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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

quote the raven

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Lanny Poffo as a knight in Memphis wrestling following is and Randy's switch to their rival promotion. His delivery is fantastic:


From Memphis again; Bart Batten & Johnny Wilhoit havin' a gay 'ole time at Jerry Jarrett's estate in a video that out camps SMW's ThrillSeekers promo:

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I stayed in to watch Rocky II as I went out last night on a miserably failed date (she was a farm girl, I hate farm girls) and I still feel like someone's shat inside my head. That's why I'm here.


Good lord, living on Anglesey my sex life would be non-existent if it weren't for farm girls! As a young man, young farmers events were the best :thumbsup:

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At first I thought this was all a pish take. After searching to see if this has been posted before I present Brother Midnight.


Firstly what may be the greatest promo of all time:


Still pantless; Sweet Daddy Caddy & Brother Midnight. 2 men: no pants:


Many years before the Jobber Belt; an angle which I regard to be one of the greatest in Pro Wrestling history, it's Brother Midnight WINS, has public breakdown:


On a similar note; I'M THE BIGGEST LOSER!!! Brother Midnight vs. Tulip:


Brother Midnight promos w/some guy (some Motherfucker who seems to have mugged their TV champion for the belt):


Brother Midnight: Hard Times. The great man ripping the arse out of the likes of Jim and Tammy Bakker:


TNA need to resurrect this man. Fuck having a tournament in which the rules defeat the concept of having a fucking tournament in the fucking first place. Fuck waiting for a PPV and fuck even bothering with a title change. This man was born for the TNA title.


Finally an article in which the great man features:



Catch you Bay-Beh's later

Edited by Hugh Thesz
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