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'Big Bahheee Wynndham' as Dusty would pronounce it is one of them guys I always remember but then watch him back in his great years (86-93) and I'm always reminded how perfect he was for the wrestling. You look at Dustin Rhodes and you can see he learnt and absolute fuck ton from Barry. When he wasn't washed, he was a luxury performer to watch. Big rangy clobberer of a man.

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Windham was ace. One of the best ever for me. Most of my initial exposure to wrestling was through WCW Worldwide on ITV in 92/93 and Windham was all over that. His team with Dustin was a highlight for me. I was too young to even be a ‘workrate perv’ back then and I couldn’t have put my finger on what I liked about this big doughy guy in plain trunks and cowboy boots but there was something really satisfying about watching him hit a lariat or his big Superplex. Later on I got to appreciate what it was and he was so smooth in everything he did he made shit look effortless. If there was a ‘wrestling styles that are pleasing to look at’ thread on here like the one on people, the likes of Windham and Bobby Eaton would be right near the top of the list for me.

Still wish that Widowmaker run in the WWF in 1989 got to play out. Obviously he was never gonna get a run as the top guy just because WWF was mostly babyface champ promotion, Barry didn’t have the physique Vince wanked over and nobody was getting a look in during Hogan’s big heyday unless they were a Warrior or Savage type star. But I wonder what Windham could’ve got out of that run. He had gotten himself in good shape at the time and was still young enough to put a run together. At the very least, I wish we got a Windham vs Bret Hart match on tape. I remember reading in @air_raid’s House Show thread that there was actually a match with Bret scheduled for a card but Windham was gone before it could happen. Travesty. Even though that one presumably wouldn’t have been recorded, there’s a chance they were planning to take a look at how Baz and Bret gelled in the ring with the possibility of pairing them up for more matches down the road.

Anyway, yeah, Windham was awesome. Had no idea about that match with Terry Funk in the thread you posted either so I’ll definitely have to get on that later. 

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2 hours ago, wandshogun09 said:

I remember reading in @air_raid’s House Show thread that there was actually a match with Bret scheduled for a card but Windham was gone before it could happen. Travesty. Even though that one presumably wouldn’t have been recorded, there’s a chance they were planning to take a look at how Baz and Bret gelled in the ring with the possibility of pairing them up for more matches down the road.

Probably just another heel to put Bret in with. He was wrestling everyone from Perfect to Honky to Bravo to The Model in singles on the road for a good year or more while Anvil did jobs or pissed about with The Genius. They took an eternity looking at Bret as a singles wrestler on house shows before making him “a singles wrestler” on telly.

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7 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Probably just another heel to put Bret in with. He was wrestling everyone from Perfect to Honky to Bravo to The Model in singles on the road for a good year or more while Anvil did jobs or pissed about with The Genius. They took an eternity looking at Bret as a singles wrestler on house shows before making him “a singles wrestler” on telly.

If you look at Survivor Series '89, there are very few random inclusions on opposing teams. Honky was going to be having matches with Red Rooster, for instance. Hercules was on the one team because he'd been paired off with Dino Bravo earlier in the year. Bret and BW were two that seemed to be linked until the latter ducked out after his dad and brother went down and he wanted to be inconspicuous, giving us Earthquake on that team instead.

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29 minutes ago, davertfnewman said:

If you look at Survivor Series '89, there are very few random inclusions on opposing teams. Honky was going to be having matches with Red Rooster, for instance. Hercules was on the one team because he'd been paired off with Dino Bravo earlier in the year. Bret and BW were two that seemed to be linked until the latter ducked out after his dad and brother went down and he wanted to be inconspicuous, giving us Earthquake on that team instead.

Umm, I know.

On 3/8/2022 at 6:19 AM, air_raid said:

January 1990

Another final note - a few towns had Widowmaker matches advertised before they knew he wasn’t coming back and at least one of them would have been against Bret. Even slightly after Barry’s prime and slightly before Hart’s, I bet that would have been pretty smooth.


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