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Flair's out of hospital and he's shooting. Whooo. etc.


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23 hours ago, David said:

He isn't trying to live gimmick, he is the fucking gimmick.

Was. Like Hogan. An old man clinging on. If that's your bag, it's fine. I think it's sad. They don't give a fuck what I think and I don't expect them to.

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He needs to cut his hair. Even Ambrose, Michaels and that Irish theme pub bartender guy from Raw got the message eventually but this mad bastard has had the same poltergeist on his head for well over ten years now. I know he's still doing his act and everything but would he honestly look any worse if he got a #1 all over? The bits at the end that look like he does a handstand into a bowl of piss every morning really, really need to get got.

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1 minute ago, Cannibal Man said:

He needs to cut his hair.

That's the only thing that saddens me about current Flair, that bald spot/majority is brutal. You cant shave it though, he wouldn't be the same without the bleached hair. 

Stick on wigs look amazing these days. I think he should get one and all wrestling fans make a pact to never mention in it.



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26 minutes ago, Rob Lowe said:

Stick on wigs look amazing these days. I think he should get one and all wrestling fans make a pact to never mention in it.

Agreed, I know his bank accounts probably a knackers yard these days so hair transplants are out, but get him something like Hogan's Billy Idol wig from WCW and I don't think any of the mad things he did would seem half as bad

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12 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

Was. Like Hogan. An old man clinging on. If that's your bag, it's fine. I think it's sad. They don't give a fuck what I think and I don't expect them to.

What would you have him do? Implement more beige into his wardrobe? Cut promos on how he got a free SunLife pen the other day? Play bridge on a Sunday morning?

We always hear that the truly great wrestling "characters" are those who take their own personalities and crank them up to 1000 percent, don't we? I fully expect Steve Austin to still be wearing camo shorts and matching baseball cap no matter what age he is. I don't expect him to move from the ranch that he lives on to a retirement community and start dressing like Larry David when he reaches a certain vintage.

I think what you're missing here is that these guys are all genuine weirdos to a certain extent. Flair hasn't been living the gimmick for the past 50 years, he's just been himself. He was a bug-eyed mentalist of an alcoholic who spent way too much money when he was a young man, and he's the same as a 70 year old.

It's not just wrestlers either. I have an uncle who's in his 60's and who still shuffles around in ill-fitting, faded Pink Floyd t-shirts, wears those silly John Lennon style tinted glasses and ends every sentence with the word "man." His flat constantly reeks of dope, he still uses a video recorder and he has one of those awful wicker chairs in the corner of his living room and hanging beads between his kitchen and sitting room.

He's not living a gimmick, he's just fucking mental. Same as Flair. He does what he does, because it's what he's always done.

12 hours ago, Cannibal Man said:

He needs to cut his hair. Even Ambrose, Michaels and that Irish theme pub bartender guy from Raw got the message eventually but this mad bastard has had the same poltergeist on his head for well over ten years now. I know he's still doing his act and everything but would he honestly look any worse if he got a #1 all over? The bits at the end that look like he does a handstand into a bowl of piss every morning really, really need to get got.

Much like I've said above, he's not someone who's spent the past 50 years "doing an act" but who's actually a reasonable, level-headed fella away from the cameras. He's always been a mental sod. That's probably why he's been so successful over the years. When he talked about wrestling every night and twice on Sunday before hitting the gym, the beach and the bar before flying to the next town and doing it all again he wasn't making shit up for the cameras.

He has the heart condition and assorted health problems to prove that he actually did live that life. 

It's safe to say that when he looks in the mirror each morning he isn't thinking "gee, I wonder if I should cut my hair?"

He's not wired right. Same as Hogan and the rest of these carny bastards from that era. Unlike today where we see more guys who are athletes that were given a gimmick by the company to play on TV, these guys were initially drawn to the industry because they were fucked up and not quite right in the head. 

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