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An okay show. Out of nowhere, Collision has become the A show and Dynamite is a distant second. How the turn tables…

Under any other circumstances I would’ve really liked the opening angle. It felt like something of huge significance, everyone performed it well, and Danny Garcia dancing his way out of the job was fucking amazing. I might try that myself the next time I hand a notice in. However, given everything that happened last year, with the constant teases of Jericho vs. Garcia, with the endless stops and starts? If it’s all for that and we never actually get the match? Rubbish! On the plus side, I guess it’s preferable that Garcia hits the ground running rather than spend the next three months stuck in the vortex. The man is money. The dance is money. Send him to Collision now!

Can’t say I have much hope for the rest of the JAS though. Knowing how Khan books, even if he has the best intentions right now, I think a lot of them are going to slowly vanish. Hager in particular should be getting his CV ready. The man offers nothing if he’s not Jericho’s lackey.

The announcement of the women’s four way suggests Hayter isn’t going to be ready for Wembley, which is heart breaking. What a cruel world it is that neither Hayter nor Pac get to appear, yet a shitarse like Saraya waltzes in for all the glory. Hopefully Tony books Saraya to win the Title, if only for the comedic chaos of her inevitably being booed out of the stadium.

It’s never been clearer that CM Punk needs to make friends with the Young Bucks. Not even to facilitate the inevitable angle. Just because the Young Bucks are quite clearly the nicest friends you could ever ask for. That’s twice now they’ve worked absolute miracles and carried the Hardy Boys to a match about three and a half stars above their current level. Ridiculously talented bastards. The Bucks, that is. The Hardys are as washed as washed could be.

By contrast, RVD looked ridiculously good. Maybe the Hardys should’ve smoked more pot. Who knows. But seriously, I’m thirty eight. I’ve got a sore neck after sleeping funny last night and repetitive strain in my right arm from carrying my toddler. Watching a FIFTY TWO YEAR OLD RVD mostly getting his shit in like no time had passed was unbelievable. Bonus points for Pantera. Everything I love about AEW; the actual, realised e-fed of a billionaire Observer Subscriber. I’ll never get over it. But yeah; I’d consider bringing Rob back for more. He might be the next Sting.

MJF and Cole is now the best thing in the business. It’s funny that this has came around at the exact same time as The Bloodline has jumped the shark because it’s got everything that used to make The Bloodline so great. This sense of daft fun, mixed with the mystery of where it’s going, a fucking huge cloud of impending doom, and then the nail-biting anticipation of when the big moment’s gonna hit. It’s everything Sami Zayn brought to the table. I love it so, so much. I think it’s obvious where it’s heading though. As much as I’m enjoying Roderick Strong as the tragic loser, there’s no way anyone allows themselves to look so stupid unless the eventual turn is Cole, Roderick and co, all turning on MJF, costing him the belt. It has to go that way, surely? People need to be keeping an eye out for Kyle O’Reilly at Heathrow Airpot. They’re taking Max’s belt. It’s Undisputed. And I’d be absolutely fine with it. Especially if I’m there live to witness it! What a fucking curve ball it is that the MJF babyface turn comes when some lads turn on him, the one time he lets his guard down? Genuinely fascinating. Fucking hell, I’m advocating for Adam Cole to win the World Title at Wembley Stadium! What is going on?!

Swerve Strickland has arrived. It took about three attempts, but he’s finally found his perfect group of terrifying bastards. The Mogul Embassy look the absolute business walking out together. Brilliant. It’s about time this lad was treated as the top talent he so clearly is. Love that he was bragging about getting the Sting match at Wembley on social media. Fair fucking play. Brag away. Long time coming.

Hoping they just do the obvious with Omega next week and he challenges Takeshita one-on-one. Have the most athletic, explosive match of all time. See if you can break the ring like Big Show and Brock but without gimicking it. At this point, so close to Wembley, they may as well just save announcing Hangman and have him come out in a Battle Royale for the Big Surprise Hangman Adam Page Pop™. I can’t think of a better way to open the show than him beating everyone, winning some type of title shot, and then celebrating by scoffing a whole packet of Wagon Wheels.

Despite enjoying the Blackpool Combat Club instantly getting their heat back after Blood and Guts by doing the most dastardly things possible (steal Penta’s mask, smash up Sue’s van), the whole BCC/Death Triangle/Best Friends feud has mostly felt like a muddle mess. I can’t even remember how it started or what they’re even fighting for. At first, the Wembley match seemed to be Moxley vs. Cassidy, but now they’ve stolen a mask from the Lucha Brothers, I had no idea where any of this was going. But then it hit me. Three-way Stadium Stampede! BCC vs. Best Friends vs. Death Triangle! And don’t you worry about Pac being injured because the greatest replacement you could ever hope for just so happens to be PENTA’S BEST FRIEND.


Anyone know the closest petrol station to Wembley for him to fill up his can on the way?

Edited by Supremo
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Fun show. Looking forward to the Wembley show. 

MJF's Hogan line was the highlight. 

Got proper Double J MMA vibes from that Cole, MJF segment. 

Two women's main events in a row? That sign must have really rattled Sniff. 

About as good a Hardy match as you can expect in 2023.

BCC need to split. Just don't care, anymore. 

Good opening segment. 

Strong crying to The Kingdom was hilarious. 

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I’m completely down with anything that further supports Double J as the Wrestler of the Year Elect, but I want FUCK ALL to do with Jeff Hardy jumping off ladders in 2023. The Hardys are done. It’s over. It’s uncomfortable watching them in normal matches. Fuck a death match.

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I’ve always been a fan of Jeff Hardy, but he has to be one of the worst  and most irresponsible signings Khan has made as far as physical condition goes. I hope he lets both Hardys go once their contracts expire, they’re just uncomfortable to watch at this stage.

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