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I've seen Con-Air and disagree it's the best action film ever. There's loads better and to name one, Die Hard.


Also, i've just purchased the massive bargain of a Wes Anderson boxset containing Royal Tenenbaums, Life Aquatic and Rushmore for

Edited by AliveAndAmplified
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A great night in consists of a bunch of mates, a rake of beer and the one-two-three punch trifecta of excellence that is:


Con Air

The Rock



It's hard to find a better triple bill. It's just a shame Cage wasn't in Broken Arrow, which is another mid-90's action classic.


If anyone on the internet doesn't think Con Air is the greatest action movie ever made, I will fucking fight them. That movie has everything. I could write a 100,000 word essay about it.

Con Air great but Hard Boiled better

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Nev, you named three really good movies there.


Maybe not technically great, but I loved em all. I had the misfortune of seeing Knowing. Now granted, it wasn't as bad as The Happening or House of 1,000 Corpses. It was horrible. I urge you not to see it to judge for yourself. Just pretend it doesn't exist.

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I really enjoyed the origional Fist of the North Star series. Its really daft violent fun. Every episode is essentially the same structure but i happen to like that structure. The only trouble is the UK Manga box is very much not the complete series. Its the 1st 40 or so. There are another 100 from what i can remember reading. I thought the 3 episode remake had promise but was abit dull over all.


The original Japanese manga, including the second saga, was only 27 volumes long. Did you read a set of individual episodes, or actual volumes?

Sorry, I ment the UK Manga Entertainment box set of the origional TV series not the manga books.

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I've seen Con-Air and disagree it's the best action film ever. There's loads better and to name one, Die Hard.


Please, Die Hard is nowhere near bombastic enough. The high point of that movie is the Vigo the Carpathian cameo.


He's right. Die Hard is better than Con Air. Technically speaking Predator is better than both of them, but in the sub-genre of action-with-comedy blockbuster movie, Die Hard is king.

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Y'know, John Woo's Hollywood stuff wasn't that bad. It didn't stand up to Hard Boiled or The Killer, but Hard Target is Van Damme's best film outside of JCVD and Broken Arrow and Face/Off are great fun too.

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Y'know, John Woo's Hollywood stuff wasn't that bad.

Paycheck might suggest otherwise... But actually, you're right. Apart from that they're all rather enjoyable action flicks.

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Going to cause a lot of ruptions with this i feel, but finally got round to watching Oldboy last night and tbh its shit.


I thought id give it ago after all the hype, and I thought Iam Cyborg... was good,


The director is retreading Amelie with Ultra-violence, which isnt that ultra, more Shaolin Soccer Comedy, especially the corridor scene.


The plot is obvious, and if you didnt get who Mido was before the big reveal then.. good for you


Oooh wow Live Octopus, Yawn. I dont know weather Ive been de sensitised to this kind of thing over time, but so he eats it, erm great


I get that its all about.. 'Ando' hey he looks like ando and having his taboo relationship being fucked up by scurrilous tittle tattle (plus some degree of truth0, spread by the guy whose life has been made hell.


But the whole thing left me cold. it was too long, overly convuluted to the point it was trying to be cool for the sake of it.. lonely people and ants indeed, drawing arrows showing points of attack etc.


And ultimately the pay off that 'ando' killed himself after fucking up the main guys life (Chien- SOU (Sp?)SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

left things as in he only want him to screw his daughter because then he would have to live with the shame of incest that ando and his sister endured, okay did he not wanna mess it up further? i mean why cut your toungue off.. oh right so cant speak any evil.. So is that it then *shrugs shoulders*

and then sorted by the macguffin of hypnosis.. joy


I very nearly turned it off a few times whilst watching it, but felt determined to see to the end... and wished i hadnt bothered.


Mr Han, what was the point?



Anyways Ive rambled enough

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