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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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18 minutes ago, Duke said:

Are all conservatives Tories? Legit question.

I ask because I'm not sure all Tories are conservative, necessarily.

There is a distinction between being conservative and being a Conservative. I can understand why some people voted for them in the last election but if they do so again I lose all sympathy for them. 

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45 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

There is a distinction between being conservative and being a Conservative. I can understand why some people voted for them in the last election but if they do so again I lose all sympathy for them. 

Absolutely, and I chose my words deliberately on that one.

So all people who are part of the conservative party in any way are Tories and therefore cunts?

Would this include people who are involved mostly local level, think the current lot are a shit but also think the best way to sort the party is from within?

This isn't leading to me starting an argument, I'm kicking stuff around.

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11 minutes ago, Duke said:

Absolutely, and I chose my words deliberately on that one.

So all people who are part of the conservative party in any way are Tories and therefore cunts?

Would this include people who are involved mostly local level, think the current lot are a shit but also think the best way to sort the party is from within?

This isn't leading to me starting an argument, I'm kicking stuff around.

I would say anyone who has supported and enabled this government are. Yes, local MPs helping on local issues etc, but most people have complained they haven’t done what they said they would do. I’m in a local Conservative led council and they haven’t done anything they promised once again. And yes, the best way to sort the party out is within, but who  is going to do that?

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13 minutes ago, Duke said:

So all people who are part of the conservative party in any way are Tories and therefore cunts?

Absolutely. More so that your mere Tory voter. These cunts actively and financially support the political party that inflicts misery upon millions. 


15 minutes ago, Duke said:

Would this include people who are involved mostly local level, think the current lot are a shit but also think the best way to sort the party is from within?

Yes. The tories didn’t become cunts in the last decade, they’ve always been cunts. Take your Rory Stewart’s and the rest of the so called good tories, the party have become too cunty for them but they were fine when they were slightly less cunty, but still cunty. 

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12 minutes ago, Duke said:

Would this include people who are involved mostly local level, think the current lot are a shit but also think the best way to sort the party is from within?

A tricky one to some extent. If they truly believe they can change the party then I would say they are rather naĂŻve, good intentions aside they are still involved in a party that is horrendous.

It reminds me of that guy who used to post on here and was a EDL member who claimed the proper members would not abide the racists and thugs but shortly outed himself as a racist. 

The Conservative party is so poisoned that even guilty by association should carry some weight behind it. Flip side of that would be the anti semitism that was found in the Labour party. 

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Just now, Joe Blog said:

It reminds me of that guy who used to post on here and was a EDL member who claimed the proper members would not abide the racists and thugs but shortly outed himself as a racist. 

Ah, Big Mickey. He actually cut all ties with the EDL eventually because they were too racist and didn’t do enough to combat it. 

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Stuff like that usually comes down to having different understandings of what constitutes racism. I often think part of the problem with lack of meaningful dialogue on racism (and what in part leads to shit like anything tedious bores don't like being labelled "woke") is that the right and the left, or however you want to frame it, are having two separate conversations - the left are talking about institutional racism, about issues that disproportionately affect ethnic minorities, and so on, while many on the right are saying, "well, I'm not racist, I wouldn't use the N word if one of them was in the room". 

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13 hours ago, Joe Blog said:

The Conservative party is so poisoned that even guilty by association should carry some weight behind it. Flip side of that would be the anti semitism that was found in the Labour party. 

Not to defend Labour too much, but I really don't agree with that. It's not an equivalent thing. The anti-semitism in the Labour party has been born out of blind-spots that people have in their political discipline - they should know better. But it was never a part of Labour's "selling point", and it's certainly not present in every single member of the party.

Conversely, the current version of the Tories have made it a virtue and a selling point that they're going after immigrants and being nasty to the people the right-wing want to be nasty to, essentially pushing back against the progress that the "libs" have been pushing for the previous decade or so - and we know it's more prevalent in the Tory party than anti-semitism is in Labour, because every Tory who was against it got chucked out.

Also, if we're looking at it from a wider historical perspective, Labour never had a Right Club or League of Empire Loyalists, i.e. actual clubs within the party who purposely made anti-semitism an integral part of their ideologies. 

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Nah they booked him as a “snowflake left wing comedian” too generate some teeth gnashing and he decided not to play ball.

 His parting shot about how her interviewing Sunak was pointless and she should interview Peter Andre instead was glorious, the final riposte of someone who knows they’re not getting booked again.

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5 hours ago, Loki said:

Nah they booked him as a “snowflake left wing comedian” too generate some teeth gnashing and he decided not to play ball.

 His parting shot about how her interviewing Sunak was pointless and she should interview Peter Andre instead was glorious, the final riposte of someone who knows they’re not getting booked again.

It’s fantastic watching Rob Burley and the like being pissed off by this, they’ve done this shit for years and Lycett shows them up as the arseholes they are instantly. 

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