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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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Try having the runs in the bushes one time, whilst wiping your arse with a big leaf in the middle of July. I've done that. I thought I was literallly dying there. I had to phone a quick taxi to get me home. About six months later it happened again in that same park. I never went back. Sighthill Park it was. Old site of an old chemical works.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Try having the runs in the bushes one time, whilst wiping your arse with a big leaf in the middle of July. I've done that. I thought I was literallly dying there. I had to phone a quick taxi to get me home. About six months later it happened again in that same park. I never went back. Sighthill Park it was. Old site of an old chemical works.

Atleast the mystery of the Sighthill shitter has been revealed

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Have you had both ends trying to evacuate themselves simultaneously yet, so that you have the mentally traumatic decision of which goes in the toilet and which goes on the floor?


That's always fun.

Shit always in the toilet you loon! That's what the bath/sink/shower/salad bowls for
When you're kneeling in front of the toilet, puking your guts up and you feel your other end begging to get in on the act, it's not such an easy decision.


You can shit down your calves, or spin round and hose your bathroom down in a manner favored by Mr Creosote. That's assuming you spin quickly enough.

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Have you had both ends trying to evacuate themselves simultaneously yet, so that you have the mentally traumatic decision of which goes in the toilet and which goes on the floor?


That's always fun.

Shit always in the toilet you loon! That's what the bath/sink/shower/salad bowls for
When you're kneeling in front of the toilet, puking your guts up and you feel your other end begging to get in on the act, it's not such an easy decision.


You can shit down your calves, or spin round and hose your bathroom down in a manner favored by Mr Creosote. That's assuming you spin quickly enough.

I've got to say, it's an easy decision for me. I'd rather have sick on the floor in front of me rather than shit. I think it's more sociably acceptable to be sick, not nice at all, just more tolerable compared to waves of Shite.


Also, a pal of mine was camping, felt dickie, had a shit in a pringles tube, TOOK IT HOME and then threw it away. When asked why on earth he took a tube of shit home with him, he said "i wasnt sure where the bins were".



Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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I'd still rather repeatedly shit myself than go through 12 rounds of vomiting like I did the other day though. My midriff is bruised and shattered from sicking up like I'm Brian Close facing off against the 70's West Indian pace quartet.

Edited by Gus Mears
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I'd still rather repeatedly shit myself than go through 12 rounds of vomiting like I did the other day though. My midriff is bruised and shattered from sicking up like I'm Brian Close facing off against the 70's West Indian pace quartet.

Interesting, I much prefer being sick.

I used to have IBS as a teen, not surprising based on the food I was fed as a kid. However once a year I get the most horrific stomach cramps, I can even explain how bad it feels. It's simply a giant knot in your stomach which is incredible sharp and intensive for 10 seconds, goes away for 10 seconds and then repeat for 1-2 days... horrid.

I always fool myself in to thinking, I can shit it out, but no, there's simply nothing to shit out.

Out of nowhere, you suddenly need to empty your entire world. It's horrible but I know that as soon as that first wave occurs, I'm stay in the bathroom at home and ride it out.



... now in my 30's I've found out I have a wheat intolerance.

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Liver is getting better. Doctors just hit me with "It might be bird flu" and I was like "What the fuck?" though. I feel decent enough.


All sorts of dead pigeons in my backcourt cause of my nutter downstairs neighbour feeding them. Making me shit myself to go down there. I need a biohazard suit to take the bins out. I'll fucking strangle him if its confirmed to be "bird flu". I've lost a week because I can't remember anything because of him.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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I have just been in the bogs in the Morrisons in Yeovil and they are a state. The only stall in the men's looked like a dirty protest, with paper over the floor and water up to rim of the bowl. The disabled was no better. I saw a turd that looked like Arnie should be carrying it over his shoulder during the open of Commando. I did a cursory flush, but I knew that wasn't going to shift it and it didn't.


So I was just left with the secret third option of the baby changing room. Where my own movement could best be described as a mud slide. It was a half a roll job where you need to flush half way through so you don't block it with paper.

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My liver started playing up when I started some rheumatology meds(they can also be used for chronic skin conditions) when I was diagnosed with chronic Psoriatic Arthritis. My LFT(Liver Function Test) results were sky high, and the consultant said it was like I had necked boxes full of paracetamol(Like you, I hadn't).


Took about 6 weeks after ditching the meds for my liver to go back to normal...


So hang in there, it might just be a case of getting the stuff out of your system!Ā 

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