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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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Shame you didn't do Vietnam it really is unique compared to other countries in the region. Although I'd say you won't like it if you hop in and out. Best thing is to go between the two ends either by bike or train and see some of the bits between the town's and cities as the people and sights are the best bit between the hot spots

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Boss : “Anyone know anybody in ITN who I can call” (ITN are a shipping agent/network)

Ciarán (Colleague) : “Trevor McDonald”

Got a light nose exhale chuckle out of me on a dull morning, anyway.

Boss : “In my office now, Ciarán”

Ciarán comes out of the office like a bull after being reprimanded.  

This just happened a few minutes ago. Absolutely mental carry on by the top brass there.

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Trevor McDonald? When was the last time Ciaran watched the ITV News?


Ah c'mon, Ciarán is around my age (35 or 36), so the acronym ITN would be synonymous with wee Trev.


I'd reprimand everyone if no-one made that gag when I asked the question.

This. Absolutely, Si. It was there for the taking, really wasn't it? If he didn't, someone else fucking should have.


Fuck that place Branquey, miserable old cunt of a boss you have there. Needs to lighten the fuck up.

It can be absolutely horrific sometimes for the people who haven't been here over 15 years, Brewster.

I got bollocked a while back for commenting after a muttered coughing outbreak from a few people in the office, that it sounded like I was listening to a game of snooker.

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This the same divot who decided to put you on 'fake disciplinary' because he's too frightened to say that something isn't racism, when it isn't?


Shit on his desk, Scott. It's the only way. Lay a massive cable and walk away while putting on your shades and playing 'Won't Get Fooled Again' on your phone.

Edited by Gus Mears
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This is a different boss, Stavo. The boss who gave me the faux disciplinary was a lass - who's actually alright on the whole, in fairness.
The lad who gave Ciarán the curly finger is the 'Manager Manager'.

Just a bizarre place to work at times, but you're absolutely right. A big brown trout hidden somewhere around his workspace followed by the shades, grin and Won't Get Fooled Again playing, is well in order.


Very sad to be working in a place like this, compared to a place I was for 11 years where it was one of the funniest, best environments you could hope for during a working day. But a gigs a gig, as they say.

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Place sounds a nightmare. Apart from the fact it pays the bills is there anything keeping you there?


Well...not really, Destro. I'm quite an outgoing person, as are one or two others here, and this place kind of kicks that side

of your personality clean out of you during working hours.

Girl I work with; one of the bubbliest, friendliest people  you could ever hope to meet, with glorious, infectious energy used to bound in and say a big "Good morning" to everyone. Not any more because people "tut". Apparently it's not so good a morning.

I am on the lookout, but for the interim, it pays the bills, aye, and I got kids to feed...


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Place sounds a nightmare. Apart from the fact it pays the bills is there anything keeping you there?


I am on the lookout, but for the interim, it pays the bills, aye, and I got kids to feed...




That's all you can do really Malbz, just try and not let it get to you like your bubbly pal. The place I work can be a pain in the arse for similar things sometimes. Just a case of trying to not let it bother you and make sure you mentally switch off at 5 o'clock each day. Or 4. Or 3 sometimes, whenever you stop being arsed.


In unrelated news, just been in to the bogs at our place to make a delivery and witnessed the mythical 5 trap bonanza, whereby each of the 5 stalls already contains a fella with a strained look on his face and his trousers round his ankles. Some of them may also be having shits. I forced as long a piss as I could out instead to make myself feel like I'd not completely wasted the journey.

Edited by cobra_gordo
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Public transport horror stories is almost threadworthy. When I am on my deathbed, I'll look back and think about the weeks of my life I spent waiting for delayed First Great Western Tonka Trains.


Once I asked a woman if I could take the seat next to her out of courtesy and she looked at me sharply and said "No! You can't!". Not because anyone else was there, just because she was an irredeemable bitch. I was so shocked I just kept walking up the train, dazed, hurt and confused like I'd walked outside the night after one of Michael Barrymore's pool parties.

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I've just had some absolute gutter muck and her 11 kids walk through 3 empty carriages to sit beside me. Out if sheer stubbornness I've refused to give and am now listening to Doreen effing and blinding about how her ex is a bawbag, prick and Wee tadgered arsehoke.

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