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3 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

2) three mystery men for Stadium Stampede is hilariously insane. I can't really think of 3 natural candidates for this. The only people who would get me excited for this that I can think of are Santana and Ortiz. 

Especially when you consider the BCC were only just betrayed by a bunch of hired mercenaries at Blood & Guts. Santana & Ortiz is a really good shout history with all the opponents and Stadium Stampede. Hadn't thought of that since still looking for a third. Maybe that's where Nigel's attempts to return comes in.

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I hope one of the mystery partners is Daniel Garcia. Always thought he would be a perfect fit for the BCC anyway before the teases with Danielson. Santana and Ortiz would be good too but isn't there something about how they are no longer mates in real life now?

Not having Orange Cassidy defend the INTERNATIONAL Championship on the biggest international show they will ever have is an incredible own goal.

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11 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Maybe that's where Nigel's attempts to return comes in.

Against Danielson's wishes which sets his departure from BCC up? 

Will being cheered over Jericho will be very funny. Also Will cementing himself as a face during the G1 and being a heel in AEW the week after it ends you can put in the 10% of AEW booking that makes you go "eh" 

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4 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Maybe that's where Nigel's attempts to return comes in.

That's a good shout, actually. 

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre match was the worst thing AEW has done in a long, long time - perhaps since the bizarre pre-shows they used to run in their early days. 

The MJF/Adam Cole in-ring segment was really strong, but there wasn't much logic in Cole teasing an attack on MJF. If he's planning to turn on him, why tease it now? If they're wanting to give MJF a reason to turn, that was a weak way to do it. 

I don't have any issues with Jericho/Ospreay. It's a big singles match, and All In is lacking in those. 

Although I enjoyed a lot of this show, and although All In will almost certainly deliver in ring, the build-up to this show has been baffling and, occasionally, lacklustre. 

Omega, Moxley and Hangman - three of the company's biggest stars - bunged away in tag matches, announced at the last minute. The build-up to the main event involving a weekly comedy skit (personally, I don't mind that...but it's certainly odd). CM Punk facing an opponent he defeated on television mere weeks ago. 

I get that Danielson's injury might have thrown plans off, but even with that in mind, this isn't a card that feels 'big'.

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What a wild show. Absolute madness.

Tony had his booking boots on in the first hour, when he decided to book 3 All In matches back to back.

Chris Jericho is a master. How he’s landed a singles match with Ospreay on the ‘biggest event of all time’, I’ll never know. What a man.

Omega being in a heatless 6-man is a bit of a shame, but will be nice to see Hangman.

I wonder if the mystery partners will be Harry Smith Jr, Zack Sabre Jr and Bryan Danielson. The first two sort of makes sense - they’re a faction rooted in the UK, even if they’re not from here - and you can work round Danielson’s injury in a match like stadium stampede if his recovery is otherwise on track. I’m not particularly arsed about the first two but would get the thinking, and Danielson would send Wembley loopy.

I suspect Stadium Stampede will be shit to watch for anyone in the actual stadium. You’ll just end up watching it on screens.

MJF/Cole are playing the dual roles of comedy tag team and serious main event feud very well. Those two promos were superb. I’m incredibly hyped for the main event.

My biggest takeaway from last night is there’s no shenanigans going on and Punk might just be a wally, Sting’s out of date Jack Nicholson Joker act is still a riot and it’s a shame that I think they’re going to save The Acclaimed/House of Black for All Out.

I wonder if they do a mad Bucks v FTR v Golden Elite v Young Bucks at All Out too.

I reckon all that’s left to add to Wembley is Jeff/Lethal vs The Hardys and to officially confirm Punk/Joe. Which leaves us with;


MJF (c) vs. Adam Cole for the AEW World championship

FTR (c) vs. The Young Bucks for the AEW World Tag Team titles

Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Saraya. vs. Dr. Britt Baker vs. Toni Storm for the AEW Women’s World championship

The Golden Elite (Hangman Page, Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi) vs. Bullet Club Gold (Juice Robinson & Jay White) & Konosuke Takeshita

Chris Jericho vs. Will Ospreay

Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) & MYSTERY PARTNERS vs. Eddie Kingston, Lucha Bros (Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix), Orange Cassidy & Best Friends (Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor) in Stadium Stampede

AR Fox & Swerve Strickland vs. Darby Allin & Sting in a Coffin Match

Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal vs The Hardy Boyz

Samoa Joe vs CM Punk

Aussie Open (c) vs. MJF & Adam Cole for the Ring of Honor Tag titles

I’m personally very happy with it, at least the key parts, but I do take the point that if you were to strip away all the context and someone were to ask you to book the biggest show of all time with AEW’s roster, you probably wouldn’t end up with that.

Which, in itself is fine, if they went to prioritise the US market because it makes them more money via not just gate receipts but also ads and sponsorships and whatever else then fine. But they themselves have started using the ‘biggest of all time’ tag, so perhaps may have to suffer a bit of kickback.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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6 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I reckon all that’s left to add to Wembley is Jeff/Lethal vs The Hardys and to officially confirm Punk/Joe. Which leaves us with;


Is Jeff Hardy even allowed in the UK, with his record? I don't want to see this match anywhere, but if it happens, I hope it's on Rampage or the All Out pre-show. All In would be a weaker show for having this match on it. 

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17 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

I hope one of the mystery partners is Daniel Garcia. Always thought he would be a perfect fit for the BCC anyway before the teases with Danielson. Santana and Ortiz would be good too but isn't there something about how they are no longer mates in real life now?


Ortiz has been retweeting a lot of old PnP/LAX era stuff certainly no guarantees of anything. Doesn't seem to have any bad blood from his side.

16 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

Against Danielson's wishes which sets his departure from BCC up? 



5 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

That's a good shout, actually.

I was fully prepared for a 3way Trios Stadium Stampede with the expected return of Eddie to boost Death Triangle.

The addition of 3 new people on the week of the show. Just highlights the mess of AEW's booking right now. Nigel's got a decent reputation online but has been a commentator for a decade. PnP are great tag team but have been lackeys to most of the audience. Throwing anyone in this last minute just feels poor. They're not going to get the Eddie pop. 

My dream scenario for this would be PnP announced next week. 3rd person left a mystery. Get to Wembley and it's Final Countdown with Danielson being a one armed wildman. Should know by now not to dream big with this card. It'll probably end up being Planet Jarrett.

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1 minute ago, RedRooster said:

Is Jeff Hardy even allowed in the UK, with his record? I don't want to see this match anywhere, but if it happens, I hope it's on Rampage or the All Out pre-show. All In would be a weaker show for having this match on it. 

Barred from Canada because of it. That's why he was written off TV.

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I’m only adding that in because Satnam Singh confirmed he, JJ and Jay Lethal were going to be at All In.

If they’re bringing them over, I suspect they’ll use them.

I think it will be Danielson for BCC, they can get around his arm in a match like that so easily and it’ll be a huge moment for the show. And then I think the logical answers are either PnP or Harry Smith/ZSJ. Both have some sort of logic.

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4 minutes ago, TheBurningRed said:

I’m sure Jeff Hardy was never allowed over here when he was with Impact. I can’t see him being on the show. 

He came over with WWE after that, in 2017 I believe. The Hardy’s came over as tag champs.

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