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Bowler 2 - Electric Boogaloo (The end of the UKFF)


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No one is perfect not even you. But i have learned from my mistakes now and i had a good think about stuff and i will be a better persona nd talk better to people.


Thats all i say on this matter.


Thanks and sorry and hope people will give me a chance.

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No one is perfect not even you. But i have learned from my mistakes now and i had a good think about stuff and i will be a better persona nd talk better to people.


Thats all i say on this matter.


Thanks and sorry and hope people will give me a chance.

Was that a veiled jab while apologising? Never said i was perfect fella, far from it. In honesty, as far as this forum, and the people on it, goes, i would wager you're pretty much screwed due to how many times you've flipped out, gone back on your word, lost the plot etc. But i genuinely hope you mean what you're saying and stick to it.

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oh that was not my video, but I can get a full copy for u for £5


What about Trainspotting? Can you sort me a copy?



Eddie, that coupled with your avatar, and me reading that in Eddies voice, made that post highly amusing for me :D

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Mate whats the point of that comment we having a nice conversation without threats and nasty stuff and you come along and be a not so nice person.


No need for it life is 2 short


In the past with my threats and stuff i would like to say sorry to anyone i have made threats to and i would like to make things right with everyone and prove i can be a good promoter and willing to listen and learn.

You've said sorry to me before, then acted like a bellend and challenged me to a fight again since? So why would i, or anyone here, believe this time will be any different? You have a solid track record for talking out of your ass.

To be fair to Bowler you are the second worst poster in this thread after him, and had the threats and abuse coming.

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Mate whats the point of that comment we having a nice conversation without threats and nasty stuff and you come along and be a not so nice person.


No need for it life is 2 short


In the past with my threats and stuff i would like to say sorry to anyone i have made threats to and i would like to make things right with everyone and prove i can be a good promoter and willing to listen and learn.

You've said sorry to me before, then acted like a bellend and challenged me to a fight again since? So why would i, or anyone here, believe this time will be any different? You have a solid track record for talking out of your ass.

To be fair to Bowler you are the second worst poster in this thread after him, and had the threats and abuse coming.



Ummm what??? 

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