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59 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Is that opening credits sequence thing where it looks like the opening to Sons And Daughters a real thing or a parody?

I saw one thing on Twitter which people were moaning about but it was just a promo video from a news site rather than the opening sequence, so probably the same thing.

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1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

Is that opening credits sequence thing where it looks like the opening to Sons And Daughters a real thing or a parody?

It was the virtual covers of Entertainment Weekly I believe.

This made me chuckle.


Secondly, can you all shut up about the bloody Hobbit films. They are beyond dreadful.

Finally to the show. I loved the first two episodes, I thought they were spot on. 

I'm a fairly casual LOTR fan (I adore the films, but have never read the books or know the lore or whatever) and I never felt lost once, so you don't need to be a massive fan to enjoy it. None of the names/places were overwhelming as can happen in fantasy books/shows/films.

Seen some people say "it's a bit slow" as if the first hour or so of Fellowship isn't just the lads on a big walk and Gandalf occasionally having a bifta. I'd say the pace is just right.

It looks incredible. I'd say most of it deserves to be seen on a cinema screen to be honest.

Some of the acting is a bit am-dram but that's to be expected.

Morfydd Clark as Galadriel...be still my beating heart. No one will ever replace Carte Blanche as my number one elf BONK love, but this welsh lass comes close.

She's brilliant as well. She really nails the slightly creepy, ethereal nature of the character. 

Can't wait for the next episode! 

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I found the first two episodes a bit of a slog, very little plot and just everyone being incredibly tense. Durin brought some much needed levity but was hampered by Elrond who must be the most boring person in Middle Earth. Two flashes of action across two hours is poor show, we’re a quarter of the way through this season and there’s almost no hook. I’ll persist but this will flop if it doesn’t pick up, the pacing is dreadful. 

Edited by stumobir
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5 minutes ago, stumobir said:

I found the first two episodes a bit of a slog, very little plot and just everyone being incredibly tense. Dorin brought some much needed levity but was hampered by Elrond who must be the most boring person in Middle Earth. Two flashes of action across two hours is poor show, we’re a quarter of the way through this season and there’s almost no hook. I’ll persist but this will flop if it doesn’t pick up, the pacing is dreadful. 

Interesting to hear you felt that way.

Were you expecting more action/bigger set pieces?

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7 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Interesting to hear you felt that way.

Were you expecting more action/bigger set pieces?

I guess I just expected it to be a bit more “epic” given the hype but, so far, has consisted of little more than meaningless conversations. Example: how many times does Norrie need to visit the guy who fell out the sky for us to be no closer to knowing who he is?  Nothing came of any of their interactions. A lot of it just feels like padding. I take your point about Fellowship of the Ring being a slow build to the next two films but even that introduced the Nazgûls (impressive that predictive text inserts a circumflex), had the scenes in the Mines of Moria and the Balrog. So far we’ve had about minute each of a troll and a an orc, both dispensed of without much threat. 
I’m a LotR fan and I’ve got no intention of giving up on it as I do think I’ll enjoy it when it picks up but, in my opinion, it’s been an underwhelming start. 


Also, The Hobbit films are fucking rank. It was my favourite book as a kid and I haven’t even bothered to watch the third. 

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54 minutes ago, stumobir said:

Also, The Hobbit films are fucking rank. It was my favourite book as a kid and I haven’t even bothered to watch the third. 

I hated the second one so much, years passed without tracking down the 3rd, to the point I only watched it because it was on ITV on a Sunday teatime and I channel-hopped onto it. It wasn't as bad as the second, admittedly, which is like watching a video game for two hours.

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Oof that was a long two hours. Meandering, charmless and frequently laugh out loud hilarious. All the male high elves look like they're at a coked up office party dressed as LOTR characters. I can't see it winning me over. 

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On 9/1/2022 at 8:59 PM, air_raid said:

They were bollocks. A few good bits but a 2 movie story stretched to 3,  and FAR too many “My arse do they survive that” or “physics doesn’t work that way” moments.

It's too different to LOTR in my opinion. Hobbit is, and was written as, a short children's book and was stretched to try and find the LOTR formula. 

It's not just the length (Williams.gif) but the arc, the Hobbit is written with a different approach to the characters and how they evolve, so forcing that into Jackson's LOTR formula and stretching to 3 films was always a red flag. It's 1 film and it needs to be pitched diffent in my opinion, or it needed to not be as faithful to the book as LOTR. It could never do both.

Edit to save a double post:

I love the Hobbit and LOTR books, although I did read them after I watched the films. I've not yet read the salmarilian but it's on the list. However those LOTR films hold a special place for me, one year me and my da went to watch a film on Christmas Eve and settled on fellowship. It didn't look like it was really for either of us, but we went for it. It then became a thing for us each year to watch together and looking back now it's some of the best memories I have with him, so it will always got a sentimental spot.

I watch very little TV, next to nothing, but this is definitely something I'll dig out when I can hide away from responsibility one evening a week.


Edited by Tommy!
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Unlike others I'm enjoying the pacing. I'm happy to just spend time in the world. Helps that it looks so good.

That said, you can see where Game of Thrones might have got its shitty tendrils into the writing process. At the moment it's simple enough to follow who is where but I'm already dreading it spending episodes leaping about to different places with characters you didn't give a shit about when they last appeared 3 seasons ago. 

Also not quite sure why the healer fancies Grumpy the Elf. But hey, we've all been there. 


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Episode 3 was rough. I don't expect oscar winning performances but this was pure ham acting and I have no idea where the money was spent this week. 

One beautiful shot as Galadriel was sailing into port, but the rest was awful.

A massive comedown after how much I enjoyed the first two episodes.

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Watched Episode 1 so far.  Better than The Hobbit!  Enjoying the sterotyped Irish traveller halflings (just like the stereotyped Irish tinkers in Wheel Of Time).  It's always nice to see actors with regional accents getting parts in telly, but I did think Lenny Henry was from Brum, so....

I just hope that lass can swim, it's a long way back to shore.

I'm ok with the pacing, but as @SuperBacon alludes to above, I'm sure there'll be cheaper episodes, mainly filmed in pre-existing sets, where there's a lot of talk. But that's ALL tv series, it's the nature of how they're shot for a fraction of the cost of film (usually).

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Just got done with episode 3.

I'll give it one more I think, then I'll probably sack it off. I couldn't give two fucks there's a black elf, and female characters are 'being represented to be stronger than men'. It's poorly written, woefully acted and for the most part god awfully fucking boring.

Dragons win.

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