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Trivial Things That Annoy You...


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Another phone related one - people who tap your screen when looking at something to make sure it doesn't lock. I'm looking at you, man behind the counter in KFC...

Yes, it's very helpful and saves me having to unlock my phone but I just don't want people tapping my screen.


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1 hour ago, scratchdj said:

Well, no, but how do you manage/what’s the use of a screwed up ball of paper with money inside?

Unfold the slightly creased paper? I get what you're saying, but the balancing thing just left me with the image of you walking out of the shop with your palm upturned and flat like a posh waiter carrying a tray. 🙂

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It used to annoy me too. Now I just stick whatever the cashier gives to me into my pocket and walk away as swiftly as possible, secure in the knowledge that I prefer having more time and less pressure to sort out my wallet - big bills at the back etc - later in my own time than trying to do some spazzy hand jive at the till while everyone's watching. 

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On 10/4/2018 at 8:57 AM, BomberPat said:


This. Every day at work - "I'm sorry to bother you, I know you're really busy..." or "I'm sorry to bother you, I know you're on lunch...", which is invariably followed by, "but could you just do/help me do this menial task". You're not sorry you're bothering me, and acknowledging that I'm already busy doing make me any less busy or give me any more time to do what you're asking me.

This one caused a massive shitstorm at work for me, that escalated very quickly & is still rumbling on after it happened over four years ago!

* i must point out that the only break we have at work is a 30 minute unpaid dinner time*

So i am sat outside in the sun with my colleges one random dinner time, when this independent contractor approaches me with the "sorry to interrupt your dinner" routine & sticks a job sheet under my nose! My work mates are laughing because they know how annoyed i get about that kind of thing. I politely start to explain to him that i am on my break & not getting paid. He only runs off, not giving me the chance to explain, thus turning my anger into embarrassment.

Later in the afternoon i find out from the owner of the company that he went straight into his office & grassed me up for "not being a team player". He then returns in the afternoon & gives me a mouthful of abuse, using his big fat sausage fingers to point at me in a very aggressive manner. It is a this point i start to lose it & point out that nobody likes him because he is " very boring & always stopping people working while he forces them to listen to his crap" (he talks at people & never listens or is interested in what you have to say).

He then approaches me & says "get out of my way or i will put you on the floor" (i was not in his way, he walked towards  me to point out i "was in his way").

So i report him for using threatening behaviour, but there are no witnesses. He just lies through his back teeth & says "i made it all up" which was clearly a lie as his face was burning up big style! I refused to shake his hand & in front of the owner tell him to "hang his head in shame, you lying bastard".

I was told by the company that i had to take the matter through the civil courts if i wanted to carry on with my complaint.

The contractor is still there & has threatened me on one other occasion. I have not spoke to him for over four years now.

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6 hours ago, Brewster McCloud said:

I'd never heard of pork/pig being associated with Ireland before. Potatoes, leprechauns, shamrocks, sectarianism, yes, but eating pork? It's not like the Scotch and haggis or the Welsh and leeks, is it? Or has this trope totally and mysteriously passed me by thus far?

It's the most eaten meat in the country and you get those breakfast rolls in cornershops.

Having said that, on an Irish breakfast isn't all that different to an English breakfast - both have sausages, although having both white and black pudding on the same may be more of an Irish thing. In fact, I think the only time I've had white pudding has been in Ireland.

And Maestro, you should pursue something against that guy. He physically threatens you in the workplace and your employer does basically nothing about it? I'm sure you could make some money here...

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1 hour ago, Lord-Mountevans said:

This one caused a massive shitstorm at work for me, that escalated very quickly & is still rumbling on after it happened over four years ago!

* i must point out that the only break we have at work is a 30 minute unpaid dinner time*

So i am sat outside in the sun with my colleges one random dinner time, when this independent contractor approaches me with the "sorry to interrupt your dinner" routine & sticks a job sheet under my nose! My work mates are laughing because they know how annoyed i get about that kind of thing. I politely start to explain to him that i am on my break & not getting paid. He only runs off, not giving me the chance to explain, thus turning my anger into embarrassment.

Later in the afternoon i find out from the owner of the company that he went straight into his office & grassed me up for "not being a team player". He then returns in the afternoon & gives me a mouthful of abuse, using his big fat sausage fingers to point at me in a very aggressive manner. It is a this point i start to lose it & point out that nobody likes him because he is " very boring & always stopping people working while he forces them to listen to his crap" (he talks at people & never listens or is interested in what you have to say).

He then approaches me & says "get out of my way or i will put you on the floor" (i was not in his way, he walked towards  me to point out i "was in his way").

So i report him for using threatening behaviour, but there are no witnesses. He just lies through his back teeth & says "i made it all up" which was clearly a lie as his face was burning up big style! I refused to shake his hand & in front of the owner tell him to "hang his head in shame, you lying bastard".

I was told by the company that i had to take the matter through the civil courts if i wanted to carry on with my complaint.

