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I was just in Glasgow for the week and managed to catch Jumper and Be Kind Rewind while killing time and avoiding the horrible weather. I'd be hard pressed to decide which was shittier but Jumper was probably more entertaining just due to the ADD script.*EDIT*How embarassing, I don't appear to know how to use the spoiler tags :blush: Spoilers below:Jumper had so many ridiculous plot holes that I couldn't just overlook them. At the start of the movie the main character (as a teenager) falls into a frozen lake at his school. Just as he's about to drown he "jumps" himself (and a ton of water, flooding the place) into the library, discovering a magic power he never knew he had. Instead of freaking out his almost immediate reaction is to ask himself out loud "did I just teleport?" Meanwhile, back at the lake, everyone has assumed he's dead. Realising this the guy decides to run away from home and start a new life. Oh, and rob a bankThe film then skips ahead eight years and the guy is grown up and living the life of luxury thanks to his stolen money. Somehow (I can't even remember why) he ends up back in his home town and finds out the girl he was friendly with back in high school is working in a bar. He goes there and watches her for an hour or so. Eventually someone recognises him and the girl confronts him. Within ten minutes of meeting back up with her dead friend after eight years she agrees to go to France with him :/ Be Kind Rewind, on the other hand, just wasn't funny. At all. Not really much else to say.

Edited by CTXRussomark
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She agrees to go to Italy with him actually. ;)I thought Jumper was mildly entertaining drivel. Some of the shots of Rome and other locations are stunning, Rachel Bilson has gone too skinny but is still very lovely indeed, Anakin Skywalker is not a good lead. Jamie Bell is alright though. Samuel's wig is preposterous. I liked that he just decided to wildly abuse his ability and live it up rather than feel honour bound to save the world with it, but there were indeed many glaring plot holes and instances of general rubbishness. "I wanted to tell her, but who would have believed me anyway?" I think teleporting accross a room before someone's eyes is a pretty good way to prove that you can teleport. Heh.

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Persuit of Happyness


What a great film, really, had me in tears at the end even though it was blatantly obvious, oh and also the Underground lavatory scene, still I just wanted that little touch more seeing the 'after' scenes :D


Just a shame that so much of the 'truth' was changed.




Which is quite sad as if anything the original story is strong enough anyway....




Still he gave it his blessing so bleh.

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I saw Knocked Up the other day, thought it was a better film than Superbad and a good comedy. Perhaps not the greatness it got collared for, but still a solid 2 hours of entertainment. Judd Aptow is not the next Woody Allen, but hopefully we'll get a few more good flicks out of him.I also watched The English Patient, whilst being a fairly good film (and Ralph Fiennes is very good), it didn't strike me as an oscar worthy picture - despite winning 9 (including best picture). The film tries hard to be original, and despite a not bad twist at the end, feels like it is 40 years too late.

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Just watching Hamburger Hill on ITV 4.Nothing else to say other than damn, I forgot just how good this film was.

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I saw Knocked Up the other day, thought it was a better film than Superbad and a good comedy. Perhaps not the greatness it got collared for, but still a solid 2 hours of entertainment. Judd Aptow is not the next Woody Allen, but hopefully we'll get a few more good flicks out of him.

I dont see the Woody Allen comparison at all, you might as well be sayin he's not the next Michael Bay(granted i haven't seen any of the early Woody's). He does have a hint of the John Hughes' to him though, Knocked Up is like a better version of She's having a baby.Watched Once last night and i must say it was a nice little surprise of a film with some really good performances from the two leads. I stil find it strange that the film made a shit load of money in America as i just don't see the crossover appeal other than there's a few Irish people over there, then again maybe Americans aren't all retarded and car chase hungry when it comes to cinema like we've been led to believe.Eastern Promises was pretty good but i did find myself wanting a bit more from it and was left a little unsatisfied by the end. Also Viggo fighting with his dong out was a little out of the blue.
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Ugh, I hate it. Sure, its fun to laugh at if you're with friends and feel like ripping into a bad movie, but as far as Jason films go, why would you mess around with a good, simple formula of 'find/kill/repeat' with some stupid Scooby Doo-esque plot?

Edited by DeanoTheGame
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