onto you, why were you not sorting it out? If all is as you say, then you need to have a serious talk with Kriss, maybe in a raised tone, and possibly mentioning pointy shoes and testes, that he needs to act a bit more responsibly when discussing YOUR promotion. His sub-BYW standard match blighted the reputation of YOUR promotion. His online slanging matches in threads set up to promote YOUR shows, damage the reputation of YOUR promotion. The blatent, blatent bullshit he posts (5 time PSOW champion, bookings in Japan, bleh bleh bleh) in threads discussing YOUR promotion damage it's reputation.Making responses, seemingly on behalf of the promotion, regarding the non-payment of workers damages the reputation of YOUR promotion. Do you see what I'm getting at?If you seriously want to have a go at this promoting lark, then you need to eliminate these problems and behave a lot more professionally. How about you slip Moo a tenner, become a paid member, ask him to change your username to "OPWO Promoter", and then only post information regarding shows. If you don't give us any ammo, we can't shoot you with it.Also, tell Kriss that as an employee of OPWO, he is not in a position to post anything that should be coming from the promoter, and if he continues to do so, they he is to get his hand in his pocket and buy you this, as you'll be kicking him in the nuts so hard that he'll be redundant for a long time.
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Ok, here's the thing, you two are a couple, regardless of who's job was what, the pair of you were involved in OPWO, I don't think anyone would believe for a second Kriss was only there as talent, therefore both your reputations take a hit from it. If Rosie Gauntley suddenly decided to start promoting wrestling shows, people her husband owes money to would be asking questions, that's the way of the world. You two have always come across as being more joint effort than those two ever will and the advantage they'd have is that at least Steve's shows could draw.What both of you fail to understand is that this isn't an "Internet vs both of you" situation, it's a case of those who know about it, fan's, workers, other promoters vs. you two situation. Surely that must tell you something?With EWW I have nothing at all to do with the money end of things, everyone who has ever worked for the company knows that. They know they can come to me about anything, particularly on the creative side or the merchandise side, but they also know if it's financial it's not my area. Now God forbid anything should go tits up and people ended up not getting what they were due, but those same people would know not to tarnish me with that should I ever do anything on my own. What does that tell you? It tells me that the impression given to workers was that OPWO was a proper joint affair, regardless of who's name was on the ownership.Take OPWO out of the equation and here's a list of reasons as to why Kriss shouldn't be promoting.1) He has no real experience in the business. This should not be a case of "anyone with a grand can do it" and certainly not "anyone who hopes to make the money on the gate".2) He lied about who he was with the full knowledge that it was to deceive people into not holding his reputation against him. This is made worse by you both denying those were the reasons, when clearly they were.3) Both of you think this is acceptable and the norm in the business and entertainment world, yet in reality it isn't, not in the same context as the way Kriss did it.4) Kriss lied when he claimed he'd realised (not so long ago) that this sort of thing wasn't his area, while (according to his current story) he was working on plans for a comeback.5) While he claims to have learned from his (which you say are really yours) mistakes he fully intended to try and run a show at the Coventry Skydome, something that anyone who knew the first thing about the job would not even contemplate, regardless of who's idea it was. Realiseing after he'd released a press release only confirms just how much he hasn't learned.6) He genuinely believes the OPWO shows were not really failures, yet no one with an ounce of knowledge of the job would claim them to be otherwise.7) Anyone wanting to run their own shows would generally gain experience by spending an extensive amount of time working in various capacities for another company. Kriss working for you in OPWO doesn't even come close to counting. I've spent 8 years in the business and only now do I feel I could if I wanted to make a go of things on my own. I don't for 2 reasons, firstly because I think it's better to have 2 experienced people working on the booking so that you can tell each other when an idea sucks, which myself an Stu do frequently and secondly (maybe most importantly) it just wouldn't be any fun on my own. The point is, I've spent 8 years learning this stuff from various different positions and even as recently as a year ago I know I couldn't have done things right. Can Kriss or you come close to that? I don't quite know how long majik has been in the business, but I dare say he has much more experience than many and even he realised when certain things were better left to someone else. He did this because his passion for the business was so strong that he didn't want to be part of something negative. You and Kriss claim to have passion for the business yet neither of you feel strong enough to know when to step away.Those are my points, but I have to ask why you never tackled my thoughts on these threats you claim to have received. I can tell you, when a former ECW star tried similar at Evil Intentions quite a few people in the locker room were ready to back John Feltham up, he never felt the need to make it public, but I'll bet had those actions adversely affected him or his reputation he'd have had no qualms about doing it.

