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Miz gets angry and cuts a money promo on Talking Smack


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Funny this comes up today because I sat watching Smackdown, listening to AJ Styles brilliantly delivered but fucking dreary promo and hating that every promo comes from the same writing team and they all sound the same.


I'm not going to go off on "scripted promos" because if you watch WCW or TNA for more than a minute - you will see a very good case for scripted promos because of the absolute deluge of dribbling shit.


However, we live in an age where there are few great promos. The decent promo guys do nothing memorable. Beyond Cena's rap on The Rock and CM Punks pipebomb, I can barely think of a memorable promo this decade. Because they're all the same. And they lack character and realism. Well delivered, well meaning but that's it.


As for anyone getting wet over The Miz - forget it. Because the stuff he does week in and week out isn't anything like this. And what a fucking shame that is because this is magnificent. And this is what wrestling should be. Not the passion and the aggression in every promo but the heart and the realism of the guy speaking. Superb stuff. But too rare.

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The Miz has been great, week in and week out, for about a year now.


His act is midcard at times, because that's the material he has to work with, but I'd argue he's the guy who's the most invested in, and committed to, his character on the entire roster. He's thrown himself into it completely and is one of the few people on the roster who gets it, and is actually happy to play a proper heel. He doesn't slyly play to the crowd, or lose sight of his character mid-match.


He has a solid, cast iron grip on his character and it bleeds through everything he does.


He's fucking brilliant.

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Ambrose mentioned on the Stone Cold podcast about being trusted more and being given more free reign away from the script. If there's truth to that, they should award that privilege to Miz and certain others at the very least. 

Countless would shit the bed without the scripts, but Miz is an absolute pro.

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All the best heels are at their best when they have a cause they truly believe they are correct in. And he is 100% right, and had every right to defend himself either shoot or work. And did it with aplomb. Viva Les Miz!!

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Miz has been on point in everything he's done for a while now. It's 2016 and him and Jericho are the most engaging Heel acts . . . and AJ obviously. 


This might be the hopeful side of me but . . . Is anyone else getting an inkling that the reason Bryan hasn't gone to the indies / japan (let's face it he's a mad enough to and we all know it) is because he believes there is a chance WWE will clear him again one day? So he's staying involved. Wouldn't surprise me if he's getting himself tested as regularly as he can off his own back. 

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I think Bryan doesn't want to fight the decision as much as he makes out he does. Inside he knows he has fucked himself up, but outwardly he still has to pander to his fans saying that he would if he could, and it's the man who is holding him back.

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If he hasn't accepted it, and he is cutting about in his herb garden in between trying to knock up his stunning wife, crying into his hemp shirts that he can't head butt guys in front of 12 people ever again, then he's a fucking idiot or his brain problems are much worse than shown so far. Hope for bries sake they don't have a weight room and a pool area in their echo friendly mud hut

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Incredible. That's one of the best promos in years. Miz is outstanding. Somebody who can go from comedy one day to cutting killer interviews like that the next, there aren't many who can do it.


WWE have come a long way recently in certain aspects but the promos and angles really, really need freshening up. If you had promos like this backing up the quality of matches we get nowadays, WWE could have a brilliant all-round product.


Would love to see this version of Miz going against Heyman on the mic.

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I'm not going to go off on "scripted promos" because if you watch WCW or TNA for more than a minute - you will see a very good case for scripted promos because of the absolute deluge of dribbling shit


This is an excellent point, but easily resolved by only letting proven guys go free with a live mic in the ring. Give everyone backstage interviews which can be edited down or cut all together if the wrestler Shits the bed. Guys like Brock and Balor prove that formula will work.


This promo by Miz was awesome and I doubt any of us enjoyed it any less for not being in the middle of the ring. In fact it was probably better for it because the crowd didn't shout "what" every time there was a pause

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