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Out-of-context in-jokes


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My wife will often just mouth words she’s not comfortable with during conversations which is a bit weird. For example earlier tonight she said “I will have to pay for it on my credit card” but only mouthed the words “credit card” rather than say them out loud.
I’ve now taken to doing this as often as possible, even at restaurants and shops etc. I ordered breakfast at Cote a few months ago and only said about four words out loud. 

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The chorus bit (if you can call it that) off Birdland by Weather Report is one between me and my brother. 


During the 2004 BDO World darts championship on the BBC, probably the BDOs last great one, in the afternoon sessions on BBC 2 they had a phone in competition called Throw For Dough, and 5 lucky members of the Great British Public who've phoned in over the week with the correct score Bobby George scored as it played went to Throw For Dough highest score in three darts during the interval of the final. Some old biddy won with like 32.


But when they shown the score you had to phone in with it was the Glam Rock Fred West (courtesy of Woy, that), and the chorus bit of Birdland played. So whenever me and my brother are our and anyone mentions darts to us we start Hugh Laurie from a Bit of Fry and Laurie while Fry mixed a drink saxophoning it.


It's shit, but it's entertained me and my brother for 17 years. The tune is from about 1:56 on this video for those who don't like Jazz Fusion. 

Also, Astro Farm on CITV owes this song a writing credit. 


Edited by PowerButchi
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My Dad is a a bloody nightmare with no self awareness. He hasn't worked in years, doesn't want to work, never puts any effort in yet wonders why he's skint. I'm doing alright money wise, so I paid for his new little venture to get off the ground. This resulted in me receiving a text saying 'now I've got a fighting chance at least' - as if everything has gone against him. My brother and I now exclusively use this phrase for anything and everything. 

I met my best mate on the first day of my employment at a record shop in 2005. After about three days, we were thick as thieves and we have been since. This was around the same time I discovered (well, had shown to me), Goatse.CX, so his nickname henceforth was Goatse. Which, as we worked in a shop, I called him it at the counter all the time. Old women always used to ask 'why is he called Goatse', to which someone inevitably would say 'we'll have to look into it',


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14 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

The Wife and I have taken to watching Channel 4 News over the last 18months or so and sing “I’m Jon Snow, here’s the News. I’m Jon Snow, here’s the News, I’m Jon Snow...” in time with the theme music with a dramatic “HERE’S THE NEWS” at the finish

Pretty much this but the lyrics are "Channel 4...Channel 4...Channel 4, Channel 4, Channel 4...CHAN-NEL FOUR...news" with the word news said in a deadpan fashion.

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We have something similar for Diagnosis Murder. “It’s Diagnosis Murderrrr, it’s starring Dick Van Dyke. Co starring Barreeee Van Dyke and all the other Van Dykes”

Also when a certain BBC political correspondent appears on screen, I start saying stuff with the words in the wrong order. So in a Harry Potter style, my partner casts a spell saying “DAMIAN GRAMMATICAS” to sort it out. 

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I've just thought of one that I do on my own. Whenever I hear the words Conservative Party, I say it out loud and always in an incredibly exaggerated William Hague voice. 

Also, not mine but was reminded of this earlier which always makes me laugh, a Wu Tang in-joke.


Bong bong.

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Another one from the record shop days. We used to work with a relatively prim older lady called Ivy. She must have been in her sixties then. (Mad she was working with a load of 20 year olds to be honest).

Our manager, who was a bit of a tit, made a racy comment one day in front of her, which gave us the glorious 'Ray.....don't'. Which, for context, is said in a very old lady, bashful voice. 

But naturally, it got bigger and more grandiose, to the point in ended up becoming 'Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, doooooooooooooon't'.

Then finally, it became 'Ray, Do', based on the complete nonsense notion that her and Ray were having it away with each other.

I'll still get texts saying 'Ray, Don't'.


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