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WWE World Super Lightweight Title


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No, and like I've said, its a work. It's not real and actual weights wouldn't mean a great deal.

Which underscores how stupid and pointless it is.


Maybe doing this would do away with the whole 'Mid Card' thing altogether.........I don't know.

Do away with the mid card how?


Creating a little importance in the women got them a main event in Brooklyn in front of 15,000 people.

What is this a reference to?


That would never have happened 10 years ago so who knows. You build a division and the importance of 6 or 7 people and it's not the WWE Heavyweight title, who knows, it might happen in time.

Without weight limits, everyone has already fought everyone a million times. If you're only allowed to fight people in the same weight class as yourself, that problem gets magnified massively. And you might get a big WrestleMania match out of that segregation with a Rey Mysterio vs Big Show type thing, but the road to get to that special attraction would be worse than what they already do.


Wrestling has moved on from the "push teh cruisers" days. The last two WrestleManias finished with little fellas winning the proper belt. Restricting them to their weight class means they'd have had a ten-way match notable only for Ultimo Dragon's inability to walk down a ramp, and they'd be bathed and in their pyjamas by the time the big men closed the show. Who does it benefit? Who would rather have Taka Michinoku's WWF/E career than Seth Rollins'?

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Which underscores how stupid and pointless it is.


Not really, to quote from the CMLL World Welterweight title wiki

The official definition of the Welterweight division in Mexico is a person between 70 kg (150 lb) and 78 kg (172 lb) but is not strictly adhered to these days.


I dont know where I said restrict to weight classes. 


Do away with the mid card how? 


Maybe there is a programme where the two guys in the Lightweight division are given more time and 'getting over'. It culminates with a PPV Main Event. Now, it's not necessarily doing away with the Mid Card, more like shaking up the Main Event from time to time, as opposed to Heavyweight matches always going on last. But I understand that it is a very unrealistic outcome because wrestling has always been about the main belt.


What is this a reference to?


 Not focusing all of they're energy on the men and Heavyweight division


Without weight limits, everyone has already fought everyone a million times. If you're only allowed to fight people in the same weight class as yourself, that problem gets magnified massively. And you might get a big WrestleMania match out of that segregation with a Rey Mysterio vs Big Show type thing, but the road to get to that special attraction would be worse than what they already do.

Wrestling has moved on from the "push teh cruisers" days. The last two WrestleManias finished with little fellas winning the proper belt. Restricting them to their weight class means they'd have had a ten-way match notable only for Ultimo Dragon's inability to walk down a ramp, and they'd be bathed and in their pyjamas by the time the big men closed the show. Who does it benefit? Who would rather have Taka Michinoku's WWF/E career than Seth Rollins'? 


50/50 booking and everybody facing each other 20 times and then facing each other again but this time on PPV is another argument all together. Thats why I don't watch it anymore, baring a SummerSlam or WM.


Maybe changing the way they book TV could help with that aspect. 

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Not really, to quote from the CMLL World Welterweight title wiki

The official definition of the Welterweight division in Mexico is a person between 70 kg (150 lb) and 78 kg (172 lb) but is not strictly adhered to these days.


I dont know where I said restrict to weight classes. 


Sorry, but I can't see the point of having a Lightweight, Middleweight and Heavyweight title in that case. It's just names, like IC, US and World, why change it?


Oh, also, CMLL can do what they do with the titles as they have a roster of over 100. Also, in Mexico wrestling isn't too hung up on belts like US wrestling. Lucha's important matches are Luchas de Apuestas rather than ones for titles. So it's a different wrestling culture altogether.

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It's tough to justify something giving titles more meaning when you're comparing it to what CMLL does. CMLL titles are utterly meaningless. They aren't worth squat. You need a database to work out who's even got any of the belts.


It's modern day wrestling, weight differences are irrelevant.

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Sugar Ray Robinson fought at heavyweight? I know he challenged for the light heavyweight title but I didn't know he fought heavyweight.


My mistake, but it's still one hell of an achievement

Ah right, wasn't having a pop by the way. But yeah, amazing stuff.
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Why not rebrand Smackdown as WCW and have a 2nd lot of titles? Not a brand split per se but have more belts to fued for.


WWE World Heavyweight Title - WCW World Heavyweight title

WWE Intercontinental Title - WCW Intercontinental title

WWE Lightweight Title - WCW Lightweight title


Would more people watch a different looking product?

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I don't subscribe to the Observer, so don't know if they are right but cagesideseats quoted them of saying they are looking to put on a Cruiserweight tournament this summer on the WWE network.


It would most likely be guys who are not on WWE TV or NXT yet and would be a round robin style tournament like the G1 climax over 10 weeks, La Sombra was mentioned and I guess someone like Zach Sabre Jr has been rumoured to sign.


It probably doesn't add more subscribers but would make the indy fans happy and could maybe create a buzz for one or two guys who look good in the tournament.

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Why not rebrand Smackdown as WCW and have a 2nd lot of titles? Not a brand split per se but have more belts to fued for.


WWE World Heavyweight Title - WCW World Heavyweight title

WWE Intercontinental Title - WCW Intercontinental title

WWE Lightweight Title - WCW Lightweight title


Would more people watch a different looking product?

Because wcw is deemed the overall loser in the Monday night wars and by programmes on the network. Why rebrand smackdown as a loser?

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Why not rebrand Smackdown as WCW and have a 2nd lot of titles? Not a brand split per se but have more belts to fued for.


WWE World Heavyweight Title - WCW World Heavyweight title

WWE Intercontinental Title - WCW Intercontinental title

WWE Lightweight Title - WCW Lightweight title


Would more people watch a different looking product?

So all the wrestlers would be wrestling for WWE and WCW?


Just rename it the terrible ideas thread.

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I'd rather they scrapped one of the midcard belts than did any re-naming shit. It's always been odd to me that they've got two midcard belts that are roughly the same level of importance but sometimes move up or down the ladder depending on whose holding them. Right now, the IC title is on a bigger star than the US title and so is probably a bigger deal, whereas last year when Cena was US Champ, that was obviously the more important of the two.


At least back when they had the European title it was always obvious that was a few rungs below the IC. They could really do with establishing which is the more important belt, or preferably just scrap one.

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