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7 hours ago, gmoney said:


Not sure where else to post this, but sort of fits here. The type of daft, fun thing you used to get loads of before people only visited about 4 different websites.

That’s brilliant and you’ve described it spot on. I’ve been sat on the toilet trying not to wake the wife up laughing as I do a Milk-Water-Milk combo.

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@FLips The part in RDR2 that was one of my favourite moments in a game was 


When the gang approached Braithwaite Manor for the big showdown. It was pure cinema the way it was put together. You knew shit was going down!


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I don't get much time to play games as much as I would like these days, but I have stuck to my let's play through all the final fantasys 

I did platinum the first game the pixelated version and have just started the second one.

I really enjoyed the first one and reminded me a lot of the earlier and first pokemon games.

I have been warned that the levelling system for the second game pixelated is a bit different, I still don't understand exactly how it works but I have started and all my characters have at least gone up 5 levels I think, their health etc has gone up, so looking forward to going through this one as well.

As far as early impressions for the series, obviously these are quite old games but I do find they have a nice charm to them, as someone who has never played the series before I can see why they would be that popular, I have purchased the 3rd one in advance also.

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2 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

@FLips The part in RDR2 that was one of my favourite moments in a game was 

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When the gang approached Braithwaite Manor for the big showdown. It was pure cinema the way it was put together. You knew shit was going down!


Yeah that was fantastic. Same vibes when


The gang and the Native Americans storm the oil field


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And I’m sure you’re aware that if you lead a dishonourable life, you get a different ending 


Micah kills Arthur 

But who would do that?  I admit to audibly wailing in horror when 


Agent Milton executed Hosea

And in our house we Stan Sadie Adler!

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Sadie Adler is the best. Probably my favourite not-Arthur character in it. Really enjoyed the later missions where it’s just her and Arthur kicking ass.

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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

You'd think the film would be more well known, Yakuza is huge now and it's a Takeshi Miike joint. I think it might have been in licencing hell for many years though.

This will always pop me, peeking round the corner with his non working eye is totally something Majima would do.


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Red Dead Redemption 2 Epilogue


So I've finally finished the game and I must say I enjoyed the Epilogue more than the final third of the actual game. The condensed area you needed to visit combined with great story and action-packed missions were the perfect mix for me. The bits that were slower, like building the house and bonding with Jack were excellently done too.

While it was great to get to ride off into the sunset with John, it's obviously bittersweet knowing his fate. I'm glad Charles and Sadie got to share the moment as they were easily the two best companions during the main game. I'm not sure what her lasting legacy is in the broader scope of things but I think Sadie Adler should be mentioned in the same breath as the likes of Samus Aran, Lara Croft and so on when it comes to talking about strong women in games.

I don't really think the ending made all that much sense with Dutch but whatever. Glad to see the back of Micah. I wrapped it up, then in the post-post game went and visited Arthur's grave.

I can see what all the fuss was about, especially if you can look past some of the clunkier mechanics like easily aggravated NPCs, slow travel and the lock-on to talk with LT thing. I feel like it could have been 10-15 hours shorter personally, and I have no interest to go back to it and do the hunting or fishing or anything because for as beautiful as it looks there just really isn't as much to do as a game this size should have, and the stuff you can do is tedious random searching, whether that's cigarette cards or dinosaur bones.

Glad I played it, well worth the money I spent and it's been so long since I played Red Dead 1 that I'm happy to forget about it and pretend this was the real ending to the series. John and Abigail live happily ever after on their ranch with their dog and Jack. The End.


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You know that meme template of the guy looking at a computer screen with a big smile, then the bottom pic is him in horror? Well,

You can do Sadie Adler missions in the online world

She is located in the snowy mountains and takes a fucking age to get there. 

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I’m not touching the online on this thankfully! I hope I’m wrong but I imagine it to be a cesspool of randomers hogtying you or gunning you down for no reason.

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9 minutes ago, FLips said:

I’m not touching the online on this thankfully! I hope I’m wrong but I imagine it to be a cesspool of randomers hogtying you or gunning you down for no reason.

It used to be! But it’s gotten a lot better since they all realised it wasn’t GTA and the majority all fucked off back there. However, don’t have your player as a woman. The amount of times I’ve seen two or more players following my girlfriend around and killing her repeatedly as they hang around spawn points. Real gamer misogyny stuff. 

The events are cracking in the online though, especially if you’re into the treasure hunting and the like. The online businesses are good fun, moonshiners and Cripps’s Outdoor stuff can keep you occupied for ages!

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Started playing Spec Ops the line last night


Been in the collection for an age and with it being delisted on digital stores, the price went a bit crazy 


It's going back down slowly but I'm glad I popped it on as its a really enjoyable game

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