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I'm looking for 6 competitors for my fight league. 

I posted this on Reddit last month and many of the guys who were up for it aren't available now. 

Original post:

Basically I want to form an 8 man team of obese guys and also an 8 woman team too. 

The goal is to lose the weight for good and designed for 300 pounders (you can be 15-20% more or less)

We will train for approximately 3 months until I hold an actual event. The first event will be a king of the ring style tournament to start the league with a hierarchy. After this we can fight monthly amongst each other and someone (me) will be the champion. 

This is for people with no experience, I personally did karate when I was 7-9 on and off and literally a few scattered sessions of jiu jitsu and Muay Thai. 

I have myself and one opponent so far in the men's league and two ladies in the female league. 

Please share this with someone you think would be interested and thank you. 

It's in the mma forum as we'll be learning a variety of martial arts and practically using them, if I get this running I will fight every month until I'm in shape. 


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55 minutes ago, Cousin Jim Bob said:

I can't see anything wrong with dangerously obese people fighting each other for real. Yep nothing serious like heart attacks, strokes could go wrong there. :crazy:

If you want to lose weight there is, well millions of better ways of doing this. 

You won't get a licence for this.  


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8 hours ago, IZA said:

I get this running I will fight every month until I'm in shape. 

That seems unrealistic. At one point or another you are likely to pick up an injury, which would prevent you from fighting monthly. 

Anyway, I would have to gain at least 90lbs to enter this, so I won't be able to take you up on your offer. 


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7 hours ago, Chunk said:

Sounds like a less professional version of http://wimp2warrior.uk

This is the fat version. 

7 hours ago, jimufctna24 said:

That seems unrealistic. At one point or another you are likely to pick up an injury, which would prevent you from fighting monthly.


This isn't going to be fights with high level athletes. We're all beginners. 

6 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

why dont you goto the gym and do some exercise?

This is the process. We'll fight on top of training and be eating better. 


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I’m a fat cunt but I worry that if I train hard and eat real good I won’t meet the criteria to become King of the Fat Boys. If I lose the weight before the fight I’ll just be an average boy.

I did karate for 6 weeks in year 8 at school and went to 4 capoeira lessons but quit because I think cartwheels are pussy moves in the fights and I’m sorry but if you do a cart wheel against me in the ring or the streets I’ll Show who is boss means business.

If I travel from the north how do I go about claiming expenses? Or do we win the money back from prize fights?


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1 hour ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

I’m a fat cunt but I worry that if I train hard and eat real good I won’t meet the criteria to become King of the Fat Boys. If I lose the weight before the fight I’ll just be an average boy.

I did karate for 6 weeks in year 8 at school and went to 4 capoeira lessons but quit because I think cartwheels are pussy moves in the fights and I’m sorry but if you do a cart wheel against me in the ring or the streets I’ll Show who is boss means business.

If I travel from the north how do I go about claiming expenses? Or do we win the money back from prize fights?


It looks like one of the guys who's interested already is from Scotland. I think it would be best to train locally and only come down here and there if everyone is meeting up.

So you can cover your own expenses if you only come down once or twice. What city are you in?

There will be prize money!

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