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Podcast/Interview Thread (MMA/Boxing etc) ?

Egg Shen

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Did anyone catch Jon Jones on the Helwani content on Monday?

What a mess of a man! He came off terribly.

If you downed a pint every time he described the gear in his system as "a pinch of salt in an Olympic sized swimming pool" YOU WOULD BE DEAD.

Also said he doesn't feel bad about the hit and run on the pregnant bird anymore as she received a life changing sum of money for her troubles.


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The comments about the pregnant woman are not surprising if you read between the lines during his Rogan interview. Even with Helwani he again tried to pretend that he cared, but he quickly showed his true feelings about it with the "well, she didn't die and I had to pay her a lot of money, so doesn't really matter" (paraphrasing like a mug).

It was funny him also going on about getting so much hate because people are jealous of him, or something. Not because he's routinely shown himself up to be a bit of a horrid human being.

I don't think I'd mind Jones so much if he did truly "own it" like he claims he's doing now. He's still a bit of a seedy bullshitter.

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I don't think it would really change my opinion of him if he "owned it" or acted liked a heel. If anything it would probably make him seem even worse if he started doing Chael/Colby style bad guy promos.


He just seems like a massive bellend with a huge ego problem. I have more of an issue with the likes of Rogan who peddles shite like the "dick pill excuse" and "he must have had PEDS in his cocaine" BS. Its Rogan at his most embarrassing.    

Edited by Cousin Jim Bob
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Yeah, in combat sports there’s nothing worse than a real bad cunt who’s also a Matrix-level amazingly good fighter. Floyd Mayweather’s entire career was infuriating to watch for that very reason. And like you say Colin, Jones may well never lose. I mean, if he hangs around long enough he’ll decline like everyone else. But I can just as easily see him fucking his career up himself before anyone else figures out a way to beat him. He might finish up as an unbeaten but disgraced fighter when all’s said and done. I’ve felt for a long time that the Jon Jones story is going to end badly. The sad thing is he’s got all the tools and attributes and skills to be the all time Don of MMA. But I see him squandering it all and being looked back at as a tragic case of a guy who fucked it all up from a winning position. 

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Unfortunately, a lot of sports have dickheads with million-dollar talent and ten-cent attitudes, and this can be particularly aggravating in combat sports, because we've come to associate defeat with punishment there, and people like Jones and Mayweather never get the beatings you want to see them get. Worse still, even if they take an absolute hammering, they can never really lose because of all the money they make.

The only time it's ever felt like a villain has really got what he deserved is when Gerald McClellan got completely Destroyed by Nigel Benn, but it's still problematic, at least for me, because whilst I still feel what he got was poetic justice, at the same time the sense of justice being done is tainted by the knowledge I derived any kind of satisfaction from it, however small.

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Bisping said he’s going to be on Rogan’s podcast this Tuesday the 11th. Long overdue. 

Still waiting on the Derrick Lewis one we were promised about 2 months ago. Sort it out, Rogan. 

Edited by wandshogun09
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5 hours ago, wandshogun09 said:

Bisping said he’s going to be on Rogan’s podcast this Tuesday the 11th. Long overdue. 

Still waiting on the Derrick Lewis one we were promised about 2 months ago. Sort it out, Rogan. 

and the Lesnar one

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It wasn’t.

But before the Cormier showdown, the cameras caught Lesnar greeting Rogan and asking to be on the podcast (to which Rogan said ‘anytime’).

I can’t imagine Brock actually freeing up time to do it, and if he did I imagine his advisors would stop it. He doesn’t strike me as a conversationalist, and he’d definitely say something offensive.

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I haven’t even listened to it yet but I remember him vividly describing how knackered his eyes were on his own podcast before and it was scary. It sounded like a combination of that and his wife pleading with him to retire were the main factors in him calling it a day. 

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