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12 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

Kingston has got himself in a tag team with Akiyama on a DDT event, he's probably much happier doing that than a shit spooky bollocks feud.

Christ, I let out the loudest groan when they did the subliminal messaging shite during the Elite promo. One of the main reasons I watch AEW instead of WWE is because I can't stand cringe supernatural dogshit, and yet here we are. I'm sure the eventual straight-up 6-man will be excellent, but it also means sitting through embarrassing WWE-style eerie PG hogwash.

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2 hours ago, Accident Prone said:

Christ, I let out the loudest groan when they did the subliminal messaging shite during the Elite promo. One of the main reasons I watch AEW instead of WWE is because I can't stand cringe supernatural dogshit, and yet here we are. I'm sure the eventual straight-up 6-man will be excellent, but it also means sitting through embarrassing WWE-style eerie PG hogwash.

I'm not even sure I'd mind it so much if it was something we'd never seen before, but it's Wyatt-lite; from a stable which has become, essentially, a knock-off Wyatt family. Except they're not quite as good. Black was at his best as the eerie solo ass-kicker that he was portrayed at when he first debuted. King, Matthews and Hart add nothing to his act. Individually, they all of their own positives, don't get me wrong, but these don't exactly shine through as part of this terrible stable. 

One positive from the show was Adam Cole's promo, I thought he came across fantastically well. Unfortunately, it also left me a bit concerned for his general wellbeing. It'll be hard to enjoy his first match back, even if the build-up is phenomenal. 

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I'm kind of dreading post-Revolution. All too often it's a case of get the PPV out of the way and hope for a refresh. This time we know that Supercard is weeks later and Owen Hart Cup is round the corner. They don't have the same surprises to sprinkle in amongst the drudgery.

They've also just announced shows into the middle of May with Double or Nothing at the end of that month. Any UK show is looking for the Summer at the earliest where they are going up against MITB hype.

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1 hour ago, Infinity Land said:

Owen Hart Cup is round the corner

Has this been announced? Really an open tournament in AEW is a perfect excuse to put on some absolute classic matches that might not fit naturally in a storyline, but The Owen Hart Cup was absolute rubbish. Such a waste of potential.

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15 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Has this been announced? Really an open tournament in AEW is a perfect excuse to put on some absolute classic matches that might not fit naturally in a storyline, but The Owen Hart Cup was absolute rubbish. Such a waste of potential.

I'm just assuming it will fall into the same time frame since it has been confirmed its back in 2023. After all they're talking up the "tradition" of the Casino Tag & Tag Battle Royales declaring contenders for Revolution.

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Fucking hell, shocker of an episode this week. Even the most tribalistic of AEW diehards would’ve struggled with this.

I’ll give Jeff Jarrett a pass considering the death of his father the previous day, but everyone else inthat match had no excuses. Sonjay laying there with Max Castor holding his legs for seemed like an absolute ice age. House show level nonsense.

Why does everyone keep wiping each others blood on one another. The only thing that’s going to be #AllElite this is an HIV outbreak.

2 matches in a row someone interfering who then got chased off by someone running in. Lousy

Id checked out by the time it got to Hangman v Kip, and by the sound of the crowd so had they. Mox demanding a Texas Death Match somehow got ‘negative noise’ such was the pop for it.

Nothing is firing at the minute and Revolution looks like it’s going to be a right slog. Christian v Jungle Boy in a match we were supposed to get 5 months ago that no-one cares about now, Joe v Wardlow get another go round, a Tag Title ‘Get Everyone On The Card’ Match, a TBC match between Jericho and Starks that Starks desperately wants for some reason despite having already beaten him.

Its just an absolute mess right now

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I was reading a book earlier today on Arctic exploration. The descriptions in that book read warmer than this show felt. 

Even that tornado tag, the type of match I generally really enjoy, just a mad brawl - and it was just there. It went on for a fucking age. That type of match should start hot and finish before it has a chance to cool down. It shouldn't last twenty minutes. 

Why can't anyone in wrestling watch TV like a normal fucking human being? You show me the back of Hangman's head watching the TV backstage, do you think I can't tell it's the Cowboy? Fuck me. 

There's a circular problem here as well with the crowds, buildings and the product. They're going to places too often. The promotion isn't being booked well and the talent aren't as over as a result. So the crowds in these buildings are either small or aren't invested. AEW are in desperate need of mixing up the formula. Shooting Dynamite from some random locations or unique looking buildings to at least try to hide for a while that the crowd in Wherever the fuck Texas, sound like they're at a funeral. 

There's still loads of potential with this promotion to get back on track, it's not a massive rebuild that's needed, it's a course correction. Most of the changes, that anyone here can see, are pretty small and easy to make in isolation. It's just now there are lots of small things coming together to create a major problem. 

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It’s been too long between ppv cycles for the stories to drag out and keep interest as the two big ones started around then. If they aren’t gonna take battle of the belts seriously as it doesn’t get viewers, get that hour once a quarter to do a big fuck off dynamite that is treated like a B level ppv and you can build 6 weeks to that. November to March is too big a gap. 

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No Beach Break this year to at least give the perception of something big in between.

Here's a basic booking problem. If you're doing both a Casino Battle Royale and a normal Battle Royale to determine contenders for the tag titles. Maybe do the Casino version first in case you've got some surprises lined up. You can just stick the 2nd one as a busy opener for Rampage the next week.

Of course they're doing normal battle royale first and announced all the participants including Aussie Open in a match graphic.

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58 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

No Beach Break this year to at least give the perception of something big in between.

Here's a basic booking problem. If you're doing both a Casino Battle Royale and a normal Battle Royale to determine contenders for the tag titles. Maybe do the Casino version first in case you've got some surprises lined up. You can just stick the 2nd one as a busy opener for Rampage the next week.

Of course they're doing normal battle royale first and announced all the participants including Aussie Open in a match graphic.

Those first couple of years we all lauded AEW for getting basic, logical stuff right. You used to go months at a time, sometimes maybe even a year before you’d get a repeat match. Now we’re getting a third meeting between Mox & Hangman in early March.

Now they can’t even seem to get their heads round that, something which for me has hampered the whole feud. 
The result of the so called rubber match is particularly annoying. If you’re going to have them do a wild gimmick match at the PPV, give them a logical reason for it with the result. Either have them batter each other for a couple of weeks in a scrap backstage or if you just had to do Match 3, do a Double DQ in and have Tony Sniff say “Right, fine! The rules of a normal match can’t contain you, Texas Death Match it is and that’s the end of it”
What we’ve ended up with is Hangman getting beaten fair & square and looking a plonker with his “nah mate, we’re not ending it that way” nonsense. You lost, tough shit, now stop being a sore loser. 
Some are saying it’s sowing the seeds for a heel turn which I’m not buying. He just looks a loser. No wonder he’s mates with the Dark Order, they’re a bunch of losers too.

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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