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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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I enjoyed it. Missed last week's episode after catching the first one and didn't have time to watch it before today.

To me it's like going along to one of the many local family shows that run up and down the country, except I'm in my living room.  My son is 8 and it's ideal watching for us just before we have dinner. 

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4 minutes ago, eugenespeed said:

Just reading a review of tonight's show. Did Val really mention Dave Meltzer?

Yep, she claimed Grado was his 'guilty pleasure'.

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36 minutes ago, R U Kidding Me Ric Blade said:

How bad was the botch in the tag match for ITV to cut some of the footage?

ITV have been doing choppy edits the whole time so far, usually by cutting to the crowd or a replay.

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16 hours ago, eugenespeed said:

Not just me then. I put the show on at 5 and within 10 minutes found myself doing housework. 

I put it on wanting to watch it, but it just didn't grab me this week. 

Same for me. I watched the whole thing on record and it took all of 5 minutes. 

Grado is a cartoon - if that's what they are going for then fine but count me out. They might as well wheel out the Chuckle Brothers (well, one of them). He didn't keep the suit on for more than about 4 minutes, no point in this type of 'story' if the pay off happens 4 minutes in.

Rampage is SO god-damn boring. He may be decent live but he is bland AF. God knows why they put the title on him. 

Kirby needs to stop with the hammy facial expressions. Its like panto-wrestling at its worst. 

I'm done. I've tried to give it a go but its just too cheesy for me. Makes WWE look rated 18.It is clear they didn't get any of the actual brit-wres royalty for this. Compare this to the likes of Dunne and Bate and its astounding how different it all is.


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10 hours ago, Lord-Mountevans said:

Martin Kirby's trunks with the Kris Travis Shooting Star were really cool.

I knew if i watched WOS Wrestling long enough, there would be something on it i would not hate! 💩 💩 💩

It’s actually a Kirby reference..


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Think I’m still one of the few enjoying it. My expectations of it were a cartoony, simple family show. That’s exactly what it is. Said it last week that when watching it with a couple of mates who aren’t fans, it’s fun.

Im not saying that whoever doesn’t like it has the wrong idea because it’s clearly a product that is quite black and white in terms of liking it or not. I wonder though if initial expectations were a bit high. Myself though, I’ll keep tuning in and actually look forward to it each week.

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56 minutes ago, Michael_3165 said:

I can't think of anything worse than non-fans watching with me. It is the definition of my worst nightmare!

We’ll make sure not to invite you.

It’s been a good laugh, they’ve been getting into it and enjoying it. The product isn’t for everyone but hey ho, different strokes.

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4 hours ago, TildeGuy~! said:

It’s actually a Kirby reference..


It's actually white & very much like a shooting star, so i am saying it is a tribute to Trav.

Talking of Trav, how good would Project Ego have been on this show or WWE NXT UK? Such a shame he never got the chance to showcase his talents on a bigger stage.

RIP Trav,  forever missed by so many :(

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I was thinking that when Kirby was teaming with Hendry that first week. Sabian & Rees on one side of the bracket and they meet Project Ego in the finals of the tag tourney. Heck even the Models. Looks like it's going to be BT Gunn & Stevie Boy taking them on instead.

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