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Room 101 - Wrestlers and Personalities

Liam O'Rourke

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So, for this week's podcast (at the suggestion of Air Raid~!) we're doing a show based off the old Room 101 television show, where we're looking for you to submit one nomination for a wrestler or wrestling personality from any point in time that you wish to be banished to oblivion for good, and why you want them in Room 101.


You can be as flexible with the nomination as you like - it can be a certain period of a wrestler's career (American Bad Ass Undertaker, for example), or if you really dislike someone's body of work you can just toss their entire career in there. You can be obscure as you like in who you choose, it really comes down to the person (wrestler or personality) that always grinded your gears the most, and your explanation will be key in whether or not the panel agrees on the show to banish your suggestion to Room 101.


As always, the best nominations will be read and you'll be credited accordingly. So who has always annoyed you personally enough to go into Room 101 and why?


EDIT - Our Room 101 (Wrestlers and Personalities) show, featuring many of your contributions is now online and available to listen to at the following link: http://squaredcirclegazette.podbean.com/mf/play/mgz6ui/SCG_Radio_76_-_Room_101_Wrestlers_and_Personalities.mp3

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Dolph fucking Ziggler


I hate his half eaten bowl of noodles haircut, his Billy Gunn knock off short tights, his Brian Pillman knock off long tights, that shitty Denim waste coat and headband thing he wears now everything about his look is just shit.


Then there's the way he's only ever really been over when he was paired up with two of the most overrated and annoying female characters of the last 10 years, AJ Lee and Vickie Guerrero.


He has absolutely no idea about the concept of selling, see every ladder match he's ever been in as an example, particularly that ladder match where he took that stupid bump over the announce table then was running up a ladder not selling the injury 5 minutes later.


Then there's his pandering to the smarks, who somehow treat him like he's one of the indie darlings like Bryan, Punk, Styles, Steen etc when in reality he's a complete WWE creation just like Roman Reigns who they boo out the building every week.


Then there's his Twitter handle @heelziggler - he's a fucking face


They should never have let him out of that crate that DX sent him and the rest of the Spirit Squad back down to OVW in, in fact Chavo should just have caved his head in with a 5 iron, he's beyond shit. Into room 101 with him


Dino Bravo. I hated him back when I was little, not in a  "that guys a bastard, boo, I hope Koko B Ware kills him" way but in a "we get one hours worth of wrestling a week at 3am or whatever time it was which I record and religiously watch it but I fast forward through anything with him on" way. What was his gimmick? that he was strong? they're all fucking strong, they're wrestlers, of course they're strong! Geoff Capes was strong but I wouldn't want to see him in his pants stinking up the ring. And his pants, that rubbish baby blue colour, they looked shit. I can't remember any matches of note he had or any particular fueds, he was always just there being shit, you could erase him from wrestling history and there wouldn't be any butterfly effect, he was NOTHING! first time I saw the wrestling, 1989 or something,  I was so excited to be there, all the seats had these promotional posters from Sky with Hogan on, we got there early and nobody else on my row had a poster by the time they got to their seats such was my excitement, and who do they wheel out in the main event - Dino fucking Bravo! a tag match with Hogan, Hacksaw, Macho Man and that blonde waste of life! to think of all the potential wrestling sperm that didn't make it yet he gets made.


ah he was shit, even when he died, a drive by shooting related to something to do with cigarette smuggling? fair play on the drive by shooting aspect but cigarette smuggling? fucks sake.


Stephanie fucking McMahon - Every time I hear the opening to her theme song, the raw fireworks and pyro ends and it starts...."Style and Grace...." and I just beg for my laptop to crash. Her fucking stupid, school nativity standard over acting, the way she talks down to talent and NEVER gets her comeuppance, the way in backstage interviews she appears taller than the Wrestlers and literally looks down on them, the way she has "I play a bad guy on TV" on her twitter handle, the way they show her at charity events and the next fucking segment is her being a vile heel I'm supposed to hate, the fact she can't book Wrestling, her fake tits, everything about the cow. As Vince Russo said "It was the biggest mistake the company ever made and one they still have not recovered from". Slag.