Edited by EWWChris
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El Ligero and Bubblegum were paid within a week or two.

What was the date of the show? You've previously said that El Ligero was paid around "new year". I thought the show was earlier than mid-December.
I'VE not previously said they were paid in the New Year, I can't remember the exact date, the show in question was in September '05, it certainly wasn't long after that. Kriss has NEVER handled the money side of things Kriss PUT THE CARDS TOGETHER and that was all Kriss did APART from being the main person to handle the OPWO-related stuff on the internet such as the Press Releases and Forum threads. Kriss was NEVER RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MONEY SIDE OF THINGS, SO KRISS DOES NOT OWE ANY WORKERS OR ANYBODY ELSE ANY MONEY, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT IS MYSELF
http://ukff.com/index.php?s=&showtopic...t&p=1254944http://ukff.com/index.php?s=&showtopic...t&p=1254774In these threads, Kriss very clearly says that El Ligero was paid around new year, which is not within 2 weeks of September. If Kriss is not, and has never been, responsible for the money side of things, why do you do nothing to stop him posting "inaccuracies" on here regarding them and further tainting the reputation of YOUR promotion. Also, whilst looking for the above quote, I stumbled upon this. Just in case you missed it last time, here's some more ideas for you to take on board.http://ukff.com/index.php?s=&showtopic...t&p=1254839

Ronin and BBS somehow were overlooked.

So were Lexx and Imperial Dragon. Remember when Kriss said that if Lexx wanted paying, then it was in her interests to make the effort to contact him? That's not a "whoops, I forgot to pay her". That's a "meh, can't be arsed to pay her". She also confirmed that emails and PMs from herself and Mickey had been ignored.
Lexx, Micky L and Ian are NOT owed any money to the best of my KNOWLEDGE, They agreed to work the show on a "Trial" basis, for FREE, I have said previously if they can prove I said otherwise, MSN conversation for example then I'll happy pay them but they were not in the records for people being paid and I certainly do not .
Why, in the 15 page thread, did Kriss never say this? Why did Lexx never say "It's okay, I agreed to work for free". See the hassle that could have been prevented? See how the "OPWO screw their workers out of money" thing could have been avoided?

What was the date of the show again? How often to people on here remind Kriss that he owes workers money? He's had over a year to sort it out. The fact that he's left it this long again suggests that the intent isn't there.

I'lll say it again, KRISS owes money to nobody, So Kriss has NOT had over a year to sort it out, I have, and I fully intend on seeing to it that Martin gets the money owed to him.
You'll have to speak in Kayefabe. I have no idea who Martin is.Anyhow, so Kriss doesn't owe people money, you do. Fair enough. Why then, when people had spent over a year telling Kriss that workers were owed money, did Kriss never pass this information onto you? Did he seriously not realise, or not give a shit about the damage it was doing to YOUR promotion's reputation? If he was passing this information onto you, why were you not sorting it out? If all is as you say, then you need to have a serious talk with Kriss, maybe in a raised tone, and possibly mentioning pointy shoes and testes, that he needs to act a bit more responsibly when discussing YOUR promotion. His sub-BYW standard match blighted the reputation of YOUR promotion. His online slanging matches in threads set up to promote YOUR shows, damage the reputation of YOUR promotion. The blatent, blatent bullshit he posts (5 time PSOW champion, bookings in Japan, bleh bleh bleh) in threads discussing YOUR promotion damage it's reputation.Making responses, seemingly on behalf of the promotion, regarding the non-payment of workers damages the reputation of YOUR promotion. Do you see what I'm getting at?If you seriously want to have a go at this promoting lark, then you need to eliminate these problems and behave a lot more professionally. How about you slip Moo a tenner, become a paid member, ask him to change your username to "OPWO Promoter", and then only post information regarding shows. If you don't give us any ammo, we can't shoot you with it.Also, tell Kriss that as an employee of OPWO, he is not in a position to post anything that should be coming from the promoter, and if he continues to do so, they he is to get his hand in his pocket and buy you this, as you'll be kicking him in the nuts so hard that he'll be redundant for a long time.
Like I said Kriss was never responsible for the money side of things so didn't know when El Ligero and Bubblegum were paid, and I shouldn't have let him handle things on the internet as if he was responsible for the promotion and or the money side of things, I realise now that was a big mistake and many problems could have been avoided if I would have just sorted it out myself all along. Yes I do see how the problems could have been avoided, there is little I can do to rectify this now, I'm learning by my mistakes all I can do is try to right any wrongs that may have been made by OPWO. Apologies, Martin - British Born Steel.It wasn't a case of Kriss passing information onto me it was a case of misunderstandings, between me, him and other people. It was a case of me feeling sorry for myself and letting things get worse rather than getting off my arse and sorting them out, much has my life been a case of feeling sorry for myself and letting things get as bad as they can get and still doing nothing but the "poor me" rountine, I don't do that anymore but at least I'm owning up to doing it in the past. Nobody but me was to blame for my behavoir yet I also looked for a scapegoat, and wasn't exactly the best person to Kriss either, it's a wonder we're still together, YES..not relevant but I wasn't a good person professionally or personally, and that was of my own doing. It's not entirely Kriss's fault that he handled all of the online stuff and publicity stuff for the promotion, I gave him little to no choice, all Kriss wanted to do was book and I put all the pressure on him to sort everything else out, I started the promotion and then didn't put in the effort, it was always my responsibility.

