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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

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I keep hearing people mention "CharmCityShoots", from what I understand, he uploads lots of different shoot interviews, but he uploads them under different names like the Ole Anderson shoot was apparently under "Grumpy old man", then he took it down. So I'm just wondering if there's any sort of link to his channel or somehow you can find what he has on there, as I've searched for ages and can't find shit. I understand the skullduggery though....


CharmCityShoots account has been suspended it seems, I thought they might of hung around a little longer as they only kept the shoots up a day or two before deleting


Youtube was class for shoots a few years back as well, check out Sh0oter0oni's page on Youtube. He doesnt put them up on there but his page has links to watch them on other sites and that

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That's a great find. Purely by going from appearance, I'd guess that it's 90-92. It's easy to forget Shamrock had trained in the art of Pro Wrestling before he went into a career of legitimate fighting, I think anyway. But I suppose the origins of MMA (or the UFC in specific) more or less co-incide with the foundation of Shamrock's career as a fighter.


I could be wrong here, but isn't that the guy from the early days of WCW Thunder, on the play-by-play with Thesz? What's the name again......the bloke who Mickfan on here has on his Sig, and may possibly be in love with.


Sounds a fucking lot like him.


Smashing little contest isn

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I was disappointed there was no sign of Undertaker leaving. And out of everyone leaving in their gear, Mean Gene in his tuxedo tickled me just right for some reason.


Oh yeah, it's amazing to see Bulldog's win from a fancam type view. Love that kinda stuff.

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Ahh man that video was quality, nice little bit of nostalgia there.


Only way that video could have been better would be if when they were leaving Typhoon fell out the door and Davey Boy popped up saying 'he fell on his fookin arse'

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Ahh man that video was quality, nice little bit of nostalgia there.


Only way that video could have been better would be if when they were leaving Typhoon fell out the door and Davey Boy popped up saying 'he fell on his fookin arse'





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Cool video, but totally spoiled by the disgusting comments just beneath the video. I normally don't read the user comments on youtube, but the main comment on the screen is hard to miss, and when I read it, it just reminded me of why I don't read any Youtube comments in the first place. Fucking horrible cunts.

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Worth watching from the 4.05 mark. Mankind vs Drosse on Raw from 96, featuring Jake on commentary as Lawler just rips in to him over and over and over again with a barrage of drinking gags. The best thing of course, is that this was all the TRUTH! Jake was off the wagon by then, and in fact missed the very match with Mankind that this segment was building to. The culmination of Lawlers tirade at the end is blistering stuff from the once God-like King, and the tragedy of the whole thing is set beautifully to Mankind's winning music. I know it divides opinion, but I love this angle. Jake Roberts had his moments, but I have zero issues enjoying seeing his boozy mcboozerton ways being pulled up on.


And for the 1,356,725th time, what the fucking fuck happened to Jerry Lawler? What I wouldn't give to see him turn and smack JR about next week and start rolling off some of the evil stuff. There's a million bland midcard babyfaces he could get over huge while he can still go in the ring.

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Even though it's a small show, it's clear to see that the wrestlers involved have all been taught properly, and that the match has been booked properly also, and everything is very well executed, especially the finish, and those are some of the massive differences between a legitimate independent pro wrestling show, and the bollocks currently being discussed over in the Shitarse EWE thread.

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