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Needles & Bloods

Kaz Hayashi

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18 hours ago, waters44 said:

I was diagnosed with cancer of the ol balls in 2013 so have had to endure loads of boood tests over the last five years. The first time round my body must have been in shock as they just couldn’t get enough blood out of me. They tried the insides of both arms, top of both hands and top of both thumbs. I was covered in bruises by the end of it (although not as bad as OP!) Eventually they managed to get some out of my left foot, but the whole experience was a fucking nightmare and I’ve been petrified ever since! 


Fucking hell, man. What's your status now? Hope you're in remission.


Never had a problem with having blood taken - my main problem's when they pierce the vein in my hand to insert a cannula for surgery. Seems my hand's particularly bony and sensitive, so it hurts a ton.

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4 hours ago, Silky Kisser said:

What the fuck? 

Ive had a needle in the forehead, but this sounds horrendous. 

Jesus Christ!

18 hours ago, waters44 said:

I was diagnosed with cancer of the ol balls in 2013 so have had to endure loads of boood tests over the last five years. The first time round my body must have been in shock as they just couldn’t get enough blood out of me. They tried the insides of both arms, top of both hands and top of both thumbs. I was covered in bruises by the end of it (although not as bad as OP!) Eventually they managed to get some out of my left foot, but the whole experience was a fucking nightmare and I’ve been petrified ever since! 



That's insanity, I never knew they had to go to lengths like this. I assumed they stuck a needle in your arm, hooked you to a machine and that was it. Fucking hell.

Talking of TB jabs and the like, what was the one they injected you with the disease (they jabbed you on the wrist with some multi-pricked mechanism) so you built up the natural defenses and then a week later they needled you again on the upper arm to complete the transaction? It might be the one that Kaz originally mentioned.

Anyway, right before that second jab we were all sat down for an assembly and told not to touch it for a while, otherwise it wouldn't heal properly. Hence began a solid two weeks of every fucker in the year twatting each other on the wound. Seeing people walk around with giant red and yellow stains on their shirts from the attacks became a common site.

I myself got it quite hard, to the point where it never healed properly, so where as most people have a barely visible mark (if any at all) on their upper arm, mine is a squidgy, wrinkly, paper thin circular scar. Year 9 was proper shite.

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5 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Fucking hell, man. What's your status now? Hope you're in remission.


Never had a problem with having blood taken - my main problem's when they pierce the vein in my hand to insert a cannula for surgery. Seems my hand's particularly bony and sensitive, so it hurts a ton.

Officially discharged now as it’s been five years without a reoccurrence - one of the lucky ones 😊


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My needle phobia was cured by being diagnosed with haemachromatosis, my blood doesn't process iron normally so, without treatment, I have the equivalent of a handful of nails rusting in my liver. I had to be leeches of six pints of blood in six weeks and have to give up a pint every three months for the rest of my life. 


The phlebotomist at my local surgery is excellent but I hate seeing a new nurse at the day unit. 


Truth be told, blood and needles are horrible but beat the hell out of an early grave. 

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I don't mind injections but I don't like blood tests. I've had to have quite a few recently and I am getting a bit better with them - mainly down to the fantastic nurses at my docs surgery and Birmingham Women's Hospital. They are masters of distraction and stealth. I have quite small veins I'm told, they have a tendency to collapse as soon as the needle goes in. My best friend is a nurse and said this can be aggravated by dehydration so I always drink lots of water on the night before/morning of a blood test.

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5 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Hell, embalming him with Pepsi will probably resurrect him. 

Shirley will be upset. 


When I was 9 I had meningitis and had to have a lumbar puncture. The big old needle in the spine scares the bejesus out of you at that age I can tell you. I've not had any bother with needles since though, except for the last time I had to have blood taken. It was a new nurse at the surgery and she wasn't having a good day. Left arm first, 2 stabs of the needle, no blood. Right arm next, 2 stabs of the needle, no blood. At this point she asks me if I'm feeling cold at all. Its 32 degrees centigrade and I'm sweating like the stuck pig I am at this point, my reply doesn't contain my usual sunny tone of voice to say the least. She then decides to try the inside of my left forearm. No blood and immediately a huge bruise. I'm not amused at this point. She then goes for the inside of the right forearm and finally we get some blood out, but another huge bruise. I come out of the surgery looking like my arms have been tapdanced upon by the former New Zealand captain Zinzan Brooke. Not a great day to be honest. 



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8 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

Here lies brother Spurs, embalmed with Pepsi Cherry Max as per his last request. 

I'm currently on a Pepsi Max Cherry Detox as I'm in Europe for a few weeks. Side note and totally off topic but why does it seem like Pepsi is almost nonexistent in Europe? Any country I visit, I have to live off of Coke Zero. It's horrifying.

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I get my blood test done regularly as I'm diabetic. Fortunately the nurse at the health centre  where I get it taken is a complete pro. I don't mind the needle going in, or seeing the blood flow out but I can't watch the needle piercing the skin. I'm told that I've quite deep veins where less experienced nurses & doctors who need blood from me can often find it harder to get a vein. One time years ago when I was in a mental hospital I was having blood taken and the nurse ended up taking it from the back of my right hand as they had no luck with either of my arms.

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