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I've booked a return flight to China for May but have since considered going to Tokyo at some point. Could this cause a problem when applying for the visa(s)? Would I need to book the flight from Shanghai to Tokyo before applying for the visa? It's a two week stay with a proposed five days in Tokyo within that time frame. I'd have to go to Shanghai, fly to Tokyo and at some point fly back to Shanghai for my return flight home.

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I went to China in 2006, so things may be different from then. My understanding is that you will need a separate visa to enter Japan and you may need a second one to re-enter China after you come back from Japan unless you apply for a Visa with Double Entry. Your original Visa to enter China (which will most likely be a tourist visa) allows for 30 days in the country and then expires once you leave if you only have a single entry visa, so you would have to apply for a second visa for re-entry to the country.

My best advice would be to go to the relevant embassies and tell them exactly what your travel plans are and they should be able to tell you exactly what you need to do



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I went to China in 2006, so things may be different from then. My understanding is that you will need a separate visa to enter Japan and you may need a second one to re-enter China after you come back from Japan unless you apply for a Visa with Double Entry. Your original Visa to enter China (which will most likely be a tourist visa) allows for 30 days in the country and then expires once you leave if you only have a single entry visa, so you would have to apply for a second visa for re-entry to the country.

My best advice would be to go to the relevant embassies and tell them exactly what your travel plans are and they should be able to tell you exactly what you need to do




Thank you for that, will get on that tomorrow.

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