My second nomination is the current incarnation of The Road Dogg, basically for being a slimy, smarmy, suit wearing corporate bullshit artist, his constant head scratching statements on twitter make me ill, I honestly think there is something wrong with the weirdo. Don't tell me "ratings don't matter" or "wins and losses don't matter" you corn headed fuck, I just wish he'd get back on the meth and stop this nonsense.


Alberto Del Fucking Rio.


He can't get over these days as well as he did about 4 years ago. He's boring as fuck, his character has no charmisa, his moves don't look very entertaining or powerful, he CONSTANTLY tucks his stomach in to look more ripped when he's in the ring or talking to someone backstage... He's just shit


Hulk Hogan - Post 2002 - The minute he came out after WM18 in his NWO gear and not the Red/Yellow with Real American blaring It was over for me and clear that they had no clue what to do with him.


I stopped watching afterwards for a fair few years but have caught up with what he did since and well, it was all a bit shit wasn't it. 


He should have become the Babe Ruth character that Vince wanted him to be for a few years before retiring. Doing programmes leading into WrestleManias and SummerSlams every year until say retiring at WM25. 


He basically should have started the Part Time thing before Undertaker ran with it. Coming out every 6 months to do an angle. I think everybody would have been OK with that.


The problem with Hogan was that he wanted more, still wanted column inches and fame even though he was nearing his 50's. Thats why he and Vince didn't see eye to eye and if he was going to Wrestle, he would have to be numero uno and have to be champion. Something they even gave him, in shit circumstances.


His reality show was his real downfall though. The issues with his sons car crash (the phone calls from jail will make you sick) to his appearances on Stern and Bubba showing everybody what an out of touch buffoon he really is. 


He could have gone out a true legend, the greatest legend but decided that hollow fame which ruined his marriage and legacy was more important.


So 10 inch cock Hulk Hogan or Micro Penis Terry Bollea, whoever the fuck you are, you let me down, you let your industry down, but most of all you let yourself down. Thats why you are going in.


Firstly, I hope you get hold of the toilet flush sound effect for when something does get consigned to the room.


My nomination is the Heel Authority Figure. I was going to put The Authority at first, but then I realised that I haven't enjoyed a single Authority Figure for anout ten years - probably since Bischoff in WWE. In fact fuck it, let's use the current McMahon/Helmsley Authority as an example:


- They drone on and on and it sucks the life out of the start of the show. And the middle of the show. And sometimes the end of the show.


- Not a single new or fresh act has been created. At least when HHH did Evolution, he 'made' Randy Orton (yes, I know) and Batista. Fresh blood was elevated and pushed. In it's current incarnation, The Authority has included HHH, Stephanie, Podcast Favourite Kane, The Big Show, Randy Orton and now Vince. Sure Seth Rollins was their 'Future of the WWE', but he wasn't treated on the same level as HHH and Steph.


- As mentioned in the Steph part above, they never get their comeuppance. HHH occasionally will lay down when he fancies it, but there's no way anyone can give Steph a kicking because she's a girl and its not 1999. Nor should anyone hit women in 2016 - which is why she shouldn't be in the position she's in.


- Are they heel or face? HHH is the new internet NXT king and crotch chopping at the Rumble. Steph is leading the Divas Revolution. But they're both twats on a Monday night.


- And my biggest bug bear. Why do I, as a fan, want to spend money on a company who's bosses are complete arseholes.


My vote would be to have a Gorilla Monsoon type figure. He only appeared when neccessary.