The contractor is still there & has threatened me on one other occasion. I have not spoke to him for over four years now.

Sounds like you're as bad as each other. You made disparaging personal comments to his face, and this started because he (I assume) asked you to sign a bit of paper while you were on your lunch break; you then saying no and then going on to tell him why you won't, rather than asking him if it could possibly wait until you were back. 

By the way, you describe it as 'unpaid' like it's the norm to get paid for your lunch break, it isn't.

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Did the independent contractor have other places to be, or is he always based on your premises?  I wouldn't take it down the court proceedings as there are no witnesses, so you won't be able to prove it happened and it could cost you a lot.  If he is an independent contractor, could you have taken it to his employers?  Mind you, it's all moot if it was 4 years ago.  You're doing the right thing by staying out of his way, no point antagonising the situation.

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1 hour ago, Bicurious Dad said:

Sounds like you're as bad as each other. You made disparaging personal comments to his face, and this started because he (I assume) asked you to sign a bit of paper while you were on your lunch break; you then saying no and then going on to tell him why you won't, rather than asking him if it could possibly wait until you were back. 

By the way, you describe it as 'unpaid' like it's the norm to get paid for your lunch break, it isn't.

I never got the chance to explain why i was unhappy he approached me because the second he realised i was not going entertain his request, he left to inform the owner of the company. I might have even helped him, had i first had the opportunity to point out it was my only chance of a rest during the day. 

Regarding "disparaging personal to his face" yes i did, but up until this point i had not barely spoken a word to him all day, he in return had:
1, Angered me in front of my colleges
2, Then embarrassed me my refusing to listen to the reason i was not happy.
3, Tried his best to get me into serious trouble with the owner of the company.
4, Been verbally aggressive towards me.
5, Physically threatened me.

Is there not a point when depending on your actions, that a "disparaging personal comment"  is coming, as part of a disagreement when have taken several different actions that could be deemed annoying, then damaging, then illegal?

Yes i know it is the norm to not get paid for lunch breaks, which should have been rather obvious to the contractor as i was sunbathing at the time. Would you put a job sheet under the door of someone at work, who was on the toilet? Is there no time during a working day when you should respect someone's privacy & return later?

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52 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Did the independent contractor have other places to be, or is he always based on your premises?  I wouldn't take it down the court proceedings as there are no witnesses, so you won't be able to prove it happened and it could cost you a lot.  If he is an independent contractor, could you have taken it to his employers?  Mind you, it's all moot if it was 4 years ago.  You're doing the right thing by staying out of his way, no point antagonising the situation.

He is self employed & works on the premises. He is friends with the owner, which is probably the reason he thought he could get away with what he did.

I realised it was his word against mine & despite it being obvious he was lying to get himself out of trouble, there was little chance of success without being able to prove it in court.

The second time he threatened me (he simulated shooting me with a gun) he admitted it the supervisor, but that was deemed a "harmless joke" done in "poor taste".

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10 minutes ago, Lord-Mountevans said:

He is self employed & works on the premises. He is friends with the owner, which is probably the reason he thought he could get away with what he did.

I realised it was his word against mine & despite it being obvious he was lying to get himself out of trouble, there was little chance of success without being able to prove it in court.

The second time he threatened me (he simulated shooting me with a gun) he admitted it the supervisor, but that was deemed a "harmless joke" done in "poor taste".

Fucking hell, he basically has carte blanche to be the prick.  Still, at least you just being there must piss him off so there is that!

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Sorry, but he 'angered' and 'embarrassed' you because he asked you to sign a time sheet then wasn't interested in the reasons why you wouldn't? What a monster. Can I take my assumption a stage further, if you can't sign the sheet then who can? Would it be your boss, giving him reason to go to him to get it signed, then is asked why you didn't sign it he says you aren't a team player. 

The shouting and pointing later, yes that's out of line but you don't really go into how this starts, and what he is shouting at you. And, again, the minute you fired back you crossed a line. Doesn't matter that he'd already crossed it, this isn't wrestling you aren't the aggrieved baby face making a comeback. You're being abusive to someone and there's no justification for that in the workplace.

He's clearly a bit of an alpha male bully or at best a strong personality with self awareness issues but you aren't the hero of this story and the both of you clearly trigger each other.

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People rushing by/in front of me when I’m carrying three bags (four if you count the bag I just got from Smiths). I know I’m not pregnant but for fuck’s sake. Victoria station is busy but it is at least quite a wide berth. Wide enough for you to step the fuck aside, away from me and my massive tripod [/Regal.gif].

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Umbrellas held by humans. Once a brolly is unsheathed and opened, its human operator transforms in to a complete fucking gargoyle. They forget basic fundamentals such as ‘other peoole’.


People who think it’s acceptable to park outside of your house, blocking your driveway. When the flying fuck did that become a thing? Park outside of my house, fine. But blocking my drive... who in the shite do you think you are? I live near a school, and coaches like this think that this is fine, for up to 20 mins at a time apparently.


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