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Egg Shen

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I agree. I like AJ to a certain extent but just feel he is the chosen one, through no fault of his own though. Maybe it's the Eddie Hearn thing, i don't know. I just like Fury, i know he hasnt had the hardest route to the title. I still don't think we have seen the real Joshua either, you can tell he has been drilled to be media savvy etc....the mask will slip one day.

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He's a "Road Man" who had a bad reputation growing up, drug dealing etc


He's got a good team around him and he's behaved since going pro. We've not had much from him yet so far in trash talk, he's not really had anyone to come up against in apart from Dillian Whyte, everyone he seems to come up against knows they're getting sparked out.

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You'd love for the Homophobic, misogynist cunt to beat the humble and talented young Champion? Fucking weirdo.

I'm sure some of the wrestlers you love have a far more chequered past than Tyson.

I'm not sure Tyson genuinally means all the nonsense he says either. He just seems to get bored and spout a lot of it to get attention, and it works.


Hayes fighting early December, 10th or 12th. Briggs looks likely according to his twitter.

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I'm wholeheartedly with Rick on the Fury/Joshua thing. People who say Joshua is fake, how does anyone know unless they know him personally? What we DO know is Fury comes off as a right bellend. A near 7ft one who probably smells of arse and onion gravy*. Joshua seems alright to me. Fury's a cock. I don't know how anyone could prefer him over Joshua. He's a fucking idiot and his fights are usually dull as shit unless he's getting dropped on his arse or he's punching himself in the face like a right wally. And neither of those things happen anymore.


*OK that bit's purely a gut feeling on my part.

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Different people like different charachters. I think Mcgegor is an absoloute bellend, some people think he's the best thing since sliced bread.


That's not the same though. He's just a bellend. And entertaining with it, like him or not. If he was spouting vile opinions then opinion would change pretty quickly on him.


Apart from David, he'd then love him because everyone else hated him ;)

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The thing about Fury is that while everyone is jumping aboard the bandwagon and having a pop at this public figure who seems like a dick, behind it all is a mentally unstable guy with some serious issues.


I know his shite-talking has been well documented over the years, but has anyone read the kind of stuff he says during interviews? Shit like this makes me think twice before blasting him as a cunt and hoping he tumbles into obscurity;


"I’ve not been in a gym for months. I’ve not been training. I’ve been going through depression. I just don’t want to live any more, if you know what I’m saying. I’ve had total enough of it."


"I hope I die every day. And that’s a bad thing to say when I’ve got three children and a lovely wife, isn’t it? But I don’t want to live any more. And if I could take me own life – and I wasn’t a Christian – I’d take it in a second. I just hope someone kills me before I kill myself. I’ll have to spend eternity in hell.”


"I’ve been out drinking, anything to get me mind off what’s been going on to me. You wouldn’t understand it if I told you. It’s so corrupt. And the real people inside of boxing know what’s going on. They know it.


“I don’t see a way out, I don’t even see a way of living for me, I don’t want to live any more. It has brought me to the brink of death, that’s where I’m at at the moment.



“It is crazy, that’s what’s going on, but listen, I don’t really care. They’ve won. They’ve got what they wanted. That’s it. I’m as fat as pig. I’m 285 pounds, 290 pounds. It is what it is."


“I’m trying to forget about it all. I’m putting boxing behind me, the drinking, the drugs, just getting back in the church and right with God. Cause that’s all that matters with me. This is me first and last interview. I just want time alone with my family, I’m going through a lot of personal demons, I’ve got demons on me, I’m trying to shake them all off. I want a normal life. I don’t want to box any more, I don’t want it no more.”


And it's nothing new. 5 years ago he said this in an interview with a Guardian reporter;


"There is a name for what I have," he says, "where, one minute I'm happy, and the next minute I'm sad, like commit-suicide-sad. And for no reason – nothing's changed."


Sitting in his armchair, wearing a vest and shorts, Fury looks at me evenly. "One minute I'm over the moon and the next minute I feel like getting in my car and running it into a wall at a hundred miles an hour. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm messed up."


Can he overcome these feelings? "No," Fury says calmly. "I just live with them. I think I need a psychiatrist because I do believe I am mentally disturbed in some way. Maybe it was the fact that when I was a kid we didn't have a family life. My mother and father were always shouting and screaming and hitting each other. My dad had different women and different kids down the road. My mum had 14 pregnancies – but only four of us survived. We had a little sister born for a few days and she died. There had to be a funeral. That would affect you."


I dunno what I want out of life, me. What's the point of it all?"


I'm looking for something different that's just not out there. But when I get in the ring I don't have this feeling I've got now. Right now, I really feel like smashing this place up."


The guy is obviously suffering, so I'm not sure the vilification and abuse he get's is really going to help.

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Yeh Fury is a unique case. Pretty much everybody says that away from the camera's he's a great guy. He just clearly doesn't handle the pressure of the media well, he's bi-polar or some shit.

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I prefer Joshua to Fury personally. Fury has said some pretty backward things in his time. Whether that's a product of his illness is anyone's guess. I would guess that it isn't entirely. Fury himself has admitted that he's been raised a certain way, and holds certain beliefs. 


Whatever is said about Fury though, this was pure gold. Better than anything Joshua, Wlad or Haye have ever done. 


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Yeh Fury is a unique case. Pretty much everybody says that away from the camera's he's a great guy. He just clearly doesn't handle the pressure of the media well, he's bi-polar or some shit.

Bi-polar or some shit? That's a very ignorant thing to say.

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