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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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I think you'd be lost trying to jump on MGS with the HD collection, Tommy. The original game looks terrible now, but is still a must-play, not just because it's a classic (the story will definitely grab you), but also it's pretty essential if you want to understand what's going on in the sequels/prequels. It's cheap enough now that it'd definitely be worth trying out first, then see if you want to go on from there.


The first one is going to be really hard to play now though if you're used to modern games. Better to watch the major plotpoints on youtube.

I replayed it a few years ago and loved it even more. It looks shite to begin with, but after a while you get used to the dated graphics (I did anyway.)


Just dont play beautiful HD games inbetween play sessions.




The models didnt even have eyes. Tee Hee!

Edited by Rob Lowe
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If it's possible and you know someone with a Wii (or a Cube) perhaps Twin Snakes would be a better starting point. I still play that on occasion. Still confused as to why it wasn't used for flashbacks in MGS4, and why it wasn't part of the HD Collection either.

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Decided I'm gonna play Just Cause 2 again, that game is fucking awesome.


EA have published the list of free games for those people who own the new SimCity because of the online trouble the game has had. Surprisingly its a list with some big titles in there including Mass Effect 3, Battlefield 3, Dead Space 3, Need for Speed and Medal of Honour.


The new SimCity is good fun (when it works, which thankfully is most often now) but as usual has some glaring problems with it. Also pissed me off royally when I had a city with a 250k population (which is large given the limited city size) and making a large amount of money only for Godzilla to arrive and fuck it all up. He took out my nuclear plant which left almost the whole city with radiation which as far as I'm aware cant be fixed. Gonna play sandbox mode from now on as it turns disasters off. Normal mode has random disasters at any time, they dont happen often but this last one was an utter cunt.


The other main problem is the traffic AI or rather lack of it. All vehicles use the shortest route to the destination it want to end up at, even if it means sitting in an already large traffic jam. It also effects emergency service vehicles so you can have 16 fire engines all heading for a single fire so when another one happens, they are all at the wrong place to deal with it.

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An open world game is always going to sacrifice visuals

Nah, not always. Skyrim is one of the most beautiful games I've ever played, and Red Dead is no slouch graphically either.


Yeah, Battlefield is effectively an open-world game anyway, it's constantly streaming in geometry and textures as you progress. Its draw distance is fairly vast too, though not as far as Far Cry.


You really notice the popup on Far Cry. They have a nice system which loads in low-res static images of faraway bits of the island, then overlay it as you approach, but if you're really high up, like in a hanglider, you can see the pop in happening massively. You can also really easily out-reach the draw distance with a sniper rifle or binoculars, zooming in on a distant really low-res polygon.


That doesn't happen in Battlefield. They've got a much better engine underneath I suspect, that is culling graphics on things other than sheer distance - line of sight, field of view, that sort of thing. You hardly ever see popup.


And the audio is light years ahead. But then Battlefield's weapons are light-years ahead of everyone elses. For now ;)

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Going to buy a new Xbox. Is it not worth it getting a second hand one? I assume I may as well bay an extra 60 quid for a new one?


The slim model doesn't have the issues that the original bigger version had. It's now just as risky as buying any second hand electronics, in terms of not knowing user history, etc. There are plenty of good deals to be had online for new versions anyway.

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There's just so much to do, and so many wonderful things over the island. I was amazed last night when being attacked by someone with a flamethrower, that things don't just catch fire and then burn out, it spreads.


I'm getting to the stage now where I need more variety in my kills, but I guess you unlock those as you complete missions and level up?

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Does anyone play the Madden NFL games at all?


I've been having a bit of fun with the Madden Arcade Demo, and am thinking of picking up one of the full games. Is it worth picking up Madden '12 for

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Cheers. I went with Madden '12 in the end. Really looking forward to playing it. I've been wanting to get into the NFL for a good while. It sounds silly, but video games can be a good starting point for learning the basics.

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  • Paid Members
Going to buy a new Xbox. Is it not worth it getting a second hand one? I assume I may as well bay an extra 60 quid for a new one?



Keep an eye on Morrisons. they have sone cracking sales on sometimes. Got my PS3 from there last march for

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