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Transformers Devastation is out?!!!

Yeah I've had it at least two weeks now. Its awesome.

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Mixed reviews? It's averaging a 9/10 score. Definitely get it. Of course it'll be full of glitches, every Bethesda game launches with them. They'll fix the bugs with patches before long. Same happened with Fallout 3, Skyrim etc.

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Enjoying Fallout 4 so far and I have had no serious problems as of typing this.


Gamers can be the absolute fucking worst when it comes to reviews though. Sites like Metacritic are full of fanboys, trolls and people with a vested interest, pretty sure a couple of people that worked on Dragon Age II were caught out posting positive reviews once.

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I've been playing Fallout on the Xbox One, which is the console that reviews have been saying has the most issues. So far my experience has been smooth and I haven't noticed the stutter issue that looked like it was going to be very frequent and distracting based on the video that Digital Foundry posted. 


I'm making sure that I save my game often though, because glitches are always lurking around the corner waiting to strike in these Bethesda games. A glitch that left me trapped in a room during my first playthrough of Fallout 3 taught me that lesson. 

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  • Awards Moderator

Sites like Metacritic are full of fanboys, trolls and people with a vested interest, pretty sure a couple of people that worked on Dragon Age II were caught out posting positive reviews once.

The Fallout: New Vegas team would have been awarded a bonus if they hit a certain Metacritic score. They missed it by one point.


Metacritic is one of the worst things in the industry. I completely agree with some sites' policies to remove scores.

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I'm loving Fallout 4 at the moment. Graphically, I think it's stunning and the weather system is fantastic.


That said the character animation is still far behind other games.


Got a feeling that the odd bits and pieces that your gong to find littered throughout thus game are going to be a joy to discover.


Now I just need a few weeks with no distractions to submerge myself into it.

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Only major glitches encountered so far was my dog being locked behind a cage door when I rested next to it, and jumping into a pool of water and having the game to go a load screen and never recover.

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Fallout is just too big for me to get involved with. To my shame, I have never properly got back in to Witcher 3 for the same reasons - it's just too daunting and there's too much.


I don't have that kind of time for gaming these days. Although I am playing through the Telltale Game of Thrones game at the minute and Super Meat Boy again because I never got around to finishing it before, I am itching for a proper game to play.


Any recommendations? Anything good coming up soon? Is the new Halo any good?

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Fallout is just too big for me to get involved with. To my shame, I have never properly got back in to Witcher 3 for the same reasons - it's just too daunting and there's too much.


I don't have that kind of time for gaming these days. Although I am playing through the Telltale Game of Thrones game at the minute and Super Meat Boy again because I never got around to finishing it before, I am itching for a proper game to play.


Any recommendations? Anything good coming up soon? Is the new Halo any good?

What about the new Tomb Raider game? That seems to be getting good reviews across the board and should fit your criteria of being a proper game but without being too large. From early reports the main game takes about 15-20 hours to complete and if you want to do all side quests and 100% it then that will take a total of 30-40 hours.

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The new Transformers game is worth a play, pretty short and as a Platinum game you're getting a super fluid combat system. It's a tad easier than Bayonetta/MGR/Vanquish etc but that's to be expected when it's aimed at more than just the "hardcore" gaming nerds.

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