Ok so people don't like chair shots to the head and I agree with that, thats not what Im debating.  What I hate is when in a no holds barred or Extreme Rules match a wrestler can get hit by a chair 10 times and still not be pinned.  Last Man Standing matches can see you being pulverized with a chair 20 times and you still meet the count of 10.  However in a normal singles match, with DQ's and count outs, you get hit by a chair and you are OUT!  Not just for a 3 count, but for the 3 count, the opponents celebration and then time for them to stand over you with the belt, make their way up the ramp, head to the locker room, get changed, wrestle in the corridor with Vince, shit in a Divas handbag, head to the car park, head to the airport, realise they have forgot their passport so head back to the arena, pick up their passport, find out their push is getting cancelled, head back to the airport and be on the plane before their opponent comes around.  


Am I meant to believe that in a no DQ match the wrestler prepares themselves so much that chair shots dont have the same usual effects?


Easy......Jimmy havoc.
That lad is everything pro wrestling needs with a character that is truly mental and doesn't give a shit. Out of character he is quality aswell but for those of you that want to watch a storyline so intense and to the bone watch jimmy havoc's heel turn at progress.
Nothing short of a modern day classic storyline and so well played out that you could not hate to love/hate/feel somewhat sexually attracted to the CUNT that jimmy is/was/will always be

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Firstly, I hope you get hold of the toilet flush sound effect for when something does get consigned to the room.


My nomination is the Heel Authority Figure. I was going to put The Authority at first, but then I realised that I haven't enjoyed a single Authority Figure for anout ten years - probably since Bischoff in WWE. In fact fuck it, let's use the current McMahon/Helmsley Authority as an example:


- They drone on and on and it sucks the life out of the start of the show. And the middle of the show. And sometimes the end of the show.


- Not a single new or fresh act has been created. At least when HHH did Evolution, he 'made' Randy Orton (yes, I know) and Batista. Fresh blood was elevated and pushed. In it's current incarnation, The Authority has included HHH, Stephanie, Podcast Favourite Kane, The Big Show, Randy Orton and now Vince. Sure Seth Rollins was their 'Future of the WWE', but he wasn't treated on the same level as HHH and Steph.


- As mentioned in the Steph part above, they never get their comeuppance. HHH occasionally will lay down when he fancies it, but there's no way anyone can give Steph a kicking because she's a girl and its not 1999. Nor should anyone hit women in 2016 - which is why she shouldn't be in the position she's in.


- Are they heel or face? HHH is the new internet NXT king and crotch chopping at the Rumble. Steph is leading the Divas Revolution. But they're both twats on a Monday night.


- And my biggest bug bear. Why do I, as a fan, want to spend money on a company who's bosses are complete arseholes.


My vote would be to have a Gorilla Monsoon type figure. He only appeared when neccessary.

Yeah, I gotta second this.


As good as Austin/McMahon was, the premise of it makes no sense - why are they employing someone they hate? Austin/McMahon I can forgive because it was amazing & the first time WWF had done it - but since then it's been a constant, and a bore at that. Why can't the wrestlers just feud? And how many times, and for how many years, do they need to run this same angle? And why do other promotions feel the need to copy it? 

It was done really well once - so move on. 


Yeah, I gotta second this.


As good as Austin/McMahon was, the premise of it makes no sense - why are they employing someone they hate? Austin/McMahon I can forgive because it was amazing & the first time WWF had done it - but since then it's been a constant, and a bore at that. Why can't the wrestlers just feud? And how many times, and for how many years, do they need to run this same angle? And why do other promotions feel the need to copy it? 


If you're worried about wrestling storylines making sense, you might as well stop watching.

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Yeah, I gotta second this.


As good as Austin/McMahon was, the premise of it makes no sense - why are they employing someone they hate? Austin/McMahon I can forgive because it was amazing & the first time WWF had done it - but since then it's been a constant, and a bore at that. Why can't the wrestlers just feud? And how many times, and for how many years, do they need to run this same angle? And why do other promotions feel the need to copy it? 


If you're worried about wrestling storylines making sense, you might as well stop watching.


I'm bored of the same angle running for the last 18 years. And yes, I'd like them to make sense. It's really not too much to ask.


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