Ok, here's the thing, you two are a couple, regardless of who's job was what, the pair of you were involved in OPWO, I don't think anyone would believe for a second Kriss was only there as talent, therefore both your reputations take a hit from it. If Rosie Gauntley suddenly decided to start promoting wrestling shows, people her husband owes money to would be asking questions, that's the way of the world. You two have always come across as being more joint effort than those two ever will and the advantage they'd have is that at least Steve's shows could draw.What both of you fail to understand is that this isn't an "Internet vs both of you" situation, it's a case of those who know about it, fan's, workers, other promoters vs. you two situation. Surely that must tell you something?With EWW I have nothing at all to do with the money end of things, everyone who has ever worked for the company knows that. They know they can come to me about anything, particularly on the creative side or the merchandise side, but they also know if it's financial it's not my area. Now God forbid anything should go tits up and people ended up not getting what they were due, but those same people would know not to tarnish me with that should I ever do anything on my own. What does that tell you? It tells me that the impression given to workers was that OPWO was a proper joint affair, regardless of who's name was on the ownership.Take OPWO out of the equation and here's a list of reasons as to why Kriss shouldn't be promoting.1) He has no real experience in the business. This should not be a case of "anyone with a grand can do it" and certainly not "anyone who hopes to make the money on the gate".2) He lied about who he was with the full knowledge that it was to deceive people into not holding his reputation against him. This is made worse by you both denying those were the reasons, when clearly they were.3) Both of you think this is acceptable and the norm in the business and entertainment world, yet in reality it isn't, not in the same context as the way Kriss did it.4) Kriss lied when he claimed he'd realised (not so long ago) that this sort of thing wasn't his area, while (according to his current story) he was working on plans for a comeback.5) While he claims to have learned from his (which you say are really yours) mistakes he fully intended to try and run a show at the Coventry Skydome, something that anyone who knew the first thing about the job would not even contemplate, regardless of who's idea it was. Realiseing after he'd released a press release only confirms just how much he hasn't learned.6) He genuinely believes the OPWO shows were not really failures, yet no one with an ounce of knowledge of the job would claim them to be otherwise.7) Anyone wanting to run their own shows would generally gain experience by spending an extensive amount of time working in various capacities for another company. Kriss working for you in OPWO doesn't even come close to counting. I've spent 8 years in the business and only now do I feel I could if I wanted to make a go of things on my own. I don't for 2 reasons, firstly because I think it's better to have 2 experienced people working on the booking so that you can tell each other when an idea sucks, which myself an Stu do frequently and secondly (maybe most importantly) it just wouldn't be any fun on my own. The point is, I've spent 8 years learning this stuff from various different positions and even as recently as a year ago I know I couldn't have done things right. Can Kriss or you come close to that? I don't quite know how long majik has been in the business, but I dare say he has much more experience than many and even he realised when certain things were better left to someone else. He did this because his passion for the business was so strong that he didn't want to be part of something negative. You and Kriss claim to have passion for the business yet neither of you feel strong enough to know when to step away.Those are my points, but I have to ask why you never tackled my thoughts on these threats you claim to have received. I can tell you, when a former ECW star tried similar at Evil Intentions quite a few people in the locker room were ready to back John Feltham up, he never felt the need to make it public, but I'll bet had those actions adversely affected him or his reputation he'd have had no qualms about doing it.

