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7 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Yeah mate, it's wrestling. Wrestling shows have wrestling matches on them.

Usually with a bit of thought behind it mind and reason. And not just thrown out there as thr latest "dream match of the week"

Honestly it's like when you're 10 and you're at school and it's like, what would be your ultimate dream match? And someone is like I'd love to see Undertaker v Mankind v Kane v Hulk Hogan v Ric Flair v Ahmed Johnson in a flaming hell in a cell match with Andre The Giant as the referee.

Could do, but might be a bit...pointless.

Prefer my TV matches to have a reason to happen like rather than just "dream match innit"

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8 minutes ago, Doog said:

Usually with a bit of thought behind it mind and reason. And not just thrown out there as thr latest "dream match of the week"

Honestly it's like when you're 10 and you're at school and it's like, what would be your ultimate dream match? And someone is like I'd love to see Undertaker v Mankind v Kane v Hulk Hogan v Ric Flair v Ahmed Johnson in a flaming hell in a cell match with Andre The Giant as the referee.

Could do, but might be a bit...pointless.

Prefer my TV matches to have a reason to happen like rather than just "dream match innit"

And as Infinity Land has posted, there is a bit of story to this and it's likely to lead to more story. 

But does every TV match have a reason? In terms of the story of wrestling, wrestling is a sport, in sports matches take place so it should be ok for matches to happen without a story or build behind it.

And AEW dream match criticism I would say is incorrect - if anything they've held back too much on dream matches and feuds which they should have done already. It's been fucking annoying that they've held back on so much big stuff really.


Edited by LaGoosh
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6 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

And as Infinity Land has posted, there is a bit of story to this and it's likely to lead to more story. 

But does every TV match have a reason? In terms of the story of wrestling, wrestling is a sport, in sports matches take place so it should be ok for matches to happen without a story or build behind it.

And AEW dream match criticism I would say is incorrect - if anything they've held back too much on dream matches and feuds which they should have done already. It's been fucking annoying that they've held back on so much big stuff really.


Unlike some other times it's not like the graphic just popped up without context. Opening of BOTB led to confrontation between OC and BCC that sparked the renewal. OC making the challenge later on that night in a post-match interview.

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The belief that every match has to have some mad storyline behind it is proof positive of how WWE’s multi-decade monopoly rotted people’s brains.

The whole internal logic of pro-wrestling is that matches are held to see who is the best wrestler. Stuff can offshoot beyond that and go in different directions, but at its core it’s a heightened simulation of a sport, wherein guys want to fight each other to prove they’re the best. Remove that and it’d be even stupider than it already is.

Never mind the fact that Bryan Danielson gave Okada a huge loss in a headline bout on a pay per view, which Okada will likely want revenge for. Never mind that Okada broke Danielson’s arm, costing him months of what we now know is a career with a strict time limit left. Never mind that Okada is teaming with his good friend Orange Cassidy, who’s incredible title reign was violently ended by Danielson’s team mate, who he still has unfinished business with. You can’t move for story here. If you can’t see that then that’s on you.

Sometimes, it doesn’t have to be shampoo commercials.

Edited by Supremo
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32 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Never mind the fact that Bryan Danielson gave Okada a huge loss in a headline bout on a pay per view, which Okada will likely want revenge for. Never mind that Okada broke Danielson’s arm, costing him months of what we now know is a career with a strict time limit left. Never mind that Okada is teaming with his good friend Orange Cassidy, who’s incredible title reign was ended by Danielson’s team mate, who he still has unfinished business with. You can’t move for story here. If you can’t see that then that’s on you.

I just don’t agree with this. When has Okada ever interacted with OC on AEW television? Perhaps they became aware of Okada’s availability on short notice - in which case, fair enough. However, this happens a lot with AEW and it can make it tough to follow. I don’t watch New Japan, so I’ve no idea what CHAOS is, or why it matters. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to want to understand what’s going on, without doing background reading - a bit of build-up wouldn’t take away from the enjoyment of people who actually are ‘in the know’, but it would improve AEW for everyone else. I don’t see why anyone would object to that. 

32 minutes ago, Supremo said:

The whole internal logic of pro-wrestling is that matches are held to see who is the best wrestler. Stuff can offshoot beyond that and go in different directions, but at its core it’s a heightened simulation of a sport, wherein guys want to fight each other to prove they’re the best. Remove that and it’d be even stupider than it already is.

Sure, but where do AEW’s many multi-person matches fit into that? In singles competition, what is the next step after wrestler A beats wrestler B? A title, presumably - yet you consistently see wrestlers go on long unbeaten runs in AEW without ever taking that next step; and others lose often (Jarrett, The Hardys, Anna Jay) yet regularly get title shots. Surely, to prove you’re the best, there has to be something more than that? 

I don’t think @Doog is wrong to feel a bit exhausted by this. I can excuse it occasionally; but when it happens as often as it does, I’d suggest that it’s a contributing factor to AEW shows feeling as messy as they sometimes do. 

Edited by RedRooster
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12 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I don’t watch New Japan, so I’ve no idea what CHAOS is, or why it matters.

Me neither, but I know what CHAOS is and roughly who's in it because they've been on AEW television multiple times over the years.

Separately, is not knowing all the details really that much of a blocker for people? I've always found my knowledge gaps when watching wrestling either make me intrigued to find out more or it just doesn't really bother me. 

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No idea who CHAOS are.  Had I not read this thread, I would have no idea why these two are tagging.  I also don’t recall any mention of this match in the last few weeks of tv.

 It’s not that every match needs a complex story, it’s more how many matches seem to have no story or build up besides “look at my toys”.  

I admit I do sometimes wonder if Tony K is booking this fed using an old copy of EWR and a set of wrestling dolls.


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13 minutes ago, Loki said:

I also don’t recall any mention of this match in the last few weeks of tv.

There's nothing to recall because Orange Cassidy only made the challenge last night.

26 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Me neither, but I know what CHAOS is and roughly who's in it because they've been on AEW television multiple times over the years.

I only know of CHAOS due to the two rounds of Forbidden Doors. All the random Rocky Romero and Ishii appearances over the years with the commentary drilling in the OC/Best Friends part in it and Okada as the leader.


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I don't watch New Japan either but it makes sense to me. CHAOS have been mentioned tons of times on AEW TV and OC having a long-running issue with the BCC and getting his stable-mate who has previous with Danielson in as back-up seems like one of the more basic storylines they could do. 

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29 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Separately, is not knowing all the details really that much of a blocker for people? I've always found my knowledge gaps when watching wrestling either make me intrigued to find out more or it just doesn't really bother me. 

AEW’s live attendance numbers suggests to me that it probably is. 

As for the second part of that, we’re all different, and we all watch wrestling differently. I don’t want to have to do any background reading - and I personally need something that’s a bit more than ‘these two are good wrestlers, enjoy!’ to feel invested in a match.

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3 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

AEW’s live attendance numbers suggests to me that it probably is. 

I'd say it's probably more a combination  of inconsistent booking, a lack of hot stars/stories, increased ticket prices, marathon length tapings that put people off going again, poor marketing, repeatedly going to the same areas than people not knowing who CHAOS are or whatever. 

AEW has always been like that when it comes to that other stuff and lack of details, it hasn't changed recently. Their biggest ever US PPV had Mox in a random match with a Japanese guy I had never heard of with no build or explanation to it. 

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