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With all the hype around star wars I'm looking to watch the originals. There seem to be many versions I hear with fans blasting a recent blu ray release. Are the original s available in their unaltered state on dvd or blu ray? Also are the changes that rubbish to somebody who cant remember seeing them before?

The originals aren't available commercially. There are 'despecialised' versions of them floating around the net though


Gotta disagree with Merzbow, though. There's quite a few significant differences - for example the current canon version has Hayden Christiansen's 'young' Anakin turning up as a force ghost at the end of Jedi. Instead of Sebastian Shaw's 'old Anakin'.

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I downloaded the despecialised versions of A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. There isn't a despecialised version of Return of the Jedi yet as far as I'm aware, so I watched that on the BluRay version. The despecialised versions are 20GB. Somewhere may have it available to stream. I'm not a Star Wars nerd - I don't know that much about it - but the old effects had a charm about them that I think you'll miss in the new versions. The colour grading is more in line with the originals too. They've been donated all sorts of things to get it to look as close to the original as possible, including original film.

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There's definitely a despecialised ROTJ, only a v1 with v2 being worked on at the moment. They're kicking around the usual torrent sites under the name Star Wars The Original Trilogy (Theatrical Cut) and are between 800MB and 1GB. There's at least one major thing that bothers me about the DVD/Blu-Ray versions, so although I own them I always watch the despecialised versions.

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With all the hype around star wars I'm looking to watch the originals. There seem to be many versions I hear with fans blasting a recent blu ray release. Are the original s available in their unaltered state on dvd or blu ray? Also are the changes that rubbish to somebody who cant remember seeing them before?

I don't know how easy they are to find, but these DVDs have both the special editions and the unaltered theatrical versions.




If memory serves, they're the second generation special editions, which were tweaked further to match the prequels.


In general though, the Special Editions feature:

A New Hope - The most significant changes. Extra scenes, extended scenes, shit CGI vomited all over certain bits, changes to the narrative.

The Empire Strikes Back - Superfiscial additions that don't really add anything, or take anything away. Apart from Boba Fett's voice, and some cringeworthy CGI, you can watch the film without really noticing.

Return Of The Jedi - Lots of shit CGI in Jabba's palace and a completely reconstructed ending, featuring some only marginally better CGI.

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When did they add Greedo shooting first and that really shit bit where Han stands on Jabbas tail?

Pretty sure that was the 97 Special Edition.

Thought so. I still have the gold VHS box set that was released of those versions, but there was a silver box set as well if I remember right. Anyone know the difference?

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This is a good compare and contrast of some of the changes. It turns out that I actually don't mind a lot of them, and some of them are definite improvements! http://www.buzzfeed.com/sarahburton/how-star-wars-visual-effects-have-changed-since-the-original#.edRYBJNoK 

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