It appeared to be both of us running the promotion but for the majority I booked the workers, I paid the workers, I booked the venues, I booked the ring, I sorted the insurance, I paid for the posters and flyers, Kriss was responsible for the cards and did the press releases and online stuff such as forum posts so it did appear that he was running things. But Kriss never was responsible for anything but putting the cards together.To some extent we may have gave an impression of it being a joint thing, but to be honest if someone came to me about the booking I'd said them to Kriss, and if it was about money they'd be sent to me. He doesn't have years worth of experience no, but he HAS technically been at my side promoting shows, even if not technically promoted them himself, and I think with some things you learn on the job. Like I've said, OPWO got messed up because of me, Kriss put the cards together, he never booked the venues/workers/ring or anything else. The reason he used an alias was so people didn't hold his reputation against him, If I've denied this I certainly didn't mean to but yes he lied about his name so he wouldn't get judged and could have a "fresh start", I've already said this was a bad idea and I should have advised him against it.I don't think lying about your name is at all acceptable, it's completely wrong. What I'm saying is, that was the only lie about APW Kriss made, he didn't lie about booking workers, his backer or anything else. The SkyDome Kriss never really wanted to do anyway and he acknowledges it to be a stupid idea. I don't consider the OPWO shows to be failures, the goals for me running the shows was for them to go ahead, and the fans and workers to have a good time, the majority did, my goal with the promotion in the future is to see to it there are no issues over paying with the workers, and that the crowd numbers are more respectable, enough to break even at least as I can't afford to be throwing away money with two kids to feed.Now I don't mean to change the subject but out of the various promotions I've worked for other the years far more serious things have happened within them promotions than ever happened in OPWO, and the problems we're looking at here are mainly, Kriss's bad match, disputes over pay, low crowd numbers and such. Promotions I've worked for there has been death threats among other things that really don't need to go in this business. As for experience like I said previously you get experience on the job, and there are many other promoters with no experience, for example Jamie Worthing, I've got no problems with Jamie whatsoever but Jamie has tried hard and he's promotion is still up and running. I have no of other promoters that started with little or no experience and are running decent promotions. Just because I messed things up with OPWO doesn't mean they'd get messed up in the future. As for the threats, I did have a couple of people backstage, "calming down" these workers/promoters who were threatening me and it's a good job I did.
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"I can't afford to be throwing away money with two kids to feed."Seriously, get out of wrestling then. You've absolutely no foundations, of any worth, to build on and you're one of the few promoters whom I would fully expect people to be warning venues about. That and any worker with any self respect should be refusing bookings. I don't have a cool and fancy phrase to describe you, so I can't even offer Carbomb something to note down and make this whole sorry scenario even remotely worth it. All I'll say is that in wrestling the workers should be paid first, couldn't care about insurance, the venue or whatever. On the night of SCW's first show, I paid the wrestlers first and then had the fucking guts to wait for the impending avalanche of shit. Saying that, there's a difference between around 300 fans and TWENTY. Hell, even on the night it was pissing down, the local paper had "forgotten" to run anything, Valentine's night and the Greenock swimming baths had some free event on for kids (opportunity for a free wash in Inverclyde is never turned down) SCW still, fucking still, pulled more bloody people than that. Jesus, I can't even begin to comprehend how you go about drawing so few fans. Just realise you've failed, recognise that you've drawn the angriest Majik post I think I've ever seen and use your money to put Kriss through college. Your kids will be a lot more grateful for a father who can count without using fingers and toes than they will ever be for thousands of pounds of debt.

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"I can't afford to be throwing away money with two kids to feed."Seriously, get out of wrestling then. You've absolutely no foundations, of any worth, to build on and you're one of the few promoters whom I would fully expect people to be warning venues about. That and any worker with any self respect should be refusing bookings. I don't have a cool and fancy phrase to describe you, so I can't even offer Carbomb something to note down and make this whole sorry scenario even remotely worth it. All I'll say is that in wrestling the workers should be paid first, couldn't care about insurance, the venue or whatever. On the night of SCW's first show, I paid the wrestlers first and then had the fucking guts to wait for the impending avalanche of shit. Saying that, there's a difference between around 300 fans and TWENTY. Hell, even on the night it was pissing down, the local paper had "forgotten" to run anything, Valentine's night and the Greenock swimming baths had some free event on for kids (opportunity for a free wash in Inverclyde is never turned down) SCW still, fucking still, pulled more bloody people than that. Jesus, I can't even begin to comprehend how you go about drawing so few fans. Just realise you've failed, recognise that you've drawn the angriest Majik post I think I've ever seen and use your money to put Kriss through college. Your kids will be a lot more grateful for a father who can count without using fingers and toes than they will ever be for thousands of pounds of debt.

When I say I shouldn't be throwing away money, nobody should be throwing away
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Guest Dangerous Dave

And put Kriss through college? Kriss has already been to college and university. I'd love to know how you come to the conclusion that Kriss isn't capable of providing for his family and why you assume he'd be the main provider, isn't that a little sexist? After all I'm not a sit at home like a lazy housewife kind of woman. For the information of the know it alls on the internet, I'm currently studying to enchance my career options and plan to for the next few years, as is Kriss so if people would stop making assumations, unlike some our goal is not to work a minimum wage job and we fully intend on both earning a decent income so if people who don't know us personally can stop making assumptions about how we plan to feed our kids I'd be very grateful because it goes along way to pissing me off.

This is a little odd. You say that Kriss has " already been to College and University" then later in the same post say he is currently studying? Did Kriss do a degree before this current criminology degree? So, anyway, you are currently both studying and supporting a family, correct? I think the point some folks were trying to make was that this situation gives you neither the time nor the finance to run a wrestling promotion. But, by all means- prove them wrong!Oh- and " Andrew Bailey " is the guy (cheif of the Bank of England) whoes signature is on all British bank notes. Odd that! Edited by Dangerous Dave
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Been speaking to Micky L, Iain Robinson today and they were never paid and are still waiting to be paid both wages and expenses as agreed prior to them wrestling your shitty show Mel, Kriss, rodger fucking rabbit!So don't go with the bullshit that everyone was paid. You can show as many fake fucking emails as you like and photo's of you actually paying someone a long time after the event, but don't bull shit saying you paid everyone. They are down a lot of money in ex's alone.All this bollox about its my money, his money blahhh blahh blahh is nothing more than shite. Mel and Kriss both of your reputations are not worth a used tampax. So fuck off with the excuses and bullshit.

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So, anyway, you are currently both studying and supporting a family, correct? I think the point some folks were trying to make was that this situation gives you neither the time nor the finance to run a wrestling promotion. But, by all means- prove them wrong!

Wait, don't you mean TWO Promotions ?? AWP and OPWO (returning later this year) means that while both studying and looking after kids, the Sprules' will be running two "promotions"!!! :thumbsup:
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Guest Dangerous Dave

Been speaking to Micky L, Iain Robinson today and they were never paid and are still waiting to be paid both wages and expenses as agreed prior to them wrestling your show

This has actually been addressed post 445 on page 30 - " Lexx, Micky L and Ian are NOT owed any money to the best of my KNOWLEDGE, They agreed to work the show on a "Trial" basis, for FREE, I have said previously if they can prove I said otherwise, MSN conversation for example then I'll happy pay them but they were not in the records for people being paid . "I only post this as obviously its one of those misunderstandings that is unlikley to be sorted out any time soon, and it just seems to be a point that is going round in circles. Edited by Dangerous Dave
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Now I don't expect you all to like Kriss but he's not how you make him out to be, nor am I. Kriss is a kind, HONEST, caring family guy

Putting honest in capital letters like that in reference to Kriss is just asking for trouble.

I had row 8 at the Toronto SkyDome for WM X-8. Those were my best ever for the WWE. The noise for Rock-Hogan was phenominal. My worst for the WWE was row 5, which sounds great, but it was at the Kemper Arena, Kansas City, Missouri. May 23rd 1999. The night Owen Hart died. I didn't attend another event for 2 years afterwards, and when I did, it was my own pro debut

There has been talk of me heading to the States for a show or two. I'm not confirming or denying. I'm just telling you to watch this space. I know I'm wanted out there (And all over the world, as all truly great superstars are) and I'll go if the price is right. There's even been talk that Japan might come calling. We'll see. Do they have McDonalds out there? I fucking hate sushi. Cook the fish. Cook the fucking fish. Then eat it.

It's not a strictly old-school thing. Just last year (Jan/Feb 2002) I got myself a heckler... and as you do, I was responding to his heckling in between moves,, and this guy was getting more and more worked up. Anywho, I took the win with a handful of tights and when my music was playing I pointed to him and shouted something along the lines of 'Whadya think of that then boy?!' This guy, it turned out, had two or three members of his family with him, and they tried to get into the ring, and two or three of the others had to come out and hold him off while I went to the back. I found out later that punches had been thrown at the boys who went out to calm things down.

My career is by no means over (although my doctor did advise I consider it) but I have some pretty bad knee problems. The morning after a match (Or even training, sometimes) my knee can be so bad that I can't put any weight on it

The UK. But The Evolution is Evolving over to the Netherlands then on to the Gulf Coast in 2004. That's right boys and girls April 4th, IWA: W International Incident 2004, Tallahassee, Florida the original Darwinian Dynamo makes his long-awaited US debut...

And people in America are still waiting on his 50 state tour of his imaginary wrestling league.
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