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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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Got Gears of War 4 yesterday and loving it so far. Versus is more of the same with a few added modes, but when it's a good formula and only the 5th game in about a decade it doesn't feel overplayed.

Horde has been completely overhauled and with a good team is awesome, but annoying with a shit one. Co-op campaign is addictive, with me and my mate on the last Act after a marathon today, looking to finish it tomorrow.

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Ouch, I heard the new PC versions were a bag of broken shite but had no idea console versions crashed too.


Anyone playing the Xenoverse 2 beta on ps4? add catharsis93 for the coop missions if you like.

Gave it another go and it crashed again, lucky I saved only a few minutes earlier.


The first game seems to be the worst culprit. Also read about Infinite having frame rate issues but can't confirm this myself yet.

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The presentation of the story in Mafia 3 is outstanding, like watching a Scorsese movie. The soundtrack's Vice City level of great as well. I'm only a few hours in so it's hard to tell how the long open-world grind will fare, Mafia 2 had nothing to do outside of the main story (I still liked it) and aside from MGS and GTA, I've got bored long before the end of every other recent open-world games.


Having a great story, setting, soundtrack and nice weighty gunplay's a good start!

I have to agree on the music, some fairly sized chunks of change has been thrown around licensing all the music. The non-linear storytelling is good as well, it's pseudo documentary style talking heads and footage.


It's the game play that's lacking for me. The controls seem clunky and the driving isn't fun. If you don't get away from the area of a crime quick enough you immediately get 6 police cars chasing you out of nowhere. I want to see how the story plays out, but I can't be fucked to do the side missions.

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They are yank cars from the 60s, so the fact they have shitty handling and don't brake well is accurate. There is a real lack of sense of speed though. The speedo says I am doing 90, but the visuals make it look like you are dawdling around a supermarket car park looking for an empty spot.

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Video games should very rarely be "authentic", I'd rather have fun than be struggling to control an old lemon. The downfall of football games for me was when they decided to try and make things realistic and there were no arcadey alternatives post PS2 era. I've been playing a bit of Sniper Elite 3 recently and that does both sides really well, you can customise the game to play either gamey or realistic or a bit inbetween.

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Video games should very rarely be "authentic", I'd rather have fun than be struggling to control an old lemon. The downfall of football games for me was when they decided to try and make things realistic and there were no arcadey alternatives post PS2 era. I've been playing a bit of Sniper Elite 3 recently and that does both sides really well, you can customise the game to play either gamey or realistic or a bit inbetween.

I am playing on the arcade mode on Mafia 3. There is a "realistic" mode as well and I haven't tried it, but I can imagine the majority of vehicles are near unusable. The vehicles seem weighty when you throw them around corners, which feels good. Then you smack into another vehicle and it will go flying like it's a tin can which breaks immersion.

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Blur was decent too, but that and Split/Second sold like shit for some reason. Burnout Paradise is probably my last great racer that wasn't a Kart game.

I so want a current generation Burnout Paradise. Someone needs to badger Criterion games to make it, even a re-release with slightly updated graphics would give the horn. If EAST got Black Box studio back together to make a fourth Skate game I would get The Gush.
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