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Andre The Giant...


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Wondering what everyone's thoughts on the old Giant are... 

The WWE love their history and he is always featured prominently on anything WrestleMania or 'History' related stuff. I for one struggle to see the intrigue. He was a HUGE person physically but from the matches I have seen of him he was by no means a wonderful athlete and I don't really 'get' the love. His matches in Japan were marginally better than his W/WWF run but the adoration from the company far exceeds that of the fans (IMO).


Any thoughts would be superb.

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Most remember him from Wm 1-6 when he was physically fucked. 

If you watch the film on him you can see that in the 70s and very very early 80s he could move and work 

Guys andres size back then with his look were a rarity from a visibility standpoint, u just didn't see it everyday. 

In an era where everyone was gassed monsters he's was an even bigger one which made him unique. 

There is always rose tinted spectacles for nostalgia however the reality is that we've all been oversaturated with product exposure, insider detail and sheer volume of TV hours. It means we see it with different eyes than people did back then.

Back in those days people thought it was legit and it had genuine mystique. I can imagine being 10 at an arena and seeing Andre was terrifying. Same as I can imagine seeing hogan was probably like seeing a legit superhero in real life. 



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I ADORE Andre The Giant. Probably the greatest wrestler that ever lived, and one of the absolute best at psychology. Despite being an Absolute Unit he knew how to give and receive, when to come back and when to press attack. If he was in the mood he could make someone look like a superstar. Take the WrestleMania III match with Hogan, my favourite match of all time. His layout of the match - and he called the whole thing - made Hogan look unstoppable. 

But that's the thing. He had to be in the mood. Cross the Boss and you would be sandbagged like nothing else. Starmaker and killer, Andre was everything from locker room leader to inspiration to utter douche!  

He was a touring spectacle for most of his career, playing the world territories on hard rotation, just giving their top face the rub or crushing the heel, never quite winning the big one because what would be the point? Today they would give him the belt on month one, then flounder for what to do with him. How do you rebuild the legend of the Giant, or make him look a threat once he'd been beaten? 

I'd love to write a book about him one day. Go visit my collection of Andre pictures to kill the time while I do. 

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He had legit 900 teeth in his mouth, and took a size insert here shoe. If you saw him as a child, even at his physical worst, he just looked out of the ordinary. Even he looked like a big Rab C Nesbit on crutches, people still lifted from the ground when he came out. He just sums pro wrestling up. Is it really any wonder the WWF got so big in 1984? Hulk Hogan from Rocky III, fast talking twat bag Roddy Piper, the biggest man who ever stood 6'10 Andre the Giant. The best manager ever, Bobby Heenan. Mr T, Cyndi Lauper etc. All those giant heels, like Studd, Bundy, Kamala etc. MTV. Saturday Night Live. How could they fail with that lot? They were so in touch with that era. They just knew what people wanted.

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36 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

Today they would give him the belt on month one

Better that than have him loose clean on Raw in his third match in. 

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2 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

Better that than have him loose clean on Raw in his third match in. 

Either way, it just isn't possible modern day wrestling can book him. The era relied on him being a special attraction, so that he could tour his shtick from town to town. And on TV he needs infrequent appearances to maintain the illusion of 'why hasn't he won the title yet?' Constant screwjobs or distraction by grudges only last for so long. 

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Love him. An amazing specimen in his earlier days and even when he was breaking down he was awesome at effectively cutting the ring in half and using his size. Him vs Hansen is one of the best matches ever and shows that big hoss fuckers clubbing each other will always beat movez. They don't make 'em like this anymore.


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1 hour ago, Onyx2 said:

His layout of the match - and he called the whole thing - made Hogan look unstoppable.

Did he? I wouldn't normally question you at all but this stands at odds with Hogan's letter to Vince before the match in which he sets out the match. What's written here corresponds to what we saw.


Hogan's writing is awful, isn't it? I really can't cope with those random capital letters in the middle of words :(

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29 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I wouldn't normally question you at all 

You should. 

Yes, Andre called the match. Hogan did lay out that plan as above but the story long held by Heenan, Hacksaw, Skaaland and Hogan that no one knew for sure whether Andre would lay down for Hulk that night. As they get in the ring Andre says don't worry, and off it went. And Andre called for that slam. 

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52 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

And Andre called for that slam. 

'Slam me, Boss.'

Jolly kind of him, considering it killed him not long afterwards, after tearing up all the muscles in Hogan's back, naturally.

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56 minutes ago, Cannibal Man said:

Guarantee you Hogan wrote that letter about a week ago.

I know you're a carny pisstaking machine (please never change) but there isn't a single reference to this 'script' that I can find before 2